
Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

author:Yuehao narrated
Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

There is a big gap in development between countries, and many people are not satisfied with the existing living conditions, and always feel that the moon is rounder abroad, is this really the case?

Send these people directly to Zamyn-Uud in Mongolia, and let them experience the local life without water and electricity.

Mongolia is adjacent to the mainland, especially Zamyn-Uud, which is located on the border between the two countries, but the people here live in hardship, the infrastructure is not perfect, and even the water and electricity have to rub off on our country.

In the 21st century, who can believe that there is still a place on earth where there is no tap water.

Curious? Is the country poor? Or do they just want to gather wool?

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

1. Mongolia: Zamyn-Uud

Mongolia is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, it is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south.

However, the country is very small, the population is not large, the main development is animal husbandry, the industrial base is weak, and the people's living standards are not comparable to ours.

Zamyn-Uud is a small county town in Mongolia with an area of only 460 square kilometers.

However, the geographical location is quite unique, it can also be said to take the lead, just bordering the mainland territory, if you go from the mainland to Zamyn-Uud, you only need to walk 9 kilometers, across the river can greet the people on the other side, it is really close.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

Despite the small size of this small county, it is the first passage between Mongolia and the mainland, and it is also the first stop to the mainland.

Taken literally, Zamyn-Uud means "gate of passage". Since ancient times, this county town has been an important hub for cultural and economic exchanges between the two countries.

It is a place where not only Chinese culture, but also Western culture, has direct access to the European continent, and has become a gathering place for merchants from many countries to develop projects, negotiate business, and trade goods.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the mainland and Mongolia have become closer in exchanges and trade cooperation, and many times they have to pass through this small county, which shows its strategic significance.

Of course, the Mongolian government also saw this and took advantage of it, and in 2004, they set up a free trade zone in the county.

The so-called free trade zone allows many countries to trade here, abolish tariffs, and provide more convenience, which is conducive to driving the overall economic development and promoting cooperation and exchanges between the two countries in various fields.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

Today, Zamyn-Uud is now more and more convenient for transportation, mainly by road and rail, which directly connects Russia and China, and has become a transit point between the two countries.

Every year, a large amount of Chinese goods are sold from here to Russia, and similarly, Russian commodities are shipped to China through here.

This is a benefit for the people of the three countries, people can come into contact with different cultures, taste different cuisines, and merchants can also find more business opportunities.

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Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

3. Zamyn-Uud has difficulty in using water and electricity

As you can see from the map, Zamyn-Uud was a trade route between China and Mongolia, facilitating trade between the two countries.

Although this small county town is strategically located, it is not the political and cultural center of Mongolia, let alone the economic center, and it is still relatively backward.

Every day, you can see a variety of vehicles here, most of them merchants, busy transporting their goods to their destinations.

Why does it attract businessmen? This is mainly due to the tariff-free policy.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

Looking at the life of the local people, it is mainly small traders who gather in the market and find a small stall to start a business.

The income of the people here is very average, compared with those big foreign businessmen, it seems out of place, and it can be seen from the way they dress that the living standards of the local people are not high.

This small border county has a harsh natural environment, located in the plateau area, and most of the year is dominated by drought, and water resources are very scarce, so people have to cope with the test of nature.

If it is to develop crop farming, water irrigation is a big problem, and if it is to develop animal husbandry, the same problem will appear again, and even the people's daily water will rub against our country's tap water.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

If you want to use tap water, or to irrigate crops, you need to have a water pump, and the pump must be supported by electricity. As a result, electricity is also a resource that is lacking in the local area, and the power supply is not available all year round, so how can it be possible to ensure the normal water supply of residents.

In order to alleviate this situation, Mongolia turned to the mainland for our support.

As a big country, China has always been very helpful, not only supporting the supply of electricity, but also providing equipment for the operation of water pumps, so that residents can truly achieve water freedom, which is not easy.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

Although the problem of electricity has been solved, it can only solve the problem of water use in a small area, and the lack of water is still a thorny problem for the entire county town of Zamyn-Uud.

Especially during the annual drought period, not to mention that the crops in the field cannot survive, even the people are extremely short of water.

We can take a shower and wash our clothes every day, and they may only be able to take a shower once a week, or even longer.

