
Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

author:The Secret History of the Empress

Shang Yubo, the talented actor, left such a thought-provoking last words at the end of his life:

"My departure is no one else's fault, and no one is to blame."

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

In the late autumn of 2011, on October 25, he wandered alone on the roof of a high-rise building for three hours, and finally made an irreparable decision to jump off and end his life at the age of 28.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

At that time, he was standing at the pinnacle of his acting career, starring in the third part of the "Mother's Story" series and "The Story of the Bandits in Yaoshan", which were widely loved by the audience, and the hit dramas witnessed the glory of his acting career.

However, what is the force that made this young actor, who should have infinite possibilities, choose such a harrowing path?

Seeing the path his mother is taking now, he realizes that all this has traces to follow.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

A farewell after three hours of wandering

October 25, 2011, an ordinary day, has become no longer ordinary due to Shang Yubo's tragic choice. The news fermented rapidly, pushing the news of his suicide by jumping off a building to the forefront of public opinion.

According to the recollection of witnesses at the scene, the appearance of a figure on the roof of the building that day attracted a lot of attention. At first, people were either curious or slightly uneasy, but they saw that he did not act immediately, but just lingered on the edge for a long time, as if in a silent conversation.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Shang Yubo stood alone on the top of a tall building, and the three hours of time may be a deep reflection on his past 28 years of life, after this long and lonely struggle, he made the harrowing decision to let his body turn into free fall, to say goodbye to this world forever, a place that may seem to him to have lost its color and hope.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

"How is this possible?" Shang Yubo's mother, Mao Aizhen, was grief-stricken, and her voice was full of incomprehension and sadness. Who would have thought that this sunny and positive young man on the outside, deep down, was silently bearing the heavy burden of depression, and finally embarked on this heartbreaking road of no return. This truth is like a haze in the hearts of family members, and it is difficult to dissipate it for a long time.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

The heavy shadow of depression

It is undeniable that the challenges of depression faced by Shang Yubo are deeply rooted in his personal traits. Shang Yubo, who has had a deep affection for the performing arts since he was a child, has an extraordinary talent and strong emotional resonance ability. However, it is this deep immersion in the character's emotions that gradually becomes the source of his spiritual burden.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

In each interpretation, he unreservedly integrates himself into the role, allowing the character's joys, sorrows and sorrows to become the carrier of his emotions. However, when the gloom and heaviness carried by the characters continue to accumulate, they quietly penetrate into Shang Yubo's inner world, quietly planting the seeds of depression.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

What makes the situation even worse is that the fiercely competitive world of the entertainment industry is testing the psychological endurance of every dream chaser all the time.

Shang Yubo knows that here, talented people abound, and the slightest carelessness may drown in the sea of people.

This invisible pressure, like a heavy shackle, exacerbated his nervousness and uneasiness.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

However, Shang Yubo's inner world contrasts sharply with the image seen by the outside world. In the eyes of outsiders, he has always maintained a gentle, cheerful and lively image, as if the sun warms people's hearts. This appearance makes it difficult for those around him to perceive his inner fluctuations and struggles.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

What's even more unexpected is that when other actors face psychological distress, Shang Yubo is always the first to lend a hand. He listens patiently, gives advice sincerely, and transmits positive energy in his own way. In the eyes of others, he is almost insulated from the word "depression", which makes it hard to believe that he will also fall into such a predicament.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

By the time he reached the age of 26, his depressive symptoms had deteriorated to the point where they could not be ignored. At night, he tossed and turned, unable to sleep; During the day, the spirit is sluggish, which has a significant impact on work and study.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

As Shang Yubo's form continued to decline, his performance on the set became more and more inadequate, and even the director sensed that something was wrong with him.

Out of concern, the director specially arranged a vacation for him, hoping that he could take this opportunity to adjust his state.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Deeply concerned about the changes in their son, the family finally decided to take him to seek professional medical help. After a series of exhaustive examinations, Shang Yubo was diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

Since then, the trajectory of his life has changed dramatically, and he has had to rely on antidepressants and psychotherapy to combat the disease.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

However, drug treatment is not without cost. Long-term use of antidepressants, although to a certain extent to alleviate Shang Yubo's depressive symptoms, but also brought side effects that cannot be ignored - weight gain, physical weakness, etc., which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to an actor with high image requirements.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

As the conflict between work pressure and physical health intensifies, Shang Yubo's life gradually loses its former color, but depression is like a maggot attached to the bone, eroding his body and mind all the time, making it difficult for him to break free.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Every time Shang Yubo tried to let his guard down, the terrible illness would quietly revive and drag him back into the abyss of despair. In this endless cycle, he gradually lost faith and hope in life, and began to believe that he might never be able to escape the shackles of depression.

