
It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

author:A home for a leisurely life

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

Chang'e-6 was successfully sampled on the far side of the moon: China's scientific and technological strength was shown again, and the remarks of South Korean netizens aroused heated discussions

Recently, China's Chang'e-6 probe successfully sampled the far side of the moon and returned to Earth, a feat that not only marks another major breakthrough in China's aerospace industry, but also once again demonstrates the strong strength of China's aerospace science and technology to the world. However, in this joy and pride, there are also some discordant voices, especially the remarks from some Korean media and netizens, which have aroused widespread attention and discussion.

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

1. The success of Chang'e-6: a milestone in China's space industry

The successful return of samples from the far side of the moon to Chang'e-6 is another milestone in China's space industry. The far side of the moon is a mysterious region that has not yet been fully explored by humans, and its complex geological environment and unique scientific value have always been the focus of scientists' attention. The successful landing and sampling of Chang'e-6 not only adds a significant touch to China's lunar exploration program, but also provides new data and perspectives for human exploration of the moon and the universe.

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...
It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

2. Netizens from all over the world reacted: mixed reviews, each with its own characteristics

After the news of the major success of Chang'e-6 broke, netizens from various countries reacted differently and with their own characteristics. Netizens in Saudi Arabia showed their consistent "local tyrant" style, directly asking when they would go up next time and whether they needed financial assistance, which made people laugh. Iranian netizens have always praised China, believing that China can overcome all difficulties and is an example to the whole world, and this positive evaluation reflects the Iranian people's friendship and respect for China.

However, the remarks of some American netizens seem to be a bit "yin and yang". They said that China's mission to the moon was very "low-key", and the live broadcast was turned off, so they felt that China's success this time was a bit "strange", and some even thought that China's success this time was just a "fluke". Such remarks obviously lack objectivity and impartiality, and ignore China's long-term efforts and accumulation in the field of aerospace. Of course, there are also some American netizens who are more "open-minded", they feel that their country's failure is for a reason, and China's success is also an "encouragement" and "spur" for them, so they should express "understanding" and "congratulations". This attitude reflects the maturity and rationality of American netizens.

The remarks of Japanese netizens seem to be friendly, but they also seem to be a little "weird" under the scrutiny. Their remarks are the same as those of American netizens, with some insinuations. This attitude may have something to do with Japan's long-standing complex mentality toward China, but in any case, we should respect each country's culture and traditions and avoid over-reading and speculation.

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...
It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

3. Korean netizens' remarks: absurdity and self-deprecation coexist

Among netizens from many countries, the remarks of Korean netizens are particularly eye-catching. After seeing the successful return of China's Chang'e-6 with samples, some South Korean netizens even said absurd remarks such as "Didn't you just steal our Korean technology", "Long live the Republic of Korea", "We must protect our technology". Such statements are not only baseless, but also lack respect for scientific facts. As a matter of fact, China's development in the field of aerospace is the result of independence and self-reliance, and has nothing to do with any country.

When China's Chang'e-6 was about to go to the far side of the moon to take samples, some South Korean netizens also shouted on the Internet, believing that except for the United States, other countries did not have the strength to do it. However, when the United States "did not wait for the lunar soil to come, China took the lead in getting it", they could only start the "self-deprecation" mode, saying that their country's aerospace industry was a "poop balloon" and had no qualifications to compare with China at all. This self-contradictory and self-denying attitude makes people worry about the quality and mentality of Korean netizens.

It's really brazen, South Korea reported the return of Chang'e 6, and made a shameless speech, causing anger among netizens...

Fourth, Chinese netizens hit back: pride and rationality coexist

In the face of the absurd remarks of Korean netizens, Chinese netizens also made a strong response. Some netizens said angrily: "South Korea, I've put up with you for a long time." Although this emotional expression is somewhat extreme, it also reflects the dissatisfaction and anger of Chinese netizens against the remarks of Korean netizens. At the same time, some netizens ridiculed: "Thieves have become an instinctive habit when they do too much, I don't know if they need to eat a whole jar of kimchi in advance before watching Chinese news every time, otherwise the acidity will be abnormal if they don't play well enough." This humorous way not only expresses the irony and criticism of the remarks of Korean netizens, but also shows the confidence and optimism of Chinese netizens.

In addition to ridicule and anger, more Chinese netizens are proud and rational. They are proud and proud of the achievements made in the motherland's aerospace industry, and at the same time, they also realize that the achievements made in the aerospace field are not achieved overnight and require long-term efforts and accumulation. They hope that the motherland will continue to make steady progress on the road of space exploration and prove its strength with practical actions and more achievements.

V. Conclusion: Respect scientific facts and jointly promote the development and progress of the international aerospace field

The successful return of samples from the far side of the moon by Chang'e-6 is a major breakthrough in China's space industry and an important milestone in human exploration of the universe. We should be proud and proud of this achievement, while at the same time respecting scientific facts and avoiding baseless slander and attacks.

We don't need to pay too much attention to and care about those groundless accusations and ridicules, because the real strength and achievements are not proved by words, but by actual actions and results. We should look at the developments and achievements of other countries in a more objective and rational manner, respect scientific facts, and avoid excessive interpretation and speculation.

At the same time, we also hope that certain netizens in South Korea can view China's development and achievements with a more objective and rational attitude, respect scientific facts, and avoid baseless slander and attacks. Only in this way can we jointly promote the development and progress of the international space field and make greater contributions to mankind's exploration of the universe and the creation of a better future.

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