
Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Entertainment and entertainment


Love, on the edge of the stage of misplace

On the bright and complex stage of the entertainment industry, there are untold stories hidden under every spotlight, and the past of Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen is a gentle and regretful chapter on this stage.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Their story, like an unfinished film, is full of dramatic twists and deep emotional entanglements in every frame.

1. The tears behind the glory

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

When the Magnolia Award ceremony, the lights converged into a sea, Jiang Yan was dressed in a colorful dress, and slowly walked onto the stage, at that moment, all the hardships and efforts seemed to turn into a faint but firm smile on the corner of her mouth.

She took the trophy and her voice was slightly choked: "This award, for me, is not only an honor, but also an affirmation of my unremitting pursuit."

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

I love acting, it's an integral part of my life, and every time I fall, it's to stand up more gorgeously. ”

The audience applauded thunderously, but behind this glory, there were countless nights that were ignored and misunderstood.

A subtle tear flashed in Jiang Yan's eyes, which was a relief from the challenges of the past and an expectation of infinite possibilities in the future.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

2. The brave man who flies against the wind

In the wave of the entertainment industry, Jiang Yan is not all smooth sailing.

She once showed her versatility in the face of a sudden costume change challenge in a popular variety show, although behind this lies the unfair trap set by the program team to pursue the topic.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

In front of the camera, she quickly adjusted her state and completed every challenge with a professional attitude, but behind that calmness was self-motivation and silent persistence in countless late nights.

"I've never been afraid of challenges, because every leap is a bridge to a better version of myself." Jiang Yan said in an interview that what was revealed between her words was her infinite love and dedication to her acting career.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

As an actor, she has experienced the helplessness of being suddenly changed from being full of expectations.

At that moment, she stood on the empty set, looking at the characters who were about to not belong to her, and her heart was mixed.

But she didn't choose to sink, but turned this loss into a driving force to move forward, and used more superb acting skills to conquer every new role.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

3. Misplaced love

If Jiang Yan's career is a lonely trip, then Zhu Yuchen's appearance is an unexpected color in this journey.

The two fell in love quickly because of the play, but the good times did not last long, and this relationship soon encountered strong resistance from Zhu Yuchen's family.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Especially Zhu Yuchen's mother, she examines every relationship of her son with almost harsh standards, and Jiang Yan is no exception.

"I want my daughter-in-law to take care of him as well as I do for my son." Zhu Mu's words were like a cold barrier between the two.

Jiang Yan had tried to impress this powerful elder with her sincerity and hard work, but every attempt seemed to be in vain.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Zhu Yuchen's struggle between his mother and lover also made this relationship gradually lose its original temperature.

His negativity and hesitation made Jiang Yan feel unprecedented disappointment and exhaustion.

"I want a partner to work with, not a child who will never grow up." Jiang Yan said this sentence with tears in her eyes in a late-night conversation, and also drew an end to her misplaced relationship.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Fourth, the collision of family and dreams

Zhu Yuchen, this name was once a household name for his outstanding performance in "Struggle".

The characters he created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but what is less known is that behind his glamorous appearance is the irreconcilable contradiction between family and dreams.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Zhu Yuchen's family background is complex, and his mother has an almost paranoid love and control over him, which restricts his emotional freedom and career development to a certain extent.

In the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, although Zhu Yuchen has achieved good results, whenever he talks about feelings, he always seems to want to speak.

He longs for love, but he is afraid of the constraints and changes brought by love.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

The separation and integration with different girlfriends has become the norm of his emotional life, and every repetition and contradiction has made him more deeply aware that there seems to be an insurmountable gap between himself and true happiness.

5. The journey of self-certification

The breakup with Zhu Yuchen made Jiang Yan go through a painful process of self-healing.

But instead of allowing herself to be immersed in grief for too long, she chose to fill the void in her life with her work.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

She took on more challenging roles, and proved her acting skills and value with one work after another.

From a gentle woman in costume dramas to an independent woman in modern dramas, Jiang Yan has won the love and recognition of the audience with her changeable image and profound performance.

"I want everyone to see that there is no one in my life but myself." Jiang Yan's speech at an award ceremony was loud, and she used her actions to explain what true independence and strength are.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

Love, in the wider sky

Now, Jiang Yan and Zhu Yuchen continue to move forward on the road of the entertainment industry, their names may no longer be the protagonists of each other's stories, but the time they have experienced together has become an indelible mark on their lives.

Love, sometimes that's it, it makes us meet on the edge of the stage of misplace, and then drift away on the road of growth.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

But it is these experiences that have taught us how to love ourselves better and how to maintain a resilient heart in a complex world.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to break up with "Mom Bao Man" Zhu Yuchen!

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