
The 14-year-old golden retriever could no longer walk, and the owner pushed it out with a small cart to breathe, and his face was full of joy

author:Cute pet healer

For those who have pet dogs, the dogs are their own family and treat them as their own children. Especially the dogs that have been raised for more than ten years, they have a deep affection for them. Dogs of this age may not be able to walk and will get sick, I hope the owners will not dislike them, but to protect them well!

The 14-year-old golden retriever could no longer walk, and the owner pushed it out with a small cart to breathe, and his face was full of joy

On June 27 in Shenzhen, Guangdong, a netizen saw an aunt pushing a small cart when he went out that day. I thought it was a child inside, but when I looked over, I found that it was a dog sitting in the small cart. This dog looks very old, and at first glance it is very old. I asked my aunt to find out that it was already 14 years old and couldn't walk, but I still wanted it to come out for a walk, so I used a small cart to take it out to breathe!

The 14-year-old golden retriever could no longer walk, and the owner pushed it out with a small cart to breathe, and his face was full of joy

It is enough to see the importance of a good owner for dogs! Some dogs are old, and the owner will abandon them if they dislike them, while some owners will accompany them and never give up, who is good and who is bad! Those who abandon their dogs may not have a law to punish them, but is it really okay to have a conscience? The dog has been with you for a lifetime, and when it needs you, it will take care of it with a little conscience! I hope that every dog can meet a good owner!

The 14-year-old golden retriever could no longer walk, and the owner pushed it out with a small cart to breathe, and his face was full of joy

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