
The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

author:Kyushu Shinashi
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Life is like a play, and fate is impermanent. The hot stars on the screen will also choose to end their lives due to depression, how many unknown pains and struggles are hidden behind the brilliance?

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Have you ever heard of Shang Yubo? As soon as this name is spoken, some people may be at a loss, but if you mention Li Hongming in "Du Lala's Promotion", then it is estimated that you will suddenly realize, oh, it turned out to be him!

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

He was born in Jingzhou, Hubei, a small place with a lot of cultural heritage. However, the small days of the Shang family are not dull because of the geographical location, but a little more dramatic. Parents are not ordinary people, they are all engaged in literature and art. You say that in such a family, it would be strange if the child didn't like to perform.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

When he was a child, he looked so handsome, but his life was a bit bland. Mom and Dad were busy with their art careers all day and didn't have time to take care of him. This kid spends all day with the TV, imitating the martial arts characters on the TV vividly.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

When I reached the age of going to school, those imaginary martial arts dreams were not abandoned, but became more and more intense. With a withdrawn personality and a non-talkative personality, he may be a stuffy gourd in the eyes of his classmates. But who would have thought that all the treasures hidden in this "gourd" would be?

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

When I was in high school, I did a big thing - I founded a drama club. Do you say it's a love toss or a true love drama? Anyway, he succeeded, and he also became the leading actor in "Romeo and Juliet". This young man is not only online in appearance, but also online in acting, and has a proper school grass level. Within a few days, he became popular and became a popular figure in the school.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

scored 670 points in the college entrance examination, and successfully entered the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama. entered the Chinese opera, and he was even more like a fish in water, and spent all his time studying acting skills, so that those advertisers couldn't find anyone who wanted to find him to shoot commercials.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Who would have thought that such an introverted young man, with a good academic performance, would become a member of the study committee in the class. The head teacher said that this child is not simple and has a bright future.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

His star journey is really a story of "sparrow turning into a phoenix", I remember that he was caught by director Shen Dong in his junior year, this is not a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, but talent and hard work finally collided together.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

So he participated in the first movie "The Gunman", don't look at it as a small cost, but his acting skills are not trivial at all, and he played the role of Xiao Cong vividly, even the discerning film critics applauded.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

In the next few years, the film is about to be called more than one, and "Army Special Combat Team" plays the iron-clad Nie Zhiyuan, and the image of a tough guy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; Zhao Dan, a good friend who turned into a whirlwind in "The Singer of the End of the World".

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

If you want to say that what made him really popular, you have to count the "Du Lala's Promotion", which not only made the audience remember this sunny and handsome young man, but also made his name begin to spread in the entertainment industry. After that, his career was simply jumping up on a rocket, and at this time he became a new darling, and the future was bright.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

The intense work exhausted him, but he still gave his all and played every role to the extreme. gradually became a recognized desperate San Lang in the film and television industry.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

When his career was in full swing, who would have thought that he would start battling depression as early as his college days. As soon as I entered the Chinese opera, I found that my emotions fluctuated, sometimes elated, sometimes depressed as if I had fallen into a deep well.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

It stands to reason that the handsome little guy who is in the limelight should be happy every day, but he feels depressed all day long, as if there is a little monster living in his heart, and he comes out to bite him from time to time.

At the beginning, I didn't take it too seriously, thinking that I was thinking too much, after all, "geniuses" are also people, and sometimes they are a little emotional. But as the pressure grew, especially those endless rehearsals and exams, the symptoms became more and more serious, and even sleeping became a problem.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Lying in bed at night, my head is like a treadmill, and I can't stop. At this time, the family finally noticed his abnormality and dragged him to the doctor. The result was checked, yo, major depression.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

After learning about the disease, he did not choose to give up on himself, but faced it positively. started a long treatment process, but the medicine is not eating jelly beans, and the side effects are very big, especially for an actor like him who eats with his face.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

When I get fat, my whole person is out of shape, and I almost can't recognize myself when I look in the mirror. At this time, his career development has also been affected, the state of filming has plummeted, and the directors have begun to complain, and he himself is too worried.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

But even so, he still did not give up his efforts to fight depression. Taking medicine on time every day and doing psychological counseling regularly should have some effect, right? But like an uninvited guest, he can't get rid of it, and he has been haunted. Every time he just felt better, his illness came back and dragged him back to that bottomless black hole. He gradually realized that he was fighting an invisible enemy, and he could not win no matter how he fought.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

On October 25, 2011, Shang Yubo, the young man who had been on the screen, chose to end his short but brilliant life on the rooftop. The day was supposed to be no different than usual, but it was the end of pain for him. Wandering on the roof for three full hours, depression and survival instincts fought inside.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Standing on the edge of the tall building, he sent his mother one last text message: "My death has nothing to do with anyone else, and I don't have to blame anyone." Then he jumped off. The 28-year-old life came to an end, leaving countless people shocked and wondered: Why did you choose this path?

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

After her mother Mao Aizhen heard the news, her whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and her whole body was stiff and tears flowed uncontrollably. She couldn't understand how her son, who was usually lively and cheerful in front of her, could have such a big psychological shadow.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Friends are even more incredulous, after all, in their eyes, he has always been a strong, kind young man, how could he suddenly be gone.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Recalling the bits and pieces of his son's life, his heart is like a knife. I remember saying to her, "Mom, I'm fine, you don't have to worry." But these words sound so weak now. Everyone posted condolences on social media, and everyone was thinking that if they had known about his situation, they might have been able to give more attention and talk more.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

The death is not only a pain for the family, but also a regret for the entire entertainment industry. A life that could have had infinite possibilities disappeared in the shadow of depression. Will his story be a wake-up call for more people to rethink the importance of mental health?

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Mao Aizhen decided to turn her grief into strength and bring hope to more people. As a result, the Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation came into being, not only to commemorate his son, but also to help those who are also suffering from depression.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

She personally went into battle and traveled everywhere, devoting herself to promoting mental health knowledge and calling on society to pay attention to depression. The goal is clear: let everyone know that this is not hypocrisy, not pretending, but a disease that needs to be valued and treated.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

People are beginning to realize that patients need not only comfort and encouragement, but also professional treatment and unconditional understanding. Through publicity, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the mental health problems around them, and no longer simply think that "it is good to think about it".

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Although Shang Yubo has been away from us for many years, every year on the day of his death, there is always a group of loyal fans who post on social media to remember the actor who died young.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

It has become an indelible memory in their hearts, just like those classic movie clips, which will always remain in the softest place in their hearts.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Among his peers, his death caused endless mourning. Director Yang Jin once wrote a few big words "dedicated to Shang Yubo" at the beginning of the film, and these short words carry how much nostalgia and respect for this young actor.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

frankly said that his death was a boulder in his heart, and he couldn't let go of it for a long time.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!


Like a resounding slap in the face, it woke up countless people who were tired in life. No matter how stressful your life is, don't neglect your soul. As we often say, the body is the capital of the revolution, and mental health is also the "capital of the capital".

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Care about the people around you, and don't be stingy with your care and companionship. Perhaps a casual gesture of warmth can become the dawn of their way out of the haze.

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

Sources of information:

Actor Shang Yubo jumped to his death Netizens mourned: You go all the way in the sunshine -

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!

The suicidal actor Shang Yubo's family set up a foundation to popularize science knowledge and

The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!
The tragic male protagonist Shang Yubo: Depression is just doing? After jumping off the building at the age of 28, her mother has great merit!
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