
Golden Retriever: Dad, hold tight, scared. Say that the golden retriever is timid, and he is arrogant after seeing other dogs!

author:Light Emotion

**Golden Retriever: Dad, hold tight, I'm scared**

Hello everyone, I'm Headline Editor XX, and today I want to share with you a story about me and my family's Golden Retriever. This is a story about bravery and timidity, a story that makes people laugh and warm at the same time.

# My Golden Retriever, My "Coward"

My name is Zhang Wei, I am Chinese New Year's Eve five years old, I am an ordinary office worker, and I live a 9-to-5 life every day. Although I am busy at work, I have a golden retriever at home, and it is an integral part of my life. My golden retriever, Wangcai, is a two-year-old golden retriever with golden hair and big eyes, which always gives people a warm feeling.

Golden Retriever: Dad, hold tight, scared. Say that the golden retriever is timid, and he is arrogant after seeing other dogs!

Wangcai is usually a complete "coward" at home. Every time it thundered and rained, it would hide in my arms, shivering, and look at me with those big eyes, as if to say, "Daddy, hold tight, I'm afraid." "Whenever this happens, I will hold it tightly, comfort it, and tell it not to be afraid, I am here.

However, there is a strange paradox in Wangcai's "timidity". Whenever he meets other dogs, he becomes extremely arrogant. It will hold its head high, wagging its tail, and stride forward, as if to say, "Look, how good I am!" "Then they would play with the other dogs, chasing and fighting, and they didn't look like they were timid.

# Meet the defiant dog

One day, I took Wangcai for a walk in the park. The sun is shining, the breeze is not dry, and it is a good weather to walk the dog. We walked leisurely in the park and enjoyed this rare moment of tranquility.

Golden Retriever: Dad, hold tight, scared. Say that the golden retriever is timid, and he is arrogant after seeing other dogs!

Suddenly, a dog much larger than Wangcai rushed over, it glared, showed its sharp teeth, and barked at Wangcai. Wangcai was obviously frightened by the dog's momentum, and it took a few steps back, clinging to my side, looking at me with those big eyes, as if to say, "Dad, what should I do?" ”

# Wangcai's bravery and my touch

Looking at Wangcai's scared look, I felt a little distressed. But I know I can't let Wangcai stay like this. So, I took a deep breath, patted Wangcai's head, and said to it, "Wangcai, don't be afraid, I'm here." ”

Then, I led Wangcai slowly towards the defiant dog. Although Wangcai was still a little scared, with my encouragement, he began to slowly raise his head, puff out his chest, and wagged his tail. When the two dogs faced each other, Wangcai did not flinch, but bravely greeted them.

Golden Retriever: Dad, hold tight, scared. Say that the golden retriever is timid, and he is arrogant after seeing other dogs!

At that moment, I was touched by Wangcai's bravery. I know, it's not really a coward, it just needs a strong backing to back it up. And I'm the backing of it.

# The transformation of Prosperity and our growth

Since then, Wangcai has become more and more courageous. It is no longer afraid of thunder and rain, nor is it afraid of the provocation of other dogs. He began to enjoy playing with other dogs and became more lively and cheerful.

And I have also gained a lot of inspiration from the growth of Wangcai. I have come to understand that everyone has a fear and anxiety in their hearts, but as long as we face it bravely and overcome it, we can become stronger. Wangcai has taught me this truth, and it has also made me cherish and appreciate its existence even more.

# Conclusion: Cherish every life that accompanies you

Now, whenever I see Wangcai's golden hair sparkling in the sun, I feel extremely happy and satisfied. I know that this golden retriever is not just my pet, it is a part of my life, a light in my life.

I want to tell you through this story: every life is worth cherishing and caring. Whether it's a human or an animal, they all have their own emotions and stories. When we experience their world with our hearts, we will find that there are many beautiful things in life waiting for us to discover and feel.

Finally, I would like to say: Wangcai, thank you for accompanying me through this wonderful time. I will always love you, take care of you, and be with you forever.

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