
The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

author:A home for a leisurely life

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

Tan Weiwei

In the eager anticipation of the audience, the curtain of the eighth phase of the "Singer 2024" Ultimate Chart Competition slowly fell, and this musical feast brought us countless surprises and touches, and also triggered a lot of thinking and discussion.

On the stage, seven online singers competed fiercely with the fill-in singer Tan Weiwei and the leaderboard singer Lucia, and each singer did their best to show their musical talent to the fullest.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

Wang Sulong

Wang Sulong, the brave singer who has been the first to play many times, kicked off the competition with his affectionate and delicate "I Hear the Sound of Rain". Despite the pre-match concerns that this sequence would adversely affect him, and despite the slight flaw in his singing, his singing still created a strong sense of atmosphere, like a heartfelt outpouring that immersed the audience. In the end, he finished in sixth place, which was not a dazzling result, but his persistence and hard work deserve our respect.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

Huang Xuan

Huang Xuan's appearance once again demonstrated his unique control over music. He uses "Close To You" to create a charming and romantic mood, which makes the listener feel as if they are in a world full of dreams. However, it is a pity that his performance in this issue was not fully recognized by the audience and the judges, and he ranked at the bottom. But this does not mean that his musical talent is denied, only that in this fierce competition, the performance of other singers is more prominent.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

Sun Nan

Sun Nan's double interpretation of Alan Tam's old song "Wordless Gratitude" shows his courage and attempts, but the inaccuracy of his grasp of Cantonese and the problem of broken sound in singing still expose some shortcomings. When he faced Lucia's challenge, the reason for his victory was perhaps more due to the choice of the judges. In the end, he finished fifth, and he needs to grasp the interpretation of the song more accurately in future competitions.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize


"The Devil from Heaven" sung in Chinese by Fanxia is undoubtedly a highlight of this issue. As a foreign player, she showed amazing language talent, with silky pronunciation and clear pronunciation, making people almost forget that this was her first time singing a Chinese song. She won the second place for her outstanding performance, which also proves that music knows no borders, and as long as you express it with your heart, you can touch the hearts of listeners.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize


Chantimo's strong stage presence is as strong as ever, and her rhythm can always drive the atmosphere of the audience. However, the integration of the guzheng elements added in the arrangement with the whole song is not perfect and slightly incongruous. This detail may have affected her final result, and she needed to improve her music arrangement after finishing fourth in this issue.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize


Na Ying, as an evergreen tree in the music world, this competition is a battle for her reputation. The seventh place in the last issue made her feel lost and aggrieved, and even burst into tears. In this competition, her performance was sincere and touching, but the third place she won was more like a comfort to her from the program team. This can't help but make people think, in such a fierce competition stage, how to grasp the balance between strength and fame, emotion and skill?

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize

Tan Weiwei

Tan Weiwei's return is undoubtedly the biggest surprise in this issue. On the stage of "Singer" for the sixth time, she shocked the audience with the newly created fusion rock song "Orchid Flowers". Her singing is passionate and exciting, and the addition of folk elements pushes the atmosphere to a climax. This song has undoubtedly become a classic on the stage of this season's "Singer", and she also deservedly won the first place.

The eighth issue of "Singer": Tan Weiwei lives up to his name, and Na Ying won a consolation prize


Lucia, the "national treasure" singer's debut was a sight to behold. Her voice spanning the five octaves brought the shocking singing of "All By Myself", which was majestic and imposing. Although she was unsuccessful in challenging Sun Nan, her outstanding performance was evident to all, and the stunned expression on her face reflected the unexpected result of the match.

In this music competition, we have seen the hard work and efforts of the singers, and also seen the infinite possibilities of music. However, the excessive praise of Na Ying in the show and the frequent appearance of Haiquan also made some viewers question. Is it to add topicality? Or is it to create some kind of atmosphere? Perhaps, the producers of the program should pay more attention to the presentation of the music itself, so that the strength and works of the singers become the real focus.

The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is not only a music competition, but also an exchange and collision of music culture. Each singer stands on this stage with their own stories and dreams, conveying emotion and power with their singing. Regardless of the results, they brought us unforgettable musical moments, making us feel the charm of music and the passion of life.

In the days to come, we look forward to the "Singer" stage can continue to bring us more wonderful performances, discover more outstanding musical talents, and let the light of music illuminate our lives. At the same time, I also hope that the singers can continue to break through themselves on this stage, bring us more soul-shaking works, and let the power of music be passed on forever.

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