
After the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains and the Ming Dynasty fell, the Vietnamese began to consider themselves the legitimate heirs of Chinese civilization. At that time, although the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam bowed down to the Qing Dynasty, the Vietnamese people did not look down on it in their bones

author:Veteran nomad

After the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains and the Ming Dynasty fell, the Vietnamese began to consider themselves the legitimate heirs of Chinese civilization.

At that time, although the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam bowed down to the Qing Dynasty, the Vietnamese looked down on the Manchus who entered the customs in their bones. In the perception of the Vietnamese rulers, after the Ming Dynasty was overthrown by the Manchu government, only they were the orthodox lineage of China and qualified to inherit the traditional Chinese culture. The Qing Dynasty was nothing more than the "Yi" in "Yi to Xia", a foreigner who invaded the Central Plains. The Manchus gained the dominance of China by means of military conquest, which was unconvincing to the people of the world.

As a result, the Nguyen Dynasty government began to call itself "China", and the Nguyen Dynasty Emperor Nguyen Phuc Anh claimed: "China is not governed by foreign countries, and it is not governed by sincerity", and the "China" here has become the self-title of the Nguyen Dynasty. Emperor Ming Ming even satirized the Qing Dynasty's "armor system" as "the system of court clothes and crowns are all from Yi Xi, not the system of ancient clothing". Vietnam's great Confucian Phan Hui Note directly stated that although the Qing Dynasty inherited the territory of the Ming Dynasty, it did not inherit its civilization, and the Qing Dynasty's "Chinese" qualification was completely denied.

In the official history book of the Nguyen Dynasty, "Da Nan Shilu", the words "Xia" and "Han" often appear to refer to the main ethnic group in Vietnam, the Jing people, such as "During the Gia Long period, a staff officer was set up, and he gradually entered the Han style; If you add politics and religion, you can't think of decades to change from Xia, but it can be no different from the Han people", don't think too much, this text actually has nothing to do with the Han people in China, and the content written is actually the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia at that time and the forced assimilation of the Khmers.


After the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains and the Ming Dynasty fell, the Vietnamese began to consider themselves the legitimate heirs of Chinese civilization. At that time, although the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam bowed down to the Qing Dynasty, the Vietnamese people did not look down on it in their bones
After the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains and the Ming Dynasty fell, the Vietnamese began to consider themselves the legitimate heirs of Chinese civilization. At that time, although the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam bowed down to the Qing Dynasty, the Vietnamese people did not look down on it in their bones
After the Manchu Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains and the Ming Dynasty fell, the Vietnamese began to consider themselves the legitimate heirs of Chinese civilization. At that time, although the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam bowed down to the Qing Dynasty, the Vietnamese people did not look down on it in their bones

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