Mongolia has long considered the needs of people's livelihood and directly approached the mainland for negotiations, and it is obvious that it has come to ask for help.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

They wanted to bring water from Erenhot to the county.

The idea is very good, but the complex geographical conditions, coupled with political and other factors, this plan can only stay on paper and has not been implemented so far.

Later, with the slogan of "One Belt, One Road", Mongolia was the first to choose to join, and continued to promote the relationship between the two countries, the opportunity for Zamyn-Uud came.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

It can not only obtain the stable power supply provided by China to ensure the electricity consumption of residents, but also cover the electricity consumption of industry.

Later, Zamyn-Uud's government asked China to help them build power stations and plan new transmission lines, which would increase the supply of electricity and solve the problem at the root.

A new power conversion station is currently being built in the heart of Zamyn-Uud.

Of course, the start and success of this project is inseparable from China's help, and our country will give great help in terms of financial and human resources, including the supply of steel and the transportation of technicians.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

In addition, there are many people here who can speak Chinese, and even use RMB, because there is no shortage of Chinese businessmen, who will gradually speak Chinese after a long relationship, and they can also use RMB when trading.

At present, many countries can use RMB for trade between countries, and in the near future, RMB will also become one of the international currencies.

Although Zamyn-Uud's current water and electricity supply is still not up to full score, it is much better than before, and I believe that with the help of China and its own development, it will soon be able to drink the same tap water as China, and there will no longer be an embarrassing situation of power outages at any time.

In fact, our country was also like this in the 780s, when people in the countryside drank well water, and there were often power outages during the peak period of electricity consumption in summer, and no one wanted to start all over again during that hard time.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

3. Zamyn-Uud: The Rise of Tourism

As we all know, border cities generally play an important role in economic exchanges, and with the development of trade, tourism will slowly rise, and once developed into a tourist city, it is equivalent to issuing a business card to the world.

Seeing this, everyone must have a certain understanding of the small city of Zamyn-Uud, as a border city, if the infrastructure is done well, it will be followed by the rise of tourism?

That's right, many tourists nowadays yearn for the customs here, and the local government has done a lot of homework to attract tourists.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

A European-style railway station was built here, and a beautiful fountain was built in the railway station square.

The reason why the station was built vigorously is to make a strong first impression on foreign tourists. Standing in the sun after leaving the station, the top of the train station looks like a layer of silver light, which looks shining.

Many tourists were shocked after getting off the bus, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures and check in, and it is inevitable to post on social platforms, which is equivalent to advertising for free, I have to say that the local government still knows how to earn traffic.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

In addition to the efforts made in infrastructure construction, food export is also an indispensable part of tourism, because Mongolia has its own special eating habits, and the food is mainly beef and mutton.

Do you remember that during the mask period, they directly gave us a large batch of mutton, which received a lot of praise from the Chinese people, and there are still people who yearn for their food.

There are also some local special jewelry, small objects that you can't see in China, because they are tariff-free, the price is not high, and you can buy them directly if you like them.

According to the consumption habits of Chinese people, they will definitely bring gifts for family and friends, which has stimulated the local economic development.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

In order to ensure the safety of tourists, the government has also put a lot of effort into security, and has introduced a number of policies, all of which are aimed at improving local security.

Let tourists play as much as they want here, without worries, so that there can be more "repeat customers".

Visitors don't need to worry about language barriers, they can bring their own translation tools, and there are volunteers in many local places.

For example, public places such as train stations and squares can provide necessary assistance to tourists.

Tourists who have been there know that the tour guide is very caring, and will always remind tourists to pay attention to personal safety and explain the precautions in advance.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

For tourists on a budget, a trip to Zamyn-Uud is also a good choice, and its spending level is not high, even if it is a budget trip.

The key is that there will be a different experience, tourism is more of an experience, enriching the experience and beautifying the mood, these needs can be met here.


It can be seen that although Zamyn-Uud is a small county town, the future is promising.

This small place is small in size and has limited natural conditions, but the people are hardworking and the government is working hard to obtain resources and help to improve the embarrassing situation of insufficient water and electricity, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

At present, we are still vigorously developing tourism and driving local economic development, and this spirit of unremitting self-improvement is worth learning from.

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water


Look at the ups and downs of history2023-11-02

Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

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Mongolia's closest county town to China, using Chinese electricity, spending RMB, and wanting to drink our tap water

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