
A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

author:Yuehao narrated
A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

Uncle Sun is 50 years old this year, and his body is usually quite healthy, and he has no long-term bad eating habits, but he went for a physical examination some time ago and was actually diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Fortunately, Uncle Sun did a physical examination in time and discovered the disease, and it was not very difficult to treat it in the early stage.

When he was in the hospital, the doctor told Uncle Sun: "Control your diet and actively cooperate with the treatment, and the problem will not be big in the future, remember to come back for regular check-ups." ”

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

When he returned home, Uncle Sun did start to study the matter of nourishing his stomach. I learned from relatives and friends that bananas have a certain stomach-nourishing effect.

So I started to eat a banana every day, and with other treatments, a year later, the doctor gave Uncle Sun a physical examination again, and there was a surprise.

So can eating bananas really improve stomach cancer? What are the early symptoms of stomach cancer?

1. What factors are related to the occurrence of gastric cancer?

Gastric cancer is a disease with a very high incidence nowadays, and the main reason is the malignant tumor of gastric mucosal epithelial cells.

As a relatively serious cancer, the probability of cure is relatively high when detected at an early stage, but it is very difficult to treat it completely when it progresses to the middle and advanced stages.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

So, what is usually associated with the occurrence of stomach cancer?

Environmental factors: It can be said that this is a very important factor, because the environment has a very large impact on people's bodies, and this environment mostly refers to different regions. For example, in the eastern coastal areas of our country, the incidence of stomach cancer is relatively higher than in other regions.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

The reason for this situation is actually related to the local eating habits and living habits.

Genetic factors: There are relevant studies that show that gastric cancer is related to heredity, and there is familial aggregation. This means that if someone in the family suffers from a disease, especially a parent, then the next generation must have a much greater chance of developing stomach cancer than the general population.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

For people with a family history of the disease, gastroscopy is essential, so that it can be detected in time and the chance of stomach cancer can be reduced through certain preventive measures.

Helicobacter pylori: Helicobacter pylori can be said to be one of the important factors leading to gastric cancer, and it has a certain inducing effect.

Because when infected with Helicobacter pylori, chronic inflammation of the stomach will occur, and if it continues without active treatment, it may develop into stomach cancer.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

Stomach related diseases: Stomach diseases are actually a chronic disease, because many people will have some stomach diseases in the early stage, but they will lead to cancer without active treatment.

A common condition is stomach ulcers, which are a disease that can easily develop into stomach cancer. There is also chronic atrophic gastritis, which has a relatively higher chance of turning into stomach cancer.

Because stomach related diseases are too common in life, there are some symptoms that most patients will endure and think that it is okay to eat less or pay attention to their eating habits, and if they are not treated for a long time, it is easy to lead to cancer.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

Dietary factors: The stomach as a digestive organ is directly harmed by diet, which means that there is a problem with the ingredients we usually choose, and the direct damage is the stomach.

Or some bad eating habits, such as overeating, liking to eat greasy, high-salt, spicy food, etc., these eating habits are easy to lead to the occurrence of stomach diseases, and then cause precancerous lesions, and the probability of stomach cancer will be much higher.

These are some of the causes of disease, and if you can avoid them as much as possible in your life, you can effectively prevent cancer.

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A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

The early cure rate of gastric cancer is relatively high, and if you can follow the doctor's instructions during the treatment process, you can make gastric cancer heal faster. And Uncle Sun chose to eat bananas after returning home, so what kind of changes happened to his body a year later that surprised the doctor?

2. What are the changes in eating bananas in the early stage of stomach cancer?

It turned out that Uncle Sun's stomach condition was much better than before, and his condition did not deteriorate, and there were signs of improvement. The doctor was more curious about what Uncle Sun had done?

It turned out that Uncle Sun would choose to eat a banana every morning and cooperate with other eating habits, so he finally got such a result.

So does this fruit really work?

Bananas do play a role in preventing cancer because they contain resistant starch. Regarding the ability of bananas to prevent cancer, a relevant statistic has been published in cancer prevention research, that is, eating a green banana every day can achieve a comprehensive anti-cancer effect of 60%, including stomach cancer.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

Because bananas contain resistant starch, resistant starch has a relatively good anti-cancer and anti-cancer effect, especially for cancers of the digestive tract.

Therefore, Uncle Sun's choice to eat a banana every day does have a certain effect, of course, not only bananas play a role, but after returning home, he adjusted his personal diet and living habits according to the doctor's treatment plan, so that the recovery of stomach cancer is better.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

If you can continue to persist and cooperate with the doctor's treatment in the future, I believe that stomach cancer can be cured faster in the early stage.