In the end, under the double torture of despair and pain, Shang Yubo chose to jump from a high-rise building - ending his life by suicide. The news came like a bolt from the blue, bringing unspeakable grief to his family, especially his mother, who always regarded Shang Yubo as a well-behaved and sensible child, and could not accept this cruel reality.

The light of mother's love lights up the road of hope

Shang Yubo's death swept through his family like a storm, especially his mother Mao Aizhen, whose heart was filled with endless sadness. However, in the midst of her grief, she found strength and chose an unusual path in memory of her son.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Mao Aizhen visited famous doctors all over the world, and even chased them to Harvard Medical School to find a way to recover from the disease. But none of this can soothe the heart of a mother who has lost her only child.

A year later, the "Beijing Shangshan Public Welfare Foundation" came into being, and Mao Aizhen knew that only by popularizing mental health knowledge and raising social awareness of depression could more families avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

She turned her grief into motivation, running and calling for advice year after year, and with her persistence and perseverance, the hidden pain of depression gradually surfaced and became the focus of public attention.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Dedicated to promoting the prevention and treatment of depression through her foundation, the foundation distributes a set of five related books, including 7,500 books on depression experiences, "No One in the Wilderness" and "I Became Sick of Love," donated by Lanie Mao, and the cognitive handbook "Caring for Mental Health and Depression," which Mao co-authored. With the support and donations of more and more non-profit organizations and individuals, the influence of the foundation has gradually expanded.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

From 2018 to 2019, Shangshan Charity Foundation held more than 1,000 activities to help nearly 100,000 people with depression. Ninety-four institutions joined the partnership, and more than 114,000 copies of the Depression Awareness Handbook were distributed.

In addition, Medicaid was provided to 140 patients in the Beijing and Shanghai areas.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

To this day, the great mother Mao Aizhen still insists on holding activities for several years, so that more people can stay away from the sleepiness of depression.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him
Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Her efforts paid off, and as time went on, more and more people began to face up to the disease and understand the pain and struggles of people with depression.

People realize that simply "thinking about something" cannot be a cure for depression, and what is needed is professional treatment and the care of the whole society.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Although Shang Yubo has been dead for a long time, his spirit and influence have endured. On the Internet, the nostalgia of fans is surging like a tide, and every message is an affectionate remembrance of his short and brilliant life.

Director Yang Jin even used the film "Some People Praise Intelligence, Some People Don't" as the medium to engrave the tribute of "dedicated to Shang Yubo" in light and shadow, so that this memory can be eternal.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Among the stars, victims of depression

Since 2000, a sad statistic has emerged – more than 25 well-known national and international stars, entertainers and actors have left us forever because of the invisible enemy of depression.

On the evening of July 5, Coco Li's sister Li Silin posted on Weibo, saying that Coco Li unfortunately suffered from depression a few years ago, and her condition has taken a turn for the worse recently, and she committed suicide at home on July 2, and finally returned to her soul on July 5 and passed away. He was 48 years old when he died.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

On April 1, 2003, Leslie Cheung suffered a depressive attack and fell to his death from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong. He was 47 years old at the time of his death.

Before his death, Leslie Cheung left a shocking question: "I haven't done anything bad in my life, why is this ok.mmmm.?" ”
Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

Qiao Renliang has been in the film and television industry since 2009, and when he entered Vanity Fair, he was under double pressure, unfortunately fell into depression, and died at the age of 29.

Wandering on the top floor for three hours, Yu Bo, who was only 28 years old, jumped down, leaving his septuagenarian mother to support him

The actor's story is also a microcosm of countless depressed patients. They smile in the sunlight of the outside world, but they bear indescribable darkness and despair inside.

They crave to be understood and loved, but they often have to bury their pain deep in their hearts. Shang Yubo's last words, "My death has nothing to do with others", is a profound reflection of this phenomenon and a silent call to all people with depression.

[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

Source of this article: [1] Shang Yu Bo Baidu Encyclopedia profile

[2] Sina: "Durala" Fuji Yamashita continues to be loved, Shang Yubo was invited to the Tokyo Film Festival"

[3] NetEase: "Shang Yubo committed suicide and his friend regretted that everything was normal before his death"

[4] Tencent: "Shang Yubo's Body Farewell Ceremony Held, Friends Deny His Suicide for Love"

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