
No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

author:Elegant Genie P1


No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

At that moment on the stage, the stars were shining brightly and the singing was like a tide. Tan Weiwei reached the top of "Singer 2024" with the song "Orchid Flowers", but in the midst of praise, he encountered the "poisonous tongue" comment of a music critic named Ding Taisheng. Ding Taisheng bluntly questioned Tan Weiwei's ability to win the championship, and this turmoil instantly caused an uproar on the Internet. So, what is Tan Weiwei's road to the championship? Is Ding Taisheng's comment fair? Let's walk into the center of this musical storm and find out the truth.

No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

1. Tan Weiwei: Strength and talent coexist

Tan Weiwei, a powerful singer who has been galloping in the Chinese music scene for many years, has won the love of countless music fans with his unique voice and soulful interpretation. On the stage of "Singer 2024", she appeared on the stage with the original song "Orchid Flowers", with a tactful and melodious singing voice and sincere and touching emotions. This song not only shows Tan Weiwei's solid musical skills, but also conveys her love for music and her perception of life. It is this strength and talent that makes Tan Weiwei stand out in the fierce competition and successfully win the championship.

No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

2. Ding Taisheng: Spicy comments are like knives, and there are constant controversies

However, in the joyful atmosphere of Tan Weiwei's victory, Ding Taisheng poured a basin of cold water. He bluntly pointed out that there were many controversies about Tan Weiwei's victory, arguing that her voice was too high-pitched, her performance form was too original, and even questioned her nationalist feelings. The remarks caused an uproar on the Internet, and many netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and doubts. Some people think that Ding Taisheng is too harsh and ignores Tan Weiwei's talent and hard work; Some people also think that although his comments are sharp, they point out Tan Weiwei's shortcomings.

3. Heated discussions among netizens: each expresses its own opinions, and disputes continue

No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

In this controversy, netizens have stood in line to express their positions. Some netizens support Ding Taisheng's point of view, believing that although his comments are sharp but pertinent; Some netizens strongly support Tan Weiwei, believing that her strength and talent are unquestionable. This controversy not only makes people think more about the criteria for music evaluation, but also allows people to see the collision and blending of different voices and opinions.

No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

4. Rational view: respect differences and appreciate diversity

In this controversy, we should look at it with a rational and objective attitude. Music is a subjective art form, and everyone's feelings and evaluations of music will be influenced by factors such as their own experiences, preferences, and cultural background. Therefore, when evaluating music and singers, we should respect each other's differences and choices, and appreciate the diversity of musical styles and expressions. Only in this way can we enrich the world of music and allow people to find their own piece of the sky.


No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?
No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?
No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?
No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?
No. 1 with a loud voice? "Poisonous tongue" Ding Taisheng commented on Tan Weiwei, and netizens applauded?

Although Tan Weiwei's road to winning the championship is full of controversy and doubts, her strength and talent are unquestionable. Although Ding Taisheng's comments are sharp and direct, they also provide us with an opportunity to reflect on and examine the criteria for music evaluation. In this controversy, we have seen the collision and blending of different voices and opinions, as well as people's love and pursuit of music. Let's look forward to the birth of more excellent music works and singers, so that the world of music will be more exciting!

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