The cure rate of lung cancer in the early stage is relatively high, but many people tend to ignore the symptoms that appear in the early stage, so what are the specific symptoms?

3. Early symptoms of gastric cancer

For diseases of the digestive organs, in fact, most of the symptoms are related to the digestive system. One of the more typical symptoms is rapid weight loss, accompanied by loss of appetite.

This is because the stomach has been invaded by tumors, destroying its normal physiological functions, because the digestive function is not normal, and naturally there is not much appetite.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

After losing appetite, people will lose weight rapidly without nutrient intake and absorption, and the whole person will also look unattractive.

Because the body needs to consume energy, cancer cells will also consume energy, and when the nutrient intake is insufficient, it will begin to consume its own stored nutrients, so the weight will fall faster.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

In the early stage of stomach cancer, there may be pain, mainly epigastric pain, which is likely to be persistent, and there is no relief from simply taking painkillers or stomach medicine.

This is because the tumor continues to grow, and the gastric mucosa is corroded, and the destructive power of the tumor will gradually increase, and the pain will become more and more serious.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

When this situation is detected, it is important to go for treatment as soon as possible.

In addition to this more typical pain sensation, there is also stomach pain. The earliest symptom of stomach cancer is actually stomach pain, but this pain is often overlooked.

Because many mild stomach diseases also have stomach pain, a constant dull ache that does not have any regularity.

Therefore, if there is frequent pain, it is best not to treat it as a simple stomach disease, but to do a gastroscopy and confirm it specifically.

Others may have significant acid reflux, as digestive disorders often present with these symptoms, especially after cancer.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

When the above symptoms appear, do not be careless, and it is best to go to the hospital in time. The stomach is a digestive organ, we have to eat every day, and even some people are dieting to lose weight, which can cause damage to the stomach.

Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to actively prevent various stomach diseases, mainly to protect our stomach, and stomach diseases and stomach cancer can be prevented in the following ways.

Helicobacter pylori infection must be taken seriously and aggressively. Because now the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in our country is very high.

Once not actively treated, it is possible to develop some chronic stomach diseases, causing inflammation in the stomach, which may lead to cancer.

Therefore, if you want to prevent stomach related diseases, it is best to check them, and if you really have this infection, you must actively treat it.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

After that, it is necessary to improve the individual's lifestyle, especially some bad habits. For example, staying up late often hurts multiple organs of the body.

There is also smoking and drinking, after the alcohol enters the human body, it will produce a certain irritation to the stomach after passing through the stomach, and long-term heavy alcohol abuse will cause stomach diseases to become more serious and may become cancerous.

Cigarettes contain nicotine, tar and other harmful substances, and when tobacco and alcohol appear at the same time, the damage to the stomach is also very great.

It is necessary to take diet seriously, because there are many stomach diseases and the source of stomach cancer is diet. How?

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day

Nutritionally balanced, that is, every ingredient should be eaten, try not to be picky, mainly to consume various nutrients needed by the body, such as protein, vitamins and minerals, etc.

Mainly high-quality meat, mainly to supplement protein, you can usually eat more fresh fruits and vegetables corresponding to the season.

You should also pay attention to the food you choose, such as eating as little fried food as possible, because it is likely to produce some carcinogens after frying at high temperatures, and it will also make people fat.

Irritation of the stomach can be direct or indirect, preventing a certain burden on the stomach, which will lead to an increase in the chance of stomach disease.

After that, it is necessary to pay attention to exercise, which is also a way of life. Exercising can be effective in preventing a wide range of related diseases, including stomach problems. Moreover, the process of exercise can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce the burden on the stomach.

A 50-year-old man was diagnosed with early stomach cancer and ate bananas every day


Regarding stomach cancer, eating bananas every day does have some use, but it is not the whole story. Just like Uncle Sun actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment while eating bananas, and improved his personal lifestyle, so he had such a good result.

Dietary management is certainly helpful in the treatment of stomach cancer, but different people are suitable for different ways, and you still need to follow the doctor's advice.

Different treatments should be carried out according to the individual's physical condition, and it is necessary to actively prevent stomach cancer or stomach diseases in life.

Bibliography: 2019-06-11 "Six Signs of Early Stomach Cancer, Let's See if You Have It"

Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital 2023-04-19 Prevention and Screening of Gastric Cancer

Women's Encyclopedia 2022-08-04《 Eating a "green banana" a day, or reducing the risk of more than 6 percent of cancer? 3 types of people are not recommended to eat》

Family Doctor Online 2020-06-15 How is stomach cancer caused? Let's not hide it: these 5 reasons may be the "culprit"

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