
Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

author:Liangdu High-tech City Supervisor
Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Is eating less serious and life-threatening?

What happens if you eat more?

Vitamin C is also known as "ascorbic acid"

Long-term deficiency can cause scurvy

Bleeding gums and tooth loss are present

Causes skin problems

In severe cases, it can be life-threatening

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......
Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Vitamin C not only protects against scurvy

It can also prevent iron deficiency anemia

Enhance human immunity, anti-oxidation, delay aging

Prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc

Although the benefits of vitamin C are many

However, it should not be taken in excess

The daily dose of vitamin C exceeds 3 grams

May lead to increased bowel movements

Some people experience abdominal cramps and diarrhea

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

More than 4 grams

It can occur after a week

Urinary tract calcium oxalate stones and kidney stones

In severe cases, it can cause hematuria and renal colic

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Long-term overdose of vitamin C

On the contrary, it will accelerate the breakdown and excretion of vitamin C in the body

Early symptoms of scurvy may occur once the drug is stopped

(including swollen and bleeding gums, loose teeth)

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......
Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Keep this dosage in mind

According to the Dietary Reference Intakes for Chinese Residents

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 100mg

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Vitamin C is susceptible to oxidation

It cannot be stored for a long time

It is not resistant to high temperatures

Heating temperatures that are too high or too long can also cause significant losses

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

So, I recommend everyone

It is best to eat raw fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C

Ranked in the top 10 in terms of vitamin C content

Common fruits and vegetables are as follows (unit: mg/100g):

Other than that

When processing vegetables that are high in vitamin C

It is recommended to do a good job of "4 as much as possible"

(1) When handling vegetables, try to wash them before cutting them

(2) Stir-fry after cutting and shortening the exposure time in the air as much as possible

(3) Cook with less salt and keep the stir-fry and simmering time as short as possible

(4) Try not to use copper utensils, use iron pots

Don't just eat this vitamin! There are three reasons for this......

Source: Guangdong CDC

Editor: Huang Keshu

First Trial: Jiang Hao

Reviewer: Gu Yan

Final review: Yang Hong

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