
The beauty complained that she had a "hard life", and she failed to talk about 7 boyfriends, and netizens understood when they saw their backs

author:Old nonsense said three farmers


"Fate" is a concept that can be formed back in ancient times. In ancient society, due to the underdevelopment of science and technology, it was generally believed that there was a mysterious force in the universe, and this mysterious force dominated the operation of all things, even the fate of human beings.

With the development of history, Confucianism emerged. Confucianism believes that fate is not completely determined by external forces, but is closely related to people's inner cultivation and moral behavior.

In the view of Confucianism, if a person wants to have a good journey, he needs to constantly improve his moral cultivation and practice the basic moral principles such as benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and faith.

Of course, this Confucian view of destiny is intended to encourage people to change their destiny through hard work. This kind of encouragement is a kind of encouragement with positive energy, and it is a kind of encouragement worthy of praise.

Later, Taoist thought emerged. Taoism believes that the fate of man is part of the natural laws of the universe, and to be a man, one should conform to nature, and nature arranges what a person should do, and what the person needs to do.

From the perspective of Taoism, Taoism emphasizes the idea of "Taoism and Nature", which is a kind of "fatalism" with a certain amount of negative energy.

A sociologist pointed out that the doctrine of fate is a false thing that is difficult for people to control. However, as long as a person's actions are in line with the social values recognized by the public, this person will definitely be able to have a good fate!

However, in the real world, there will always be people who complain that their "fate" is not good!

No, this year's 30-year-old woman Jia is complaining that her "fate" is not good!

So, what's going on here?

Next, let's talk about it.

The beauty complained that she had a "hard life", and she failed to talk about 7 boyfriends, and netizens understood when they saw their backs


Jia, a 30-year-old woman this year, has been a kindergarten teacher for a period of time and is a very beautiful woman.

But on the issue of marriage, the woman Jia has always been unhappy, although she has talked to six or seven boyfriends, none of them succeeded, and all ended in failure. In this regard, the woman Jia often complained: her fate is not good.

In view of Jia's constant complaints, her best friend took a few photos and posted them on the Internet, wanting netizens to comment on what happened to Jia's fate? Why do you keep not finding a boyfriend? And when netizens saw a few photos of Jia, netizens started a heated discussion.

The beauty complained that she had a "hard life", and she failed to talk about 7 boyfriends, and netizens understood when they saw their backs

Netizen voices

Netizens are surging in spring: After looking at a few photos of Jia, I think: It's Jia's back that is in trouble, who made her tattoo two cranes on her back? The crane is just a symbol of auspiciousness and longevity, and has nothing to do with emotions, if only she could tattoo two mandarin ducks on her back! After all, the mandarin duck represents love!

Netizens chattered crookedly: I also think it's Jia's back that is causing the trouble! The crane is timid, easily frightened, and it is difficult to settle down, how can Jia have two cranes tattooed on his back? The crane seems auspicious, but it has nothing to do with love! Ha ha.

In short, netizens have a lot to talk about.

The beauty complained that she had a "hard life", and she failed to talk about 7 boyfriends, and netizens understood when they saw their backs

Lao Hu's point of view

Lao Hu thinks: Talking about friends is a long process, and there is no urgency. The reason why Jia didn't find a boyfriend shouldn't have something to do with the crane on his back, but something else about Jia. However, as long as Jia is not picky and ready to work hard to fall in love, I believe she will be able to talk about her boyfriend in the near future. After all, Jia is so beautiful, there is no need to worry about his marriage!

What do you think?

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