
The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

author:The Secret History of Fukan
The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

"Theory of sexual goodness" and "theory of sexual evil" are common topics, and children are generally labeled with adjectives such as childlike and innocent, because children are simple-minded and will tell everything they think without concealment, that is to say, they will make up nonsense in order to lie, and tell some lies that can be seen at a glance.

Some people think that this kind of behavior can't be regarded as lying, because the child is still young, where does he know how to think so delicately, and "lying" is the nature of children, whether it is good or malicious, it is just a concept that can directly reflect what the child thinks at the time, and sometimes the child's lies show a little "cute".

However, it is because of the "not caring about the children" of some parents that a series of "victim guilt" incidents have been caused, which is innocent in the eyes of parents, but in the eyes of the victims, this is aiding and abetting.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty


In order to calm things down, choose to kneel and kowtow

Last week, an infuriating incident occurred in a snack shop in Dongguan, Guangdong, where a child secretly took a piece of candy, only to open his mouth and frame him for being given to it by the cashier.

In the evening, there were many customers in the snack shop, and several cashiers were concentrating on the checkout, when a child took advantage of the chaos to touch a piece of candy on the table, and no one saw the process.

As soon as the child finished taking the candy, his parents came in from outside, and the child held the candy and told the parents, and took the initiative to say: My brother (cashier) gave it to me.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The cashier didn't hear what the child said, but the child's parents heard it and took the candy in their hands and looked at it.

After a while, there were not many customers in front of the cash register, and after the little brother finished clearing the snacks selected by the mother and son, he found the candy in the child's hand, indicating that the candy had not been settled.

Seeing this, the child's parents questioned the little brother, saying that you didn't give him food?

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

One sentence to the little brother was stunned, from the beginning to the end, the little brother never said that he wanted to give sugar to children for free, but seeing that the customer in front of him was not like a good stubble, he still gave the sugar to the mother and son for free.

As everyone knows, the parents of the children were completely blown up because of the little brother's two "perfunctory" responses.

The child's parents think that the little brother has nothing to do, just a piece of candy, obviously just said that he wanted to give it to the child, how did he suddenly change the hexagram at this time, besides, this is not the initiative of the parents, why did the little brother frame his own child, put on a fighting posture all over his body, and he is bound to get back an explanation for the child.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The woman made a very big noise, and the shopkeeper who was standing aside hurriedly came over to persuade them to make peace, saying that this dime had not been given to them, and why they still did not give it now, and there was no need to argue about this trivial matter.

But now the woman can't listen to anything anymore, and the snack shop thinks that the child is talking nonsense, and just give him a dime of candy; But the woman felt that the snack shop owed the child an apology because they had framed the child for lying.

The shopkeeper was also angry when he heard this, since he wanted to argue, then let's have a good argument, the cause of this incident was that the child stole candy, the store said that it was free to give, and the woman had to apologize, and the shopkeeper pulled the matter back to the root: You are guests, why should we send things to you for free?

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

As soon as the shopkeeper finished speaking, the woman began to shout at the top of her voice, saying that it was not she who asked the store to give her the candy and asked the shopkeeper to return the sugar to her.

The candy was confiscated from the money, and the woman also turned into a shrew to make trouble at the cash register, and the candy was also opened by the child, but the woman did not admit that they opened it, and the shopkeeper showed the woman the gap on the package, and the woman once again transferred the matter to: Is it what I want?

Because of a dime of candy and a child's lies, the shopkeeper was said to have no conscience and was not human.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The shopkeeper asked the little brother to go to the office to avoid it, the woman chattered endlessly, and the shopkeeper reasoned with the woman while working in order not to affect the other customers to check out.

The shopkeeper just said, why should we open a store to give your son things for free.

The woman was even more irritable, even though the cash register was full of people, she still had to stand in front of the shopkeeper's face and scold, and also condemned the shopkeeper for saying this sentence back and forth, and threatened to take a picture of the shopkeeper and post it on the Internet.

The woman chattered a lot, kept standing at the front desk and didn't leave, and the shopkeeper didn't want to grind with her, this matter lasted for two hours, the woman scolded the store for two hours, the shopkeeper really wanted to send the god away, and directly knelt and kowtowed to the woman in public to apologize.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty


Band-Aid experiment

There is a hot stalk on the Internet, saying: Kindergarten monitoring is to protect teachers.

Last year, there was a hot search news, a kindergarten teacher in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, took advantage of the children's lunch break to put a band-aid on each child's face, just to test the children's reaction when they woke up.

As a result, this quiz directly overturned the theory that "children don't lie", and the teacher took the initiative to ask the children why they were injured after they woke up, and then the children made up a bunch of different reasons based on the questions.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

Obviously, they don't know where this band-aid came from, some say that they were injured by fighting with other children, some say that they fell down the slide, and some say that they were bitten by others...

All kinds of reasons come when you open your mouth, even if you make something out of nothing, you can still create pain out of nothing, there is no wound under the band-aid, and children can lie to adults about pain.

The whole process is jaw-dropping, is this the legendary "children don't lie"? Lying children, unreasonable mothers, angry teachers, and unreasonable victims are really suffocating.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty


Pampering is not love

There is a line in the movie "Manslaughter": Some children are children, but some children are beasts.

Eleven years ago, a ten-year-old child was called a "demon" by everyone.

That day, Grandma Wu took her grandson Yuan Yuan out to play, and when she got to the first floor, she found that Yuan Yuan was left in the elevator, and the elderly reacted slowly, and when Grandma Wu turned around to find Yuan Yuan, the elevator door was closed and went up.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

Five minutes later, Grandma Wu saw Yuan Yuan, but in the lawn at the window of the building, she saw Yuan Yuan covered in blood.

Grandma Wu found Li Yirui, a little girl who had just had a relationship, and the two of them also met each other, and the ten-year-old Li Yirui was very polite.

Li Yirui told Grandma Wu for the first time that a man had taken Yuan Yuan away, and within a few minutes, Li Yirui changed her words again, saying that it was a woman who took Yuan Yuan away, and seeing that Grandma Wu was anxious, Li Yirui also stepped forward to comfort her.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

It wasn't until the downstairs neighbor found the original in the lawn that Grandma Wu's hanging heart finally died, but Li Yirui was unmoved when she saw this scene, turned around and went home.

After the police investigation, people saw the surveillance in the elevator, and at the moment when the elevator door closed, Li Yirui stopped Yuan Yuan with open hands, and then began to punch and kick Yuan Yuan, who had only met once.

After beating Yuan Yuan down, Li Yirui dragged Yuan Yuan out of the elevator again, and then Yuan Yuan was thrown down from the 25th floor by Li Yirui.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The surveillance video clearly recorded all of Li Yirui's crimes, but Li Yirui was still lying when she was questioned by the police, she said that she took Yuan Yuan back to her home, and in the process of fighting, Yuan Yuan fell from the upstairs by herself.

Li Yirui's parents also tried their best to cover up this matter, saying that Li Yirui had been in a car accident before and her brain was abnormal, and they also helped Li Yirui to say that Yuan Yuan fell by herself.

No one knows why Li Yirui killed a one-and-a-half-year-old strange child, and no one knows that Li Yirui is only ten years old, so she can cover up the facts of her crime without changing her face, and even calmly comfort the victim's family.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

The balcony of Li Yirui's house is one meter long, and the original is only 80 centimeters, and the original can't even reach the balcony handrail, let alone turn it down.

Thanks to the buffer of the tree, Harahara did not die, but he was left with a lifelong disability; Li Yirui's family fled to Xinjiang with her, and Li Yirui was too young to be convicted at the time.

Until now, Li Yirui has not been responsible for her demonic behavior, and her family has not brought her forward to apologize.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

On May 30 this year, a similar case occurred in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, where a 13-year-old girl picked up a neighbor's 2-year-old child and ran to the 11th floor to drop him from the upper floor.

The incident of "the snack shop owner kneeling and kowtowing to Bao Ma" ruined three views: children's words made the victim guilty

Age cannot be a shield for human beings to do bad things, adults are punished by law for crimes, and children can only punish their guardians for crimes.

Now that the living conditions are better, many people have begun to spoil their children endlessly, and the children grow up in pampering, forming a domineering character, and they can also be exposed to it, and pretend to be cute and innocent after doing bad things to win the comfort of their parents.

Everyone should be responsible for their own behavior, and they must raise children when they have children, especially to lead by example, how many children with bad character are because of the failure of their native family education, so the education of children can not be ignored!

Information sources:

[1] Watermelon Video: Chinese Brands: What Do You Think? The boy took the candy and lied about giving it away, and the mother scolded angrily for two hours, and the shopkeeper collapsed and knelt down to admit his mistake 2024.6

[2] Douyin: Today's broadcast: The kindergarten teacher put a band-aid on the child during the nap, and the whole kindergarten turned the sky upside down in one afternoon, as we all know, "children don't lie"...

[3] The Changshou Court accepted the civil compensation case of "the girl abandoned the child on the 25th floor". China Court Network 2013-12-06

[4] The Paper: #2岁女童被邻居带上17楼后坠亡警方已立刑案# 2024.5.31

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