
Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

author:Brother Chen chats about the world
Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!
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Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

As we all know, Ni Ping and Chen Kaige had an eight-year relationship, which finally ended because of Chen Kaige's marriage to Chen Hong. However, the man Ni Ping hated the most turned out to be someone else.

What kind of ups and downs and emotional entanglements of life are hidden behind these unexpected remarks? Let's walk into Ni Ping's inner world and unveil the mystery of her complex emotional journey.

Ni Ping's story begins in an ordinary rural village in Shandong. During her childhood, she experienced the shadow of her parents' frequent quarrels and eventual divorce. This painful experience made the young Ni Ping silent, but her heart ignited a strong desire for love and success.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Under the careful care and encouragement of her grandmother, Ni Ping is determined to study hard, hoping to change her destiny one day. Her diligence was not in vain, and she was finally successfully admitted to Shandong University of the Arts, laying the foundation for her future acting career.

During her time at school, Ni Ping seized the opportunity to participate in movies and gradually emerged.

After graduation, Ni Ping was assigned to work in the theater. In order to supplement her income, she started working as a part-time host. The turning point of fate appeared in a gala performance, Ni Ping won warm applause from the audience with her excellent hosting skills and unique humorous style, and attracted the attention of CCTV director Liu Ruiqin.

In this way, Ni Ping stepped into the door of CCTV and started her brilliant hosting career.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

When she first joined CCTV, Ni Ping showed outstanding talent. She quickly gained a foothold in CCTV and became a high-profile host. The most remarkable thing is that Ni Ping has hosted the Spring Festival Gala for thirteen consecutive years, an achievement that makes her firmly sit on the throne of "CCTV First Sister".

However, under the glamorous appearance, Ni Ping still retains her yearning for family and love in her heart. The shadow of her childhood has made her have a stronger need for love and affection, and this deep emotion needs an outlet.

Ni Ping's struggle shows her perseverance and determination to pursue her dreams. From an ordinary rural girl to a well-known CCTV host, she has achieved an amazing leap in life with her own efforts.

However, the deep desire for love remains the same, which also lays the groundwork for her complex emotional experiences in the future.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Ni Ping's story tells us that even if you come from an ordinary background, as long as you have dreams and have the courage to work hard, you can create an extraordinary life. At the same time, her experience reminds us that no matter how successful we are, the need for love in our hearts can never be ignored.

This kind of contradiction and balance is the root cause of the ups and downs of Ni Ping's emotional life in the future.

Ni Ping's love life is like a complex labyrinth, full of twists and turns and accidents. Her first marriage was born out of her parents' expectations, not her own sincere choice.

This Shandong man is a typical family supremacist, hoping to find a wife who can take care of the family wholeheartedly. However, as Ni Ping's career at CCTV is booming, it is becoming more and more difficult for her to take care of her family.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Career success upsets the original family balance and puts great psychological pressure on the husband. In the end, this marriage, which lacked an emotional foundation, ended in failure.

After experiencing the setbacks of her first marriage, Ni Ping is even more eager to find sincere love. In the process, she met and fell in love with the famous comedian Guo Da.

The two belong to the entertainment industry and have many common languages, and Ni Ping once thought that she had found her destined other half. However, this relationship was met with strong opposition from both parents.

Guo Da's parents couldn't accept a divorced woman as their daughter-in-law, while Ni Ping's parents thought that Guo Da's popularity was far inferior to that of their daughter. Under many resistances, this relationship finally ended in a breakup, casting a shadow on Ni Ping's heart.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Just when Ni Ping was at a low point in her relationship, she met Chen Kaige. At that time, Chen Kaige was still an unknown director with dreams, and Ni Ping was already a well-known CCTV host.

Although there is a huge gap between the two in their careers and social status, Ni Ping is attracted by Chen Kaige's talent and ambition. They quickly fell in love and began an eight-year relationship.

In this relationship, Ni Ping gave all her sincerity. She not only took care of Chen Kaige's daily life, but also took care of his father during his illness, and even organized the funeral herself.

Ni Ping completely integrated herself into Chen Kaige's life, as if she was already his wife.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

However, just when Ni Ping thought she had finally found true love, fate played a joke on her again. With the success of "Farewell My Concubine", Chen Kaige developed feelings with young actress Chen Hong.

When Ni Ping's friend Song Dandan told her the news, she didn't believe it at first, and even cut off contact with Song Dandan for this reason. It wasn't until Chen Hong became pregnant and threatened to jump off the building that Ni Ping had to face this cruel reality.

This emotional failure dealt a huge blow to Ni Ping. She gave her sincerity for eight years, but in exchange for a ruthless betrayal. This experience plunged Ni Ping into deep self-doubt and depression.

