
Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

author:Fan Xiaohei

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Who would have thought that 28-year-old Shang Yubo would choose to leave this world in such a decisive way on October 25, 2011.

At noon that day, he walked up to the roof alone and wandered on the rooftop for three hours.

In the end, he jumped off and ended his young life.

His departure plunged his mother into endless pain, and for the rest of her life, she could only spend her time in longing and grief.

Such an ending is embarrassing, life is so fragile.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

It was an ordinary autumn day, and the TV series starring Shang Yubo was on the air, and his career was on the rise.

It was on such a seemingly calm afternoon that Shang Yubo came to the rooftop alone.

He lingered there for three hours, and finally, in the midst of endless struggle and pain, he made the harrowing decision to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Shang Yubo's death shocked and puzzled everyone.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

In his last words, he made it clear that his death had nothing to do with others, which undoubtedly added a layer of mystery to the incident.

So, what exactly did this young actor go through to choose such an extreme way to end his life?

Shang Yubo was born into an ordinary family, but he developed a strong interest in acting from an early age.

In high school, he joined the school's drama club, where he practiced his acting skills.

His talent and hard work were quickly recognized by his teachers and classmates, and he was determined to embark on the path of acting.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

During the college entrance examination, Shang Yubo's teacher suggested that he take the art exam, hoping that he could give full play to his interests and talents.

After some thought, Shang Yubo finally decided to follow the advice of his teacher and received support from his parents.

He was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and began his acting career.

During his college years, Shang Yubo quickly made a name for himself on campus with his hard work and talent.

He not only performed well on the drama stage, but also began to get involved in the film and television industry, and gradually won the recognition of the audience.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

After graduating, he has become a high-profile new generation actor with many excellent works.

At the peak of his career, Shang Yubo began to fall into pain and struggle.

He is introverted, sensitive, and extremely committed to his role, which makes him often difficult to extricate himself from during filming.

He is very empathetic and is able to delve into the inner world of the characters to experience their emotional fluctuations.

This also leads to the fact that he is often affected by the gloomy mood of the character and finds it difficult to extricate himself.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

In addition, the competitive pressure in the entertainment industry is also unbearable.

In this circle of temptations and opportunities, everyone is fighting for their dreams.

As the competition intensified, Shang began to feel his stress and anxiety increasing.

He gradually broke down mentally and began to develop severe depressive symptoms.

At the age of 26, Shang Yubo's depressive symptoms were like a sailboat violently attacked by a violent storm, crumbling in the rough sea.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

Insomnia became his norm, and every night was like a long torment, and he could not sleep as he lay in bed and watched the sky outside the window gradually turn from darkness to light.

The loss of appetite also made him lose weight day by day, and the food he once loved became tasteless in his eyes, and his taste buds seemed to have lost their senses.

The depression engulfed him like a black hole, his smile became less and less, and his eyes were full of confusion and despair.

To make matters worse, he began to experience hallucinations and delusions, and the unreal images and sounds frightened and disturbed him.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

He knew he had a serious problem, but he didn't know how to get out of it.

After becoming aware of his condition, Shang Yubo began to seek treatment.

He tried various medications, but the side effects of the drugs made him feel more distressed and powerless.

Those medications seemed to be a double-edged sword, temporarily relieving his symptoms while also causing him more side effects.

He felt that his body and mind were bound by the drugs and could not breathe freely.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

In addition to medication, Shang Yubo also tried psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is also not very effective.

He tried to confide his pain and struggles to the psychiatrist, but those words were like smoke blown away by the wind, and they could not really touch the deep wounds in his heart.

He felt as if he was trapped in a dark labyrinth, unable to find an exit no matter how hard he tried.

In the process of treatment, Shang Yubo's condition was good and bad.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

Sometimes he feels like he's out of the woods and sees the glimmer of hope.

But just when he thought everything was getting better, those gloomy emotions would strike again and pull him back into the abyss.

His heart was full of struggle and pain, but he never gave up hope of treatment.

He firmly believes that as long as he works hard enough, he will be able to overcome this disease.

Fate did not give Shang Yubo this opportunity.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

After countless struggles and pains, he finally chose to end his life by committing suicide.

This decision shocked and regretted everyone, and such a talented actor left us like this.

Shang Yubo's death plunged his mother, Mao Aizhen, into deep grief.

But in the midst of her grief, she decided to set up a foundation to promote mental health and raise awareness of depression as a growing problem.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

She hopes that through her own efforts, more people can understand the dangers of depression and how to treat it, and help those who are experiencing pain and struggle to get out of the predicament.

Shang Yubo's death has also raised concerns about mental health issues in the entertainment industry.

In this seemingly glamorous circle, there are actually many unknown pressures and pains.

Actors need to face a variety of issues such as huge competitive pressure, work intensity and public opinion pressure, which often have a great impact on their mental health.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

Therefore, we need to pay more attention to the mental health problems of this special group and provide them with more support and assistance.

In addition, the passing of Shang Yubo has also made us realize the importance of mental health issues.

In modern society, people's life is getting faster and faster, and the pressure of competition is also increasing.

This has led to anxiety, depression and other psychological problems in many people.

Due to the lack of awareness and attention to mental health issues in society, many people often feel helpless and lost in the face of these issues.

Shang Yubo, the tragic end of his life at the age of 28: he committed suicide by jumping off the building after wandering on the roof for three hours

Therefore, we need to strengthen the popularization and publicity of mental health knowledge, and increase people's awareness and attention to mental health issues.

We also need to provide more support and help to those who are experiencing psychological problems so that they can get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Shang Yubo's death is a tragedy, but it also brings us deep reflection and inspiration.

We need to pay more attention to mental health issues and provide more support and assistance to those who are experiencing pain and struggle.

We also need to reflect on our lifestyle and values, and face life's challenges and difficulties with a healthier and more positive attitude.

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