
文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (294)—— 算法导论21.4 3题

author:One question per day for the architect of Fuda

3. According to the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, how many bits are needed to store x.rank for each node x? 21.4-2 reads: "Proof: The rank of each node is up to ⌊lgn⌋ . ”。 If you want to write code, use go.

Wenxin's words:

In question 21.4-2, the conclusion is that the rank of each node is up to ⌊lgn⌋, where n is the total number of nodes in the tree. This means that in a binary search tree (BST), the deepest path (from root to leaf) will not exceed ⌊lgn⌋ + 1 (because from root to the deepest leaf passes through the root node, several layers in between, and finally reaches the leaf, and the number of layers +1 is the path length). However, since we're storing rank (i.e., the ranking of nodes in the subtree, counting from 0), the maximum value of rank is actually the number of nodes in the tree minus one, i.e., n-1, but considering that the upper limit of the rank is determined by the height of the tree, we can approximate the number of bits needed with ⌊lgn⌋.

In Go, in order to store the rank of each node, we need enough bits to represent this maximum rank. Since ⌊lgn⌋ is logarithmic, we can use bits in the math package. Len function to dynamically calculate the number of bits needed for a given number of nodes n (although here we're actually approximating with logarithms), but a more straightforward approach is to use math. Log2 plus rounding up to ensure there are enough bits. However, due to math. Log2 returns a floating-point number, which we need to convert to an integer, taking into account the minimum range represented by an integer.

But given the background of the topic, we can simply use math. Ceil(math. Log2(float64(n))) to calculate the number of bits that are theoretically needed, and then in actual encoding some extra bits may be needed to handle boundary cases or to ensure integer representation. But in practice, since we know that n is an integer, and the number of nodes in the tree is usually not very large, we can use a fixed size integer type (such as int or uint) that is large enough to store the rank without having to calculate exactly the exact number of bits needed for each node.

However, if you do need precise control over the use of bits (such as in a memory-constrained environment), you may need to use bit operations or custom data structures to store ranks. But in most cases, using a standard integer type like int in Go is sufficient.

Here's a simple Go code example that shows how to store a rank in a binary search tree node (although the actual middle rank is usually not stored directly, but is dynamically computed via an intermediate traversal):

package main


Rankint// 假设我们用一个足够大的整数来存储秩

func main(){
// 假设n是树中节点的总数
    n :=1024
// 计算理论上需要的位数(实际上我们会用整数类型存储)
    bitsNeeded :=int(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(n))))
    fmt.Printf("Theoretical bits needed to store rank: %d\n", bitsNeeded)

// 在实际应用中,我们可能直接这样声明Rank
// 注意:这里Rank实际上使用了int的默认大小,通常足以存储大多数情况下的秩
var node TreeNode
    node.Rank=0// 示例:设置节点的秩为0
    fmt.Println("Node rank:", node.Rank)

Note that this example is primarily to illustrate how to calculate the number of bits theoretically needed and declare a field capable of storing rank in actual Go code. In actual binary search tree operations, the rank is usually calculated dynamically rather than stored directly.

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (294)—— 算法导论21.4 3题

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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (294)—— 算法导论21.4 3题

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iFLYTEK Spark:

In Exercise 21.4-2, we proved that each node has a rank of up to ⌊lgn⌋. Therefore, we need at least log2(n) bits to store x.rank. To make sure there's enough space to store this information, we can use Go's int type, which typically takes up 32 bits (4 bytes) or 64 bits (8 bytes), depending on your system and compiler settings.

Here's a simple Go code example that shows how to declare a variable to store the rank of a node:

package main


func main(){
    n :=100// 假设我们有 n 个结点
    maxRank :=int(math.Floor(math.Log2(float64(n))))
    fmt.Printf("每个结点的秩最多需要 %d 位来存储
", maxRank)

// 声明一个变量来存储结点的秩
var nodeRank int
    nodeRank = maxRank
    fmt.Printf("结点的秩: %d
", nodeRank)

This code first calculates the maximum rank of n nodes, then declares a variable called nodeRank to store the rank of the node, and sets it to the maximum rank. Note that here we are using math. Floor and math. log2 function to calculate the value of log2(n).

360 Smart Brain:

According to the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, each node has a rank of up to ⌊log n⌋. In computers, an integer usually needs to be stored using the number of digits corresponding to the maximum possible range of its value. Since ⌊log n⌋ is an integer, we can calculate the number of digits it needs.

Assuming n is the number of elements in the set, then log n is a logarithm with a base of 2. In order to find the number of bits needed to store ⌊log n⌋, we need to find the smallest k such that 2^k >= ⌊log n⌋. In other words, we need to find the minimum k that satisfies the following conditions:

2^k >= ⌊log n⌋

由于 ⌊log n⌋ 是 log n 向下取整的结果,我们知道 2^(⌊log n⌋) <= n < 2^(⌊log n⌋+1)。 因此,存储 ⌊log n⌋ 所需的位数 k 满足:

⌊log n⌋ <= k < ⌊log n⌋ + 1

This means k = ⌊log n⌋ or k = ⌊log n⌋ + 1. However, since we only need to store the value of ⌊log n⌋ and not a larger value, we only need k = ⌊log n⌋ bit is sufficient.

Now, let's write a function in Go to calculate the number of bits needed to store ⌊log n⌋:

package main


func rankBitsNeeded(n int)int{
if n <=0{
panic("n must be a positive integer")

func main(){
    n :=100// 假设集合中有100个元素
    fmt.Println("Number of bits needed to store rank:", rankBitsNeeded(n))

In this Go code, the rankBitsNeeded function calculates the number of bits needed to store ⌊log n⌋. We used math. Ceil function to round up, because even though ⌊log n⌋ may not need as many bits, we need to make sure that there are enough bits to store it. In the main function, we call this function and print the result.

Note that this function returns the minimum number of bits required to store ⌊log n⌋, not the actual ⌊log n⌋ value. If you need to store the actual ⌊log n⌋ value, you can use this number of digits as an integer directly.

Zhipu Qingyan:

According to the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, the rank of each node is up to ⌊lgn⌋, where n is the number of elements of an array or tree. This means that in order to store the rank of a node, we need a maximum of ⌊lgn⌋ bits.

Here's a simple example written in Go to calculate and store the rank of a node:

package main
// 计算秩的函数
func calculateRank(n int)int{
return n -1
func main(){
// 示例:计算并存储结点的秩
    n :=10// 假设数组或树中有 10 个元素
    rank := calculateRank(n)
    fmt.Printf("结点的秩为:%d\n", rank)

In this example, we define a calculateRank function that takes an integer n as an argument and returns n-1. This is because in a full binary tree, the rank (or depth) of the node starts at 0, and for elements of an array or tree, the rank starts at 1. Then, in the main function, we use this function to calculate and print the rank of an example node.

Note that this example is only for the purpose of calculating and storing the rank of a node, and does not involve actual array or tree operations. If your use case is different, you may need to adjust the code to suit your situation.

Heavenly Craftsmanship:

Based on the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, we know that the rank of each node is up to ⌊log n⌋, where n is the total number of nodes in the forest. