
The shovel officer thought that the cat would have low self-esteem if it was shaved, but he didn't expect to fight with the blue cat at home like a lion cub

author:Light Emotion

**Blue Cat Fight: Confident Counterattack After Shaving**



Have you ever wondered if your cats will feel inferior when they are shaved? Recently, netizen Xiao Li's blue cat has experienced such a "hair removal" turmoil. I thought that the cat would become depressed because of this, but I didn't expect it to fight with another cat in the family, and it was as brave as a lion cub! Come and see how this blue cat counterattacks!

The shovel officer thought that the cat would have low self-esteem if it was shaved, but he didn't expect to fight with the blue cat at home like a lion cub



Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li, an ordinary office worker, and a shovel officer with two cats. I have two cats, one is a blue cat named "Blue Blue" and the other is an orange cat named "Huahua". They usually get along fairly well, occasionally getting into a fight over toys or food, but overall they are fairly harmonious.

A while ago, because Lan Lan had a skin disease, the doctor recommended shaving it. As soon as I heard that I was going to shave, I muttered in my heart: Will Lan Lan feel inferior because of this? After all, cats pay a lot of attention to their own image. But for the sake of its health, I still relented and took it to the pet store.

The shaving process went smoothly and Lan Lan didn't seem to react much. But when I got home, I noticed that Lan Lan had become a little different. It always hides in the corner, reluctant to come out to play, and does not take the initiative to interact with Huahua as before. I started to worry, did I really do something wrong?

The shovel officer thought that the cat would have low self-esteem if it was shaved, but he didn't expect to fight with the blue cat at home like a lion cub

One night, I was watching TV in the living room when I suddenly heard the sound of cats fighting in my bedroom. I hurriedly ran over to take a look, only to see that Lan Lan and Huahua were fighting on the ground! Although Lan Lan did not have the cover of long hair, it did not show weakness at all, and looked extremely brave. There was a determined light in its eyes, as if to say, "Although I don't have long hair, I'm still the strongest!" ”

I was stunned to see this. I didn't expect Lan Lan to be so brave, and I didn't expect it to become more confident because of shaving. It dawned on me that my previous worries were unnecessary. Cats' confidence and courage do not come from their appearance, but from their inner strength.

Since then, Blue Blue has become more lively. Instead of hiding in the corner, it began to actively seek out Huahua to play. The relationship between the two cats has also become closer because of this fight. Watching them chase and fight at home every day, I feel extremely relieved and happy.

Through this incident, I have deeply realized a truth: we should not pay too much attention to our appearance and image, but should pay more attention to our inner growth and strength. Although cats do not have the cover of long hair, they can still live their wonderful and confident lives. In the same way, we humans should learn to let go of the shackles of appearance and be brave enough to pursue our dreams and goals.

In fact, not only cats, but we humans often lose self-confidence for various reasons. Sometimes it's because of a failed experience, sometimes it's because of other people's evaluations and opinions. However, as long as we can bravely face our own shortcomings and shortcomings, and actively seek ways to change and grow, we will definitely be able to regain our own self-confidence and strength.

The shovel officer thought that the cat would have low self-esteem if it was shaved, but he didn't expect to fight with the blue cat at home like a lion cub

In this competitive and challenging society, we need to keep a brave and determined heart at all times. Only in this way can we go further, more stable and more wonderful on the road of life!

Finally, I would like to say a word: whether you are a human or a cat, do not lose confidence and courage because of your appearance and image. Believe in yourself, and you will definitely be able to live your own wonderful and confident life!



Well, that's all for today's sharing! I hope this story can bring you some inspiration and food for thought. If you have similar experiences or thoughts, please leave a message in the comment area to share! Remember to like, retweet, and follow us, and more exciting content is waiting for you to discover! See you next time!

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