
Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

author:Dr. Huang talks about health

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On a sunny afternoon, Ms. Sun pushed open the door of the consultation room and walked in. She is a white-collar worker in her early 30s, who suffers from stress during her work and was recently diagnosed with diabetes.

Seeing that summer is coming, Ms. Sun is particularly concerned about the doctor, "Doctor, I recently saw some articles on the Internet saying that plums and some summer fruits have the effect of lowering blood sugar, is this really the case?"

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

The doctor looked at Ms. Sun, who was a little anxious, and smiled slightly, "Your worries are understandable, but we still have to analyze them rationally." "

As he spoke, the doctor took out a test report, "According to your recent test results, your fasting blood sugar level is around 7.8, which is beyond the normal range.

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

For diabetic patients, a reasonable diet and regular exercise are the keys to good blood sugar control. "

Ms. Sun nodded, and the doctor continued: "The summer fruits such as plums and cherries you mentioned do contain some nutrients that are good for blood sugar.

But it would be a mistake to think that they are so-called 'natural insulin', that they can replace medications, or that they can be consumed in large quantities. "

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

"You have to understand that while these fruits contain beneficial ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber, they are also full of sugar.

Excessive intake can worsen blood sugar fluctuations. "

The doctor patiently explained, "Therefore, for diabetic patients, the amount of any food to eat needs to be grasped well, combined with exercise, medication and other comprehensive treatment plans, rather than simply hoping for the 'panacea' effect of a certain ingredient." "

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

Ms. Sun nodded thoughtfully, "The doctor has a point, and I really shouldn't be confused by those exaggerated claims.

I will control my diet and exercise to keep my blood sugar level at a normal level. "

"I'm glad you understand," the doctor smiled and encouraged, "summer is a wonderful season, and since you love fruits, you might as well include plums and cherries in your diet, just don't expect too much from them."

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

Maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, stick to the scientific treatment plan, and believe that you will soon be able to control the disease. "

Ms. Sun was in a good mood and knew that there was no benefit in drowning in anxiety.

Walking out of the consultation room, she silently made up her mind that since the doctor had pointed out the direction for her, she would go all out to comply, and only in this way could she truly get out of this "rivers and lakes".

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

Overall, in the mainstream view of modern medicine, it is irresponsible to label prunes or any single ingredient as "natural insulin".

Although summer fruits contain some wholesome nutrients, they are not a substitute for medicine and formal treatment regimens.

Are prunes "natural insulin"? Gospel of sugar friends: 4 kinds of summer fruits are highly recommended, and they can be eaten and dropped at the same time!

For diabetic patients, the most important thing is to have a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and follow the doctor's instructions to adhere to the treatment, only then can they truly manage the condition and live a healthy life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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