Ni Ping's emotional experience is full of ups and downs. From a passive marriage to the brave pursuit of true love, to the sudden breakdown of a long-term relationship, every experience has left a deep imprint on her heart.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

These setbacks made her both eager and afraid of love, and also laid the groundwork for the true love she met later. Despite many twists and turns, Ni Ping still did not give up her pursuit of love, and this persistence has become the most moving chapter in her life story.

After experiencing many emotional setbacks, Ni Ping's life seems to have ushered in a turning point. With the help of friends, she met Wang Wenlan. The two met and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This relationship brought Ni Ping a long-lost sense of happiness, and she even gave birth to a lovely son for Wang Wenlan. For a while, Ni Ping seemed to see the dawn of a better life.

However, fate played a joke on Ni Ping again. Just as she was basking in the joy of her newlywed, a bolt from the blue shattered her hard-won happiness – her son was diagnosed with congenital cataracts.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

The diagnosis weighed heavily on the shoulders of the young family like a boulder.

In the face of her son's illness, Ni Ping showed amazing courage and perseverance. She traveled around the country's hospitals, hoping to find a cure for her son.

However, the treatment effect in China is not ideal. Just when Ni Ping was almost in despair, she learned from a friend that American medical technology might have the potential to cure the disease.

This news is like a ray of light in the darkness, giving Ni Ping new hope. She did not hesitate to make a difficult decision - to give up her career and honor in CCTV for many years, and take her son to the United States to seek treatment.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

For Ni Ping, nothing is more important than her son's health.

At this critical moment, Ni Ping's husband Wang Wenlan showed a chilling side. Faced with his wife's decision, Wang Wenlan chose to retreat.

He believes that the family has depleted their savings and that continuing treatment seems far away. More importantly, he was unwilling to give up his job in China and go abroad with Ni Ping.

Wang Wenlan's attitude was like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the last trace of warmth in Ni Ping's heart. She was shocked to find that the love she had been searching for was so fragile in the face of the test of reality.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

At this moment, Ni Ping's heart was like ashes, but for the sake of her son, she chose to be strong.

This blow made Ni Ping completely recognize Wang Wenlan's true face. She realized that she had once again entrusted her heart to the wrong person. This deep sense of disappointment and betrayal hurt her far more than any previous emotional setback.

In this way, with disappointment in her husband and concern for her son, Ni Ping embarked on a long journey to the United States for treatment alone. This experience not only became an important turning point in Ni Ping's life, but also made her truly realize what unconditional love is.

The marriage between Ni Ping and Wang Wenlan, from full of hope to disillusionment, to the final break, reflects the cruelty of life and the complexity of human nature. This experience also became the root of Ni Ping's later call for Wang Wenlan as "the most hated man".

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

It was this blow that made Ni Ping stronger and laid the groundwork for her future happiness.

With disappointment in her husband and deep concern for her son, Ni Ping resolutely embarked on a difficult journey to the United States for treatment. She borrowed money from friends and family, and with hope and courage, she took her young son to a strange land.

On the streets of the United States, Ni Ping has experienced unprecedented hardships. The language barrier, the unfamiliar place, and the high medical costs have put the once beautiful CCTV host in a predicament.

Ni Ping did not flinch, she was strong to face the challenges of every day. In order to save money, she chose the most modest living environment, saved money, and devoted all her energy and resources to her son's treatment.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Ni Ping's persistence and dedication finally paid off. After a long and arduous treatment process, her son's eyesight miraculously returned to normal. This result not only proves the greatness of mother's love, but also shows Ni Ping's tenacious and unyielding character.

In the process of accompanying her son's recovery, Ni Ping also re-examined her life. She realizes that true love is not sweet words, but mutual support in difficult times.

This experience gave her a new perspective on love and marriage, and also paved the way for her to rediscover happiness later on.

After experiencing the failure of her marriage with Wang Wenlan, Ni Ping once fell into despair of love. She regards Wang Wenlan as the person she hates the most in her life, and this strong emotional response stems from a deep sense of disappointment and betrayal.

Ni Ping: The man I "hate" in my life is not Chen Kaige, but the ruthless him!

Life is always full of surprises.

When Ni Ping was at her lowest, fate gave her a turnaround. She met Yang Yaya, someone who could really understand her and support her. The encounter with Yang Yaya rekindled Ni Ping's hope for love.

Today's Ni Ping has stepped out of the haze of the past and embraced happiness again. Her experience teaches us that no matter how many setbacks we encounter, as long as we keep hope, happiness will eventually come.

Ni Ping's story is not only a legend about love, but also an inspirational story about growth, perseverance and rebirth.

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