
A suspected lost golden retriever stayed in the parking lot and never moved from day to night!

author:Cute pet healer

Nowadays, there are more and more people who have pets, but there are also more things about abandonment, as well as those lost dogs and so on. Once the dog has left its owner, it is difficult to survive, and some dogs are still stupidly waiting for their owners until they are starved to death!

A suspected lost golden retriever stayed in the parking lot and never moved from day to night!

On June 30 in Changsha, Hunan, a netizen found a golden retriever in the parking lot of a community. I saw it when I went out during the day, and when I came back at night, I found it still in the same location. I don't know if it's lost or abandoned! But since it's in the same place, it must be waiting for its master! If you keep waiting like this, you may starve to death!

A suspected lost golden retriever stayed in the parking lot and never moved from day to night!

The netizen then took videos and photos of the dog, trying to help the dog find its owner. But you can't keep it in the parking lot anymore, it's also dangerous. Fortunately, someone will temporarily adopt the dog in the follow-up, and if the owner cannot be found in the end, a new adopter will be found for it! I hope this loyal dog can have a good home, and he must be happy!

A suspected lost golden retriever stayed in the parking lot and never moved from day to night!

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