
In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

author:Apocalypse of life

Delicious but dumplings, dumplings are everyone's favorite food, the previous living conditions were poor, at that time dumplings were the best luxury, only during the New Year or festivals can eat dumplings once, now now with the continuous improvement of life, dumplings with any filling can be eaten. Our most common dumpling fillings are cabbage filling, leek filling, and meatball filling, etc., but among so many fillings, my favorite dumpling is the dumpling with bean filling. In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents a catty, cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

Beans are a seasonal dish in summer, not only fresh and delicious, but also very rich in nutrition, which is rich in vitamins and amino acids required by the human body, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, eating beans is excellent for the body. The price is not high, the beans on our side are 9 cents a catty, the price is quite cheap, cheaper than the price of cucumbers. Next, I will share the detailed method of this bean dumpling with you, eat more of this dish in summer, strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, only 9 cents a catty, used to make dumplings is the most delicious, more fragrant than meat buns.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

[Ingredients]: flour, beans, onions, egg whites, oyster sauce, sweet pasta sauce, cooking oil, edible salt, pork, etc

【How to do it】

Step 1: Pour 300 grams of flour into the basin, add a spoonful of salt to increase the gluten of the flour, then add 1 egg white, stir well, pour in an appropriate amount of warm water to mix the dough, stir into a flocculent shape and then knead it into a dough, and finally knead it into a softer dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

Step 2: Cut some onions again, cut them in half, first cut them into thin strips, then cut them into diced onions, put the diced onions on a plate, and then prepare a handful of long beans and clean them and put them in the pot to fry the water, blanch them for about 2 minutes or so, take them out and put them in cold water to cool them for a while, then take them out and chop them on the board, put them together with the diced onions, cut a piece of pork into small pieces and chop them into meat sauce, then add a spoonful of oyster sauce, a tablespoon of sweet noodle sauce, a spoonful of edible salt, an appropriate amount of cooking oil, stir well in one direction, The filling is ready.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

Step 3: Put the proofed dough on the cutting board and knead the exhaust, then knead it into long strips, cut it into a uniform size of the dough, sprinkle an appropriate amount of dry flour on the dough to prevent sticking, and then roll the dough into a dumpling skin, take a dumpling skin and wrap it into the adjusted filling, then fold the dumpling skin in half, seal and pinch it tightly, and the dumpling is ready.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

Step 4: Pour water into the pot, boil the water over high heat, add a spoonful of salt after the water boils, put in the finished dumplings, and then use a shovel to push a few times, cover the lid to boil the dumplings, add a small amount of cold water after boiling, then cover the lid and continue to boil the water, add an appropriate amount of cold water again after the water boils, continue to boil the water again, until the dumplings are belly upwards, when all float up, it proves that the dumplings are cooked, and they can be eaten in a bowl.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

Step 5: When eating dumplings, it is best to have another sauce, pour an appropriate amount of balsamic vinegar into the bowl, pour an appropriate amount of sesame oil, and the rest of the ingredients do not need to be put more, and the original taste is more enjoyable.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents a pound, cheaper than cucumbers, wrapped into dumplings super fragrant, this is the way I bring you to the carob dumplings, the carob dumplings are tender and juicy, nutritious and delicious, delicious, and the method is not difficult, friends who like it should do it! Eat more of this dish in summer, strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, only 9 cents a catty, used to make dumplings is the best, more fragrant than meat buns.

In summer, eat more dumplings with this filling, 9 cents and 1 catty, which is cheaper than cucumbers, and the dumplings are super fragrant

Carob dumplings

【Dumpling making tips】

1. When mixing the noodles, adding egg whites to the flour can make the boiled dumplings not easy to break.

2. When cooking dumplings, adding a little salt can make the boiled dumplings not easy to break the skin and not easy to stick together.

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