
Home-brewed plum wine that blew up, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerator: I'm not drunk, I'm too full

author:Fun, fun, fun, fun

A woman in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, she bought plums by herself, made her own plum wine, when he made these ion wines, he put these things in the refrigerator, but because of these ions, fermentation, suddenly the refrigerator was set up, sprayed all over the floor, and all the sofas were sprayed.


This woman, as a result, was sprayed all over the floor, and ended up cleaning for more than an hour, probably because he put too much yeast.

Home-brewed plum wine that blew up, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerator: I'm not drunk, I'm too full

Source, National Community.

I feel that this plum wine should be too polite, and when he spit it out, he knows how to open the door and spit it out, and he has the strength to open the refrigerator door.

Home-brewed plum wine that blew up, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerator: I'm not drunk, I'm too full

I feel that this woman's emotions are relatively stable, because these wines are made by themselves, and they bear it by themselves, and if they are made by others, and they are all over the ground, he may collapse.

Home-brewed plum wine that blew up, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerator: I'm not drunk, I'm too full

Some people say that if you don't put it in the refrigerator, I'm afraid there won't be such an explosion, think about it, if you don't put it in the refrigerator, if the weather is so hot now, those yeasts have been fermented, it may be more early fermentation, early explosion, maybe the explosion is more powerful.

Home-brewed plum wine that blew up, put it in the refrigerator, refrigerator: I'm not drunk, I'm too full

It's just, it's really pitiful to the refrigerator, the refrigerator said, I'm not drunk, it's just that I'm too full, so I spit out a few mouthfuls, come, let's continue to drink, continue not to get drunk and go home. #头条创作挑战赛#

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