
Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions
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Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

The happy days didn't last long. With Song Dandan's status in the entertainment industry increasing day by day, the contradictions between husband and wife began to appear. Yingda began to feel that her self-esteem was frustrated, and Song Dandan, who was busy with work, had difficulty juggling her family.

The communication between the two gradually decreased, and sometimes they could not speak a word for several days.

When Batu was 5 years old, fate seemed to give the family a turnaround. The TV series "I Love My Home" directed by Yingda was a huge success, bringing a glimmer of hope to this family on the verge of breakdown.

It's just the calm before the storm. While working on the crew, Yingda developed a relationship with an actress, which became the last straw that broke the marriage.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

When Song Dandan found out about her husband's betrayal, the anger and disappointment in her heart erupted like a volcano. The once sweet memories become bitter in this moment, and the vows of the past seem so fragile in the face of betrayal.

Eventually, after a heated argument, Yingda and Song Dandan made the decision to end the marriage.

For Batu, who is only 5 years old, the divorce of his parents is undoubtedly a huge blow. He had to witness his beloved parents go their separate ways, and he himself became the biggest victim of this marital tragedy.

Little Batu couldn't fully comprehend what was happening, but he was keenly aware that his familiar family life was about to be turned upside down.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

The breakdown of this marriage is not only the end of the relationship between two adults, but also the death of a child's happy childhood. It profoundly affected Batuu's upbringing, leaving scars in his young mind that would not heal.

This family, which was originally full of laughter, finally failed to escape the fate of too many marriages in the entertainment industry, and turned into an embarrassing tragedy.

After the divorce, Yingda's behavior was shocking. Not only did he quickly remarry, but he also seemed to have completely left Batu behind his son. For this young child, the sudden absence of the father was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Indah's neglect and rejection of Batu gradually escalated to an incredible level. When Batu was 13 years old, an incident completely torn the father-son relationship.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

Batu's beloved grandfather had passed away, and as a filial grandson, he naturally wanted to be able to attend the funeral and say his final goodbyes to his grandfather. However, Indah was adamantly opposed and even stopped Batu at the door when he arrived at the scene with a wreath.

Imagine a 13-year-old child, with the longing for his grandfather and the expectation of his father, but being turned away by his biological father at the funeral. Batu stood outside the door, tears streaming down his face, his heart filled with disappointment in his father and longing for his grandfather.

This scene deeply pierced Batu's young heart and became an eternal scar in his heart.

However, Yingdah's apathy did not stop there. Not only did he reject Batu in action, but he also publicly denied that Batu was his son on several occasions. He declares that Batu is not surnamed Ying, as if to completely sever all contact with the child.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

This public denial undoubtedly caused great psychological trauma to Batu, making him feel that he was an unwanted and unloved child.

At the same time, Yingda is extremely enthusiastic about her new family. He calls himself an "all-round dad", not only picking up and dropping off the children himself, but also cooking and even serving as a coach.

This stark contrast highlights his indifference to Batu, and it also makes Batu's psychological trauma even deeper.

Batu could only watch all this in silence, his heart full of pain and jealousy. He couldn't understand why his father could abandon him so easily and care so much for his other children.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

This feeling of abandonment and neglect, like a thorn in Batu's heart, has not only not lessened, but has become clearer and more painful as time passes.

Whenever Batu saw a report on the news about how Indah loved his brother, his heart grew heavier. His father's dedication to his new family was a silent taunt to Batu, a reminder of how he had been forgotten and abandoned.

This continued neglect and rejection had a profound impact on Batu's growth. It affects not only his self-esteem, but also his understanding and trust in intimate relationships.

Batu had to grope his way up in an environment without his father's love, learning how to find self-worth in this lack of emotion.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

Despite the loss of his father's love, Batu was not struck down by fate. With the support of his mother Song Dandan and stepfather Zhao Yuji, he began his own path of growth and proved with his own efforts that he can gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive entertainment industry even without the support of his father.

Although Zhao Yuji is not Batu's biological father, he has given Batu meticulous care. Not only does he take care of Batu in his daily life, but he also thinks foremost about his future.

When Batu became an adult, Zhao Yuji resolutely decided to send him to study abroad to broaden his horizons, which can be seen in the depth of his fatherly love. This experience not only allowed Batu to gain valuable knowledge, but also made him experience true fatherly love, which made up for the gap in his heart.

