
Today I was taught a lesson by a high school student that cognition has never been about age

author:Wu Nong whispered
It matures like a tree, does not squeeze its sap, and stands confidently in the storm of spring, and does not worry that summer will not come later. Summer will come eventually. But it comes only to those who endure; Here they are, as if eternity were always before them, carefree and silent and vast.

The ancients said: "Three years old looks old".

Excellent people really perform very well from a young age.

My son's school invited the top performers of this year's college entrance examination to talk about learning methods to the children in the junior high school, and as a parent of the student, I was fortunate to participate in this exchange.

I didn't know it was a high school student beforehand, I thought the school had invited an expert to sign up, but when I saw that it was a high school, I was still a little disappointed, and I felt a bit of a waste of time.

Man's prejudice is often hidden in his arrogance.

Today I was taught a lesson by a high school student that cognition has never been about age

The next speech subverted a lot of my cognition, a PPT, an hour, clear and quick thinking, and also taught me a lot, let me put away my previous prejudices, and like a primary school student, take notes seriously.

I am very impressed that the current education is really different from my time, and I have the urge to re-enter the school as a redo student.

Cognition really has nothing to do with age.

She talked about why she has been able to maintain excellent grades, and there are several key points, which are completely correct in their practical work and life.

Be in good health

She said that her healthy body allows her to attend classes full-time, and in the fast-paced course, she avoids being sick and taking leave from class and falling behind.

There is a good saying that the body is the capital of the revolution.

At work, a healthy body is so important. If you are in good health, you go to work every day in good spirits, in good spirits, and with a positive attitude.

The communication with people is full of energy, and the posture of the long-term exercise will not be bloated, giving people a feeling of spirit and ability.

Such a person gives the impression of being very capable of working and has that positive feeling. Long-term exercise to maintain a healthy body can also resist high-intensity work pressure, and at the same time, exercise can also release stress.

People who are in good health have a basically good image. Image is actually very important in the workplace, we often see workplace employees who are discriminated against, excluded, and bullied in film and television dramas that talk about the workplace, and they are basically chubby and look a little bloated.

The reality is that if you are fat and frail, it will feel like you are clumsy and do not do well. If it's a man, I still feel a little greasy.

People always like to judge people by their appearance, so no matter how strong your ability is, you will most likely not get the opportunity to improve.

Therefore, a healthy body is not only a solid foundation for your work, but also a good image will bring you many opportunities in the workplace.

Maintain your mental health

A healthy mind is very important, and she was in a parallel class in junior high school instead of the school's innovation class, but she was admitted to high school with a top 50 in the city.

In fact, a healthy mind is also very important at work.

First of all, if you are mentally healthy, you will make your intelligence look normal, and at work, your observation, your thinking, and your doing things are all within a normal range, and you can effectively handle your daily work.

People with mental health are generally emotionally stable, and will not have extreme emotional reactions due to external stimuli, which can win affinity, and can also self-regulate well in the face of stress.

People with a healthy mind are able to objectively recognize themselves, recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, accept themselves, and do not compare themselves with others.

You can also face reality bravely, face adversity, do not run away, do not avoid, and actively look for solutions.

Mentally healthy people maintain friendly, trusting, and respectful relationships with others, and are able to love not only themselves, but also others, their work, and their environment. At the same time, they have the ability to think and act independently, have their own opinions, and be able to make their own judgments and decisions while listening to the opinions of others.

Demonstrate good willpower at work, be able to set goals and persist in pursuing them, not give up easily in the face of difficulties and challenges, and manage their behavior effectively.

Therefore, people with mental health will also do smoothly at work and be kind to others.

Have a good attitude

She said that there will be ups and downs in learning, not comparing with others, only comparing with herself, and constantly challenging herself, so from more than 300 people to the top of the list.

Don't compare with others, keep challenging yourself, and you also need such an ecology in your work.

There is a good saying that people are more popular than people.

Everyone was born in a different environment, in the company, some people rely on their father, don't understand anything, can be in a high position, with a high salary, you work hard, diligently, suffer all the white eyes, take this meager salary to support your family, you compare with him, you have to be angry?

Some people are in the company, good at flattery, sloppy and patting, meet a mediocre leader, enjoy it extremely, and the benefits are given to him/her. You were born with slurred speech, and you don't know how to be a man, you only know how to work hard, and in the end you can't even drink soup.

So the core is not to compare with others, only to compete with yourself, to see if I am today and have grown compared to yesterday's me? Am I doing better at work this month than I was last month? Am I more able to work this year than I was last year? Are you qualified for a higher job? Is it possible to get a higher salary?

People with a good attitude are also positive and optimistic people, they will consider the positive side when encountering things, have less negative emotions, live in the present, and are not stumped by past regrets or future worries, so that internal friction is low and pressure is small.

People with a good attitude know how to be grateful, cherish everything in front of them, and the attitude of gratitude can enhance personal happiness and satisfaction, and they will not be careless at work. People who have compassion tend to build deeper interpersonal connections.

People with a good mindset are able to accept their imperfections, treat their shortcomings with a peaceful mind, and at the same time, be open and adaptable in the face of change, and flexibly adjust their strategies and mindsets, rather than sticking to one method or concept.

Cultivating and maintaining a healthy, positive mindset is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, practice, and reflection.

Through reading, meditation, exercise, socialization, and professional mentoring, individuals can constantly improve and adjust their mindset to better adapt to life and enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

At last

When she talked about how she spent her studies and communicated with her family, she mentioned some ideas that I think can be fully used to get along with colleagues at work.

1. Communicate honestly, she said that because of the generation gap caused by age and experience, it is easy to have cognitive differences and misunderstandings.

Today I was taught a lesson by a high school student that cognition has never been about age

We will also encounter such problems in our work, everyone's experience is different, work experience is different, and the cognition of a thing is also different, because of poor cognition, so everyone's views and opinions on a thing are different, this difference will make everyone insist on each other's opinions, think that the other party is wrong, think that the other party does not understand. Therefore, we need to be honest about our cognitive views, and maybe when everyone looks at the problem from your point of view, they may be able to understand the cognition, and they will eliminate misunderstandings.

2. Be emotionally stable, when she says she is in a hurry, her tone changes, and when she communicates with the other person, the other person will feel offended.

Today I was taught a lesson by a high school student that cognition has never been about age

At work, we often express different views directly with colleagues, sometimes disputes, if at this time, we continue to communicate, then our tone will change, the tone will be high, the other party will react immediately, and soon there will be tension, in fact, in retrospect, it is just a different point of view, or even the same point of view, different ways of expression. Because of emotional instability, communication is poor and even conflicts. Therefore, in this situation, take a deep breath first, stabilize your emotions, and then communicate in a calm tone, maybe many things will be easily solved.

3. Be coherent and don't mix emotions with expressions If a person is emotional, not only will the tone of speech change, but the coherence may become unclear.

We can think about ourselves, if you are emotional, you will find that your ability to express yourself has deteriorated dramatically, and your thinking is not so good. Therefore, many times when others suggest communicating with others, you must be calm, only calm, you will not be dizzy, and you will not be confused by logic and unclear expression.

4. Don't dig over old accounts, don't go back to the past and settle things Many of us like to start turning over the things that turn into grain and rotten sesame seeds as soon as we communicate, and end up breaking up unhappily.

It's about things, communicate about the current matter, and don't involve the past things. The past has already had a result, it has been resolved, and if it is turned out again, this is obviously not the attitude to solve the problem, so the communication will easily break up.

5. Don't communicate with distrustful questions If two people communicate, if there are distrustful questions, there is a high probability that the communication will fail.

First of all, this is a resistance from the beginning, and secondly, no one wants to be doubted by others, even if it is true, because of distrust, I don't need to communicate with you.

In the end, she talked about getting along with her parents, having an equal relationship, having private space, cooperating with each other, not-for-tat, and blaming each other.

In fact, this is also the case at work, where colleagues reserve a certain amount of personal space with each other, have an equal relationship when they get along, and cooperate with each other to achieve a common goal when working. Do not accuse each other,-for-tat, and coexist peacefully.

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