
The cat's hand tried to push the lipstick on the ground but failed, and it seriously doubted the cat: This is impossible!

author:Light Emotion

# My cat is in big trouble again!

## The cat's hand tried to push the lipstick on the ground but failed, and it seriously doubted the cat: This is impossible

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoqing, the editor of Toutiao. Today I would like to share with you an interesting cat story of mine, hoping to give you some inspiration and happiness!

My name is Zhang Xiaoming, I am 25 years old and I am an office worker. I am the only one at home, and my parents are both working in other places, so I live alone in a rented house in Beijing. Every day when I go to and from work, I am alone at home, and sometimes I feel a little lonely. However, fortunately, I have a cute cat, and it is my little friend.

The cat's hand tried to push the lipstick on the ground but failed, and it seriously doubted the cat: This is impossible!

I adopted this cat from a stray cat rescue station a year ago and named it "Meow Meow". Little Meow Meow is now more than 2 years old and is an orange British short breed with a particularly lively and cute personality. I like it very much, I usually play with it when I get home from work, chat with it, and it is also very affectionate, every time it sees me come back, it will pounce on my arms and be coquettish.

However, lately this little kitten has become more and more "cheap" and often plays with things it shouldn't touch. A few days ago, a particularly funny and helpless thing happened.

When I came back from work that day, I found Little Meow lying in front of my dressing table, looking very interested. I thought to myself, what is this kid doing? One look, it turns out it's playing with my lipstick. I was in a hurry and hurriedly went over to pull it away, but Little Meow Meow became more and more energetic, and actually pulled one of my favorite lipsticks to the ground!

I quickly rushed over to pick it up and took a look, alas, it was over, and the lipstick was broken directly, and the lipstick inside was spilled all over the floor. I hurriedly cleaned up the things on the ground, but Little Meow Meow was still next to me looking very proud, as if showing off her "achievements".

I sighed helplessly, squatted down and picked up the little meow, looked at its big watery eyes, and couldn't help but kiss its little head: "You little troublemaker, do you know what you just did?" My favorite, you broke it!"

The cat's hand tried to push the lipstick on the ground but failed, and it seriously doubted the cat: This is impossible!

Little Meow didn't seem to realize what she was doing wrong, she just snorted and rubbed in my arms, looking like she was enjoying it. I shook my head helplessly and put it on the couch while I went to clean up the mess on the table.

After cleaning up, I sat on the sofa again, gently stroking Little Meow's back, and my heart was full of mixed emotions.

Alas, I really like this little kitten, it's like a loved one to me. Every time I go home and see its cheerful appearance, I feel especially happy and warm in my heart. But lately it's been getting more and more "cheap", always fiddling with things I shouldn't touch when I'm not looking, which makes me anxious.

I don't know what to do, should I just let it continue to destroy my things? But it was my only family, and I couldn't really reprimand it harshly. What should I do?

Just when I was upset, Little Meow suddenly raised her head to look at me and meowed, as if to comfort me. I couldn't help but reach out and pinch its little face, and I suddenly felt a warmth in my heart.

Maybe I should think differently about educating it? For example, spend more time with it and make it feel cared for, so that it may not destroy my things again. After all, it's just a kitten, and it's still learning how to adapt to the world.

Thinking of this, I suddenly had an idea. I picked up Little Meow and walked to the bedroom, "Okay, let's go play the game together!" Let's play the snake and see if you can catch that little mouse!"

The cat's hand tried to push the lipstick on the ground but failed, and it seriously doubted the cat: This is impossible!

As soon as the little meow heard "playing games", she immediately screamed excitedly twice, looking eager to try. I smiled and touched its head, feeling a lot lighter.

Maybe I should spend more time and energy educating it on what is playable and what is not to be touched. As long as we work together, I believe that one day it will learn how to be a well-behaved cat.

After all, it is my only family and the most important being in my life. I must cherish it and let it feel my love and care. I believe that as long as we can understand each other, we will be able to overcome this difficulty together and create more beautiful memories together.

Okay, let's play "Grass Picking"! Hopefully, Little Meow will catch that naughty little mouse this time!


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