
Peng'an: With the "431" standardized classification supervision as the starting point, we will innovate a new model of cosmetics supervision

author:Records of people's livelihood information

In order to scientifically respond to the new situation, new problems and new tasks, effectively solve the problems of chaos in the cosmetics operation and use industry, weak legal awareness, the implementation of the business entity system is a mere formality, and even the failure to perform the main responsibility on the grounds of "troublesome". Combined with the actual situation of the county's business entities, the Peng'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for the Standardized and Classified Supervision of Cosmetics", and held a kick-off meeting on the morning of June 27, 2024, at which the standardized content was interpreted in detail, and at the same time, the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics" and the relevant knowledge of adverse reactions were organized, and more than 150 people participated in the meeting of the county's cosmetics business and use units.

Peng'an: With the "431" standardized classification supervision as the starting point, we will innovate a new model of cosmetics supervision
Peng'an: With the "431" standardized classification supervision as the starting point, we will innovate a new model of cosmetics supervision

In accordance with the principle of "standard first, point to area, overall promotion, and social co-governance", the standardized classification supervision is guided by source risk management and control, and the standardized classification supervision is taken as the starting point, and according to the different business scale and number of varieties of the business entity, the cosmetics business and use units are divided into three levels: Class A, Class B, and Class C for differentiated classification and supervision. All business entities are required to comply with the requirements of "431" ("4": unified public notice board, unified system card, unified purchase account, unified sales account; "3": there are personnel, there are systems, there are commitments; "1": 1 entry, the business qualification will be entered into the "one-click traceability" platform) for standardization, aiming to form a replicable experience model through the orderly promotion of cosmetics classification supervision, and promote the implementation of batches of classification, and finally realize the goal and task of standardized management, honest management and assured consumption of cosmetics business users in the county.

Peng'an: With the "431" standardized classification supervision as the starting point, we will innovate a new model of cosmetics supervision

The meeting required that all business entities must clearly figure out what the classified supervision is, why and how to do it, clarify the work requirements, compact the main responsibility, carry out information publicity, key systems on the wall, standardize the "one-stop" ledger, perform purchase inspection records and sales records, and further enhance the legal awareness and self-discipline awareness of enterprises, so as to standardize honest management.

Peng'an: With the "431" standardized classification supervision as the starting point, we will innovate a new model of cosmetics supervision

In the next step, the Peng'an County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will solidly promote this work in accordance with the requirements of the document, pay close attention to details, give priority to building a number of demonstration units that meet the creation standards, carry out comprehensive publicity and promotion from point to point, and effectively improve the effectiveness of standardized construction. At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the industry and social forces, improve the level of industry self-discipline, and finally realize the promotion and standardization of a group, so as to form a cosmetics safety governance model of co-management and co-governance from all walks of life, and boost public consumer confidence.

Pu Rui

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