
Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

author:A light smile

When ancient folk songs meet the modern stage, what kind of sparks will be created? Tan Weiwei gave the answer with her "Orchid Flowers". She blends the essence of northern Shaanxi folk songs with modern musical elements, not only retaining the charm of the original song, but also giving it new life.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

On the stage of the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", the powerful singer Tan Weiwei made a strong return as a fill-in singer. As a big fan of hers, the arrival of this moment is undoubtedly a musical feast. Tan Weiwei, a singer who has been in the music industry for many years, has taken every step firmly and calmly.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

When the prelude to "Orchid Flowers" sounded, the atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited. Tan Weiwei's voice is like the wind on the Loess Plateau, sometimes gentle, sometimes high-pitched. Her clever blend of Chinese and Western instruments, especially the innovation of adding erhu elements, is refreshing. This fusion not only does not destroy the charm of the original song, but adds a modern touch to it. The response of the audience was extremely enthusiastic, with a wave of applause and cheers. On the judges' bench, the eyes of several professionals flashed with admiration.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Netizens were shocked by Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers", and the comments were flooding.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Some netizens commented: 'This is the momentum of singing "I want foreigners to die" [secret observation]", describing Tan Weiwei's singing voice as full of power and momentum.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Some netizens called her 'Lu Zhishen in the music industry', expressing their high appreciation for her musical talent.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Some netizens bluntly said that 'national self-confidence, straight to the soul', and felt the national pride and cultural self-confidence conveyed by Tan Weiwei in the song.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Many netizens said that Tan Weiwei's performance made them re-understand the charm of traditional music, as if they were brought into that ancient and mysterious world.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Some netizens also sighed, 'Hard control me for nearly an hour', expressing their obsession and love for Tan Weiwei's music.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" not only won the applause of the audience, but also sparked heated discussions on social media. Her performance not only shows the charm of traditional music, but also reflects the new trend of fusion of tradition and modernity. This trend not only rejuvenates traditional music, but also makes it accessible and loving to more young people. Tan Weiwei's performance is undoubtedly an important node in the history of Chinese music development.

Tan Weiwei's "Orchid Flowers" exploded on the stage, a perfect collision of tradition and modernity

Source of inspiration: Hunan Entertainment

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