
At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

author:Crazy snails

I have always believed that the ultimate purpose of reading is to obtain money and live a prosperous life, but I don't know the real deeper meaning behind it, Dong Yuhui, a talented man, I believe most people know it

His talent has led many people from darkness to light, and I believe that many people have fallen in love with reading, and the benefits of reading more are very helpful in dealing with people and things, and in conversation

According to the query information, in fact, Dong Yuhui only has a bachelor's degree, so do you think that his education has made him? This is not right, any academic qualification is fine, as long as you love to read

Recently, a blogger posted a video shouting at Dong Yuhui and writing a small essay for Dong Yuhui, thinking it was a simple means to win traffic, until after listening to it, I was numb


This big brother is really amazing, looking at this way of recording videos, there is no manuscript at all, and he will come when he opens his mouth, which is enough to prove that this kind of talent does not only belong to highly educated people, but a talent that everyone can obtain by studying hard and studying

The charm of reading is vividly displayed at this moment, improving knowledge and cultivation, being more comfortable and confident in expression and communication, and allowing others to appreciate themselves

I have to say that this brother Laoguan has successfully let everyone plant grass in Guizhou Liupanshui

The example of this eldest brother encourages us to maintain our love and pursuit of reading, no matter what kind of environment we are in or what kind of identity we have. Through continuous learning and accumulation, you can also become a talented and in-depth person

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

It seems that Ha, I hope that Dong Yuhui's people are all people who can speak a few words, and ordinary people are estimated to say this: Dong Yuhui is really powerful [laughing and crying]

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

How can there be any exaggeration, Dong Yuhui himself said that there are a lot of people like myself, I am just lucky, not the so-called god, everyone has different opportunities

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

The main thing is the identity of this big brother, it's amazing to be able to have this level on the construction site, and it really further promotes the charm of reading, it's amazing

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

When I was young, I paid attention to my appearance, because I attracted the opposite sex, when I grew up, I paid attention to tickets, because I could buy a life, and when I matured, I paid attention to my inside, because talking is the real charm

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

It's too volume, I haven't eaten a book for a few years, and I feel embarrassed to say that I am a fan of Dong Yuhui now, but ha, people who like Dong Yuhui are a little older, and they have a deeper understanding

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

There are a lot of humanities and ink writers now, but most of them are still struggling for a few taels of broken silver in life, and they have not been discovered

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

Most of the people who like Dong Yuhui are attracted by their talents, you say that he is not serious about selling goods, but more like his braincase, and talk about his own cognition and concept of society

At the beginning, the eldest brother of the Chinese chemical industry wrote an article for Dong Yuhui, thinking that Bo traffic, did not want to surprise all netizens

It's not easy to study on the construction site, because I'm very tired every day, and I want to relax when I'm resting

The above content is for reference only, do not be more serious, reasonable interpretation, true and false self-identification!

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