After returning to China, Batu decided to follow in his parents' footsteps and step into the entertainment industry. Although his appearance is not outstanding and his figure is slightly obese, Song Dandan still fully supports his son's dream.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

She used her connections in the circle to secure many valuable performance opportunities for Batu. In the face of these opportunities, Batu did not live up to his mother's expectations, but cherished them, worked diligently, and constantly improved his acting skills.

Gradually, Batu's efforts began to pay off. In "The Legend of Miyue", he played the role of King Yingdang of Qin Wu and left a deep impression on the audience. Later, in "Li Spring's Spring", the role of Shen Guangming he created won the love of the audience.

These roles not only show Batu's acting skills, but also allow him to establish his own image in the hearts of the audience.

In 2016, Batu participated in the program "Crossover Singer", which became another turning point in his career. In the show, he not only showed his singing talent, but also won the love of the audience with his sincere attitude.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

In the end, he won the title of "The Most Popular Crossover Male Star of the Year", which is not only an affirmation of his talent, but also a reward for his efforts.

While his career is thriving, Batu's personal life is also sweet. He met his current wife Wang Bogu in the crew. The two met and fell in love because of their common interests and hobbies, and eventually came together.

Wang Bogu's thoughtfulness and understanding brought endless warmth and support to Batu, making up for the trauma of his lack of fatherly love as a child.

Batu's success proves that even in the face of adversity, with a strong will and the right guidance, anyone can overcome difficulties and realize self-worth. He used his own experience to tell the world that a person's success depends not only on the genes of his parents, but also on his own efforts and the support of those around him.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

Batu's story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational legend who rose up in adversity.

As Batu's position in the entertainment industry becomes more and more solid, his success seems to awaken Yingda's long-dormant father's love. Yingda began to make various suggestive actions in an attempt to rebuild relations with Batuu.

He hinted that Batu should inherit the Ying family's surname, and even asked his current wife's children to post related videos on social media, in an attempt to evoke the long-forgotten father-son relationship.

These sudden "concerns" are particularly glaring in Batu's eyes. Years of neglect and hurt have left scars in Batu's heart that will not heal.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

In the face of his father's actions, Batu chose to remain silent. This silence is not forgiveness, but a wordless indictment of those who have been deprived of fatherly love and the joy of childhood.

As a mother, Song Dandan can't stand Yingda's behavior. She directly exposed Yingda's hypocrisy on social media, criticizing his actions only to save her image, rather than out of genuine fatherly love.

Song Dandan's words are sharp, expressing the bitterness of being a single mother for many years and her dissatisfaction with her ex-husband's behavior.

Faced with such a situation, Batu chose to respond in a unique way. He posted a thought-provoking video on social media that uttered the nine-character motto "It's okay, it's not important, it's not forced."

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

Behind these seemingly relaxed words, Batu's sadness and helplessness over the years are hidden. It is not only a summary of the past, but also an expectation for the future, and a reconciliation of one's own heart.

The ultimate test of this father-son relationship not only exposes Yingdah's dereliction of duty over the years, but also shows Batu's maturity and wisdom in the face of this painful memory. He chose to forgive, but that doesn't mean forgetting or forgiving.

This attitude may be the key to his ability to move forward without being haunted by the shadows of the past. In his own way, Batu tells the world that he is no longer the little boy who longs for his father's love, but an adult who can face life independently.

Batu understands the importance of fatherly love to the development of children. With his actions, he explained what true fatherly love is—not only to provide material security, but also to give spiritual love and understanding.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

He always pays attention to the needs of children and strives to be a spiritual guide for them, guiding them to grow up healthy and happy.

In his daily life, Batu always finds time to spend with his children as much as possible. He is not only involved in the child's daily life, but also patiently listens to the child's ideas and gives appropriate guidance.

This kind of intimate father-son relationship is exactly what Batu longed for most in his childhood but failed to obtain.

Batu's attitude is undoubtedly the best response to Yingda. He proved that he can be a good father even if he is not nourished by his father's love.

Abandoning his wife and children, giving birth to children but not raising them, the 62-year-old Yingda still paid the price for his actions

This is not only a healing of one's own childhood trauma, but also a responsibility to the next generation.

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