
Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

author:Xiaomei told you

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets, and spy activities have existed in all eras since ancient times. In modern society, with the development of science and technology, the means of infiltration of spies are becoming more and more sophisticated. However, it is not difficult for the people's soldiers to see through the enemy's conspiracy. Let's walk into this article together and appreciate the story of how those heroic people's soldiers saw through the conspiracy of the Kuomintang spies and guarded the motherland. Have you ever wondered what would have happened to the motherland if they had not seen through the enemy's conspiracy at that time?

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

A story that takes place in the 60s of the last century. At that time, the remnants of the Kuomintang were really engaged in a lot of sneaky things in Taiwan, and they were thinking about how to subvert New China all day long. They often send spies to infiltrate the mainland in an attempt to assassinate leaders, gather intelligence, and sabotage production and construction. However, the soldiers of our party are not vegetarians, and they can always make those Kuomintang spies fall short.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

They have prepared a bunch of fake identities for themselves, pretending to be various identities to blend into the mainland, such as pretending to be survivors of shipwrecked ships, pretending to be businessmen, disguised as ordinary people, and other various tricks. Some spies even bribed crew members to smuggle into the country. But no matter how they disguise themselves, our valiant soldiers can see through it at a glance.

For example, there is a spy named Ni Weile from Shandong, and his superiors sent him to the mainland to collect intelligence. As a result, this kid began to pretend to be a ghost in Hong Kong, concocted a bunch of so-called "documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" and "documents of the State Council" and other false information, and then returned to Hong Kong and handed over to the Taiwan side. When the experts on the Taiwan side saw it, they immediately saw through that these documents were fake, and that the wording was so sick that even a junior high school student could not write such a low-level error.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

Ni Weile, whose cultural level is too low, doesn't know how to imitate the tone of the leader's speech. At that time, the spies in charge of forging documents were all people with a certain degree of cultural accomplishment, at least at the level of "literati". This kid wants to get away with being illiterate, and of course he immediately reveals his stuffing.

Speaking of the fact that the Kuomintang sent spies to assassinate my leader, not to mention how outrageous it was. For example, there was a guy named Zhu Shanape, and Chiang Kai-shek personally sent him to assassinate Chen Yi, Rao Shushi and other leading comrades. As a result, as soon as this kid arrived in Shanghai, he was caught by our authorities and sentenced to death. At the end of 49, Taiwan also sent an old spy named Feng Qizeng to assassinate Chen Yi, but this person was arrested before he could find a chance.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

The comrades of our party have really been able to deal with these petty spies. For example, there was a guy named Pang Qingyun, whom Chiang Kai-shek instructed to blow up a large power plant in Shanghai. If it really blows up, more than half of Shanghai's factories will have to stop production, and the logistics and supplies of the people's army will be affected. But this kid didn't even go out of the Shanghai Railway Station, so he saw through it. There is also a guy named Zhang Xiuping, who tried to blow up the Nine Bridges Bridge when it was completed, but was shot dead by our bridge guards.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

This was just the beginning, in the late 60s, Chiang Kai-shek went completely crazy, counting on taking advantage of the temporary economic difficulties of the mainland to "counterattack the mainland". As a result, all major secret agencies sent a large number of "unarmed" agents to infiltrate and collect intelligence as preparations for a "counteroffensive". Even heavyweight secret agencies such as the "Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Defense" have joined the carnival.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

However, when these spies come to the mainland to do business, they are just like they come to get money to do things, and they are doing very stupid things. For example, a spy pretended to be the uncle of a soldier who died in the line of duty to come to the army, and was asked by the soldier and did not know, and he was found out on the spot. Some spies directly pretended to be martyrs and fabricated false information. When our soldiers saw it, they really exposed the tricks of these spies.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

When these spies were trained, they were always indoctrinated with false information about some "revolutionary heroes", and as a result, they were all exposed on the battlefield. For example, there was a spy named Zhang Yongqing, whose superiors instilled that there was a "revolutionary hero" named "Li Yue" on the mainland, but when he came to the mainland, he soon found that there was no such person at all. In the end, when these spies were found out by us, they could only think that they had been deceived.

Kuomintang spies pretended to be martyrs' uncles, but they were exposed because of the reimbursement of train tickets

Generally speaking, the attempt of the Kuomintang spies to subvert our new China in those days was as ridiculous as a dream. With wisdom and courage, our brave soldiers thwarted all their plots and guarded the peace of the motherland. Looking at these bizarre and interesting stories, do you also respect those heroes who sang and cried back then? Let us always remember their exploits and cherish the peaceful years of the motherland#头条首发大赛! #

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