
Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

author:And Ze Walker

In the colorful fruit bowl, it is always a special eye-catcher. Not only do they win love for their sweet taste, but they are also highly prized for their unique medicinal properties. However, the folk saying "peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees" reminds us to pay attention to eating them in moderation while enjoying these delicious fruits, because different fruits have different effects on the body.

Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

Peach: the first fruit in the world, a good product for nourishing yin and rejuvenating

Peach, known as "the world's first fruit", is not only because of its deliciousness, but also because of its nutritional value. Peach meat is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates and other nutrients, especially the organic acids and sugars it contains, which makes people have an endless aftertaste. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that peach flesh is sweet and sour in taste, warm in nature, returns to the stomach and large intestine meridian, and has the effects of nourishing yin, generating Jin, moisturizing dryness and activating blood. For people with symptoms such as loss of qi and blood, yellow skin, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc., moderate consumption of peaches can play a good tonic role.

However, despite the many benefits of peaches, it is important to eat them in moderation. Excessive consumption of peaches may cause problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, etc. In addition, due to the warm nature of peaches, people with a hot constitution should also eat less to avoid aggravating the symptoms.

Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

Apricots: Delicious and tempting, but harmful when consumed in excess

Apricots are loved by people for their unique sweet and sour taste and rich nutritional value. However, as the saying goes, "apricots hurt people", excessive consumption of apricots can indeed cause some harm to the body.

First of all, apricots are hot fruits, and excessive consumption can easily lead to problems such as irritation and sores on the mouth and tongue. Especially for people with a hot physique, they should eat less apricots. Secondly, apricots contain a toxic substance - hydrocyanic acid, which is mainly found in bitter almonds. Excessive consumption of bitter almonds can lead to poisoning and even life-threatening. Therefore, when eating apricots, you must pay attention to distinguishing between bitter almonds and sweet almonds to avoid accidental consumption.

In addition, due to the strong acidity of apricots, excessive consumption can easily stimulate gastric acid secretion, resulting in stomach pain, acid reflux and other problems. Therefore, people with stomach problems should eat less apricots. At the same time, apricots should not be eaten with high-protein foods such as milk, so as not to affect nutrient absorption.

Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

Prunes: Sweet and sour, but not gluttonous

Prunes are prized for their sweet, sour and delicious taste and unique medicinal properties. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that plums are bitter, sour, slightly warm, and have the effect of removing bone internode labor heat and regulating the medium. Moderate consumption of prunes is effective in treating thirst caused by diabetes and diabetes insipidus, as well as dizziness caused by abdominal gas rush.

However, as the saying goes, "bury the dead under the plum tree", excessive consumption of plums can also be harmful to the body. First of all, plums contain a lot of fruit acids, and excessive consumption can easily stimulate gastric acid secretion, leading to stomach pain, acid reflux and other problems. Secondly, the tannin content in plums is high, and excessive consumption is easy to combine with the protein in food to form indigestible substances, leading to indigestion, constipation and other problems. In addition, plums should not be eaten with honey, finch meat and other foods to avoid affecting physical health.

Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

Medicine and food are homologous, and moderate consumption is the key

Although the three fruits of peach, apricot and plum are delicious and have certain medicinal value, excessive consumption will cause certain harm to the body. Therefore, while we enjoy these delicious fruits, we must pay attention to eating them in moderation.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right fruit according to your physique and health status. People with a hot constitution should eat less hot fruits such as apricots; People with stomach problems should eat less acidic fruits such as plums. Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the principle of moderation when consuming fruits. Don't eat too much fruit at one time to avoid indigestion, diarrhea and other problems; Also do not eat a large amount of the same fruit for a long time, so as not to cause nutritional imbalance. Finally, pay attention to the combination of fruits and how to eat them. Some fruits should not be eaten with certain foods, such as plums, which should not be eaten with honey; It is also important to pay attention to the way the fruit is cooked, such as not overheating or refrigerating the fruit, so as not to affect its nutritional value.

Reveal the truth of "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"!

The three fruits of peach, apricot and plum, as a delicacy given to us by nature, not only let us get the ultimate enjoyment of the taste buds, but also nourish our body invisibly. However, as the saying goes, "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and plum trees bury dead people", while we enjoy these delicious fruits, we should also pay attention to moderate consumption and scientific collocation to ensure good health and balanced nutrition.

How do you choose and match fruits in your daily life? What are your views and opinions on the saying "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees"? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your experience and views, and let us discuss and learn together!

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