
This fruit is laxative and high in vitamin C...... It is on the market, but unfortunately too few people know about it

author:Shangluo News Network
This fruit is laxative and high in vitamin C...... It is on the market, but unfortunately too few people know about it
This fruit is laxative and high in vitamin C...... It is on the market, but unfortunately too few people know about it
This fruit is laxative and high in vitamin C...... It is on the market, but unfortunately too few people know about it
This fruit is laxative and high in vitamin C...... It is on the market, but unfortunately too few people know about it

Source: People's Daily Science Popularization

Editor: Zhang Mingyue Editor-in-charge: Han Ting

Review: Sun Huangrong Signed: Zhang Yonggang

The content of this issue is presented to you by Shangluo City Association for Science and Technology and Shangluo News Network Interactive Submission AddressE-mail: [email protected] WeChat ID: Shangluo News "slxw01"

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