
"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall

author:Great Wall Net

"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall

According to media reports, Japan's well-known snack "Morinaga small steamed bun" was exposed to a scandal, and about 190,000 products have been recalled since June 28.

It is reported that Japan's "Morinaga Confectionery Co., Ltd." recently issued a product recall announcement on its official website, claiming to have received complaints that the snack "マンナボーロ" contains foreign substances, and the actual inspection speculates that it may be animal feces.

"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall

The official website of the product issued an announcement pointing out that it recently received a complaint from a customer, saying that there were foreign objects in the bag of a baked snack, and after actual inspection, it was found that foreign substances may have been mixed into the production process, and it was speculated that it was suspected that small animal feces, because there was clear evidence, so it was decided to take a recycling operation, but at present, no health hazard information has been confirmed, and the cause will continue to be investigated to prevent recurrence, and will make every effort to further strengthen the quality control system management.

"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall

It is understood that this kind of baby food is 34 grams per pack, suitable for babies over 7 months old, and the products are sold throughout Japan, mostly called "baby soufflé" and "baby small steamed bun". Japanese netizens expressed shock at the incident and expressed concern about the safety of children's food. Some have criticized Morinaga for suspending shipments until the problem is resolved.

User Comments:

I seem to have eaten this too

In this regard, many netizens said that they had eaten the same style, and now they want to vomit when they see this news.

One meal is not enough: I have also eaten and I am surprised! At that time, I happened to travel to Japan, and then I felt that everything was fresh, so I bought and ate, and it tasted like nothing that was not very delicious, and I really wanted to vomit when I saw this news now.

H_and_M: I really buy it when my kids are young.

Some people also said that food safety issues should still be paid attention to.

Miao Miao'er: This food safety problem is too bad, right?

Source: Morning News, Metropolis Express

Editors-in-charge: Fang Shujing, Chen Zhaoyue, Zhang Xiaojing

Editor: Wu Yunhuan

"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall
"Probably animal droppings"! Well-known snacks were mixed with foreign substances, and the official announced the recall

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