
Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

author:Science Jun, under Beacon Mountain

Recently, a piece of news went viral on the Internet, which said that the Chang'e-6 probe had successfully returned.

But the news was distorted by South Korean media, claiming that after China retrieved its first lunar sample, they would also go to take samples.

This made many netizens very angry at the behavior of the Korean media, thinking that they were brazen and arrogant.

So what's going on here?

Chang'e-6 successfully recovered lunar samples.

The Chang'e-6 probe has successfully returned to Earth, which is also the first time in human history that samples have been retrieved from the moon.

After a 21-day voyage, the Chang'e-6 probe successfully landed in the intended landing area in the Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia with lunar samples.

After that, the researchers quickly went to the sample landing site for emergency treatment and transfer, and the sample has been successfully transferred to special equipment and the analysis has begun.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole world, and major countries expressed their admiration and congratulations on China's great achievements in space science and technology.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

In particular, the news that China successfully got back the first sample of the moon's back shocked the world.

But at this time, the South Korean media claimed in the report: "The reason why China was able to successfully dig the far side of the moon is because it stole South Korean space technology."

This made many netizens angry after watching it, thinking that the Korean media was brazen and arrogant.

The South Korean media distorts the facts.

In fact, while China has made great achievements in space science and technology, the South Korean media has always held a skeptical and distorted attitude towards China's space industry.

As early as 2019, after the mainland's "Chang'e-4" probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon, South Korean media published: "It is impossible for China to land on the far side of the moon, and the 'landing' they advertise is just a photo of a rockery."

After the successful return of Chang'e-6 to Earth, South Korean media once again slandered China's space technology, claiming that China's successful digging on the far side of the moon was due to stealing South Korean space technology.

This kind of remark undoubtedly made many netizens feel very angry after reading it, and felt that the Korean media was brazen and arrogant.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

But in fact, the reason why China's aerospace science and technology has been able to achieve such great achievements is not stolen, but by long-term unremitting efforts and hard work.

As a matter of fact, when the mainland makes a great achievement in aerospace science and technology, other countries often express their admiration and congratulations on it.

For example, after the success of the mainland's first manned space mission, the whole world spoke highly of and praised the mainland's space science and technology.

However, South Korea is the only one that has a skeptical and distorted attitude toward the mainland's space science and technology.

This made many netizens very angry at South Korea's arrogant and shameless behavior.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

Netizens are hotly discussed.

This kind of brazen, arrogant and delusional behavior of the Korean media has also caused heated discussions among many netizens.

Many netizens said: "Koreans don't know whether they eat kimchi or not, and they all start to talk nonsense."

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

Some netizens ridiculed: "If this continues, South Korea will sooner or later divide Chang'e into its own country."

Some netizens bluntly said: "I have to say that Koreans are good at maintenance, and the hostess is really good at maintenance."

In fact, whether it is landing on the far side of the moon or retrieving lunar samples, these are all achievements made by relying on the mainland's independent research and development of space technology, and they are not stolen.

Moreover, the mainland's aerospace science and technology level has always been in the leading position in the world.

As early as 1970, the mainland had successfully developed the first artificial satellite to enter space orbit - Dongfanghong 1.

Since then, the mainland has made a series of major breakthroughs and innovations in the fields of space probes, space laboratories, and manned spacecraft.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

For example, the "Tiangong" space laboratory and manned spacecraft launched by the mainland have all achieved complete success.

Moreover, in terms of landing on the far side of the moon, the mainland has also achieved many successful experiences.

The Chang'e-4 probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon, which is also the first time that mankind has achieved a soft landing on the far side of the moon.

The successful return of Chang'e-6 to Earth and the first sample from the back of the moon is the first feat in human history to retrieve a sample from the moon.

It can be seen that the continent has made great achievements in the field of aerospace.

Therefore, after the great achievements made in the field of aerospace science and technology on the mainland, other countries often express their admiration and congratulations on them.

However, South Korea alone has always held a skeptical and distorted attitude towards the mainland's aerospace technology.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

I think

In fact, after the continent retrieved the first lunar sample, other countries have also begun to develop their own lunar exploration plans, and plan to land on the lunar surface or recover lunar samples in the future.

Moreover, many countries have also expressed their willingness to cooperate with China in deep space exploration.

Die to shame! South Korean media reported the return of Chang'e-6, distorting the report, causing anger among netizens...

This series of actions once again proves that China's achievements in the field of aerospace are recognized by countries around the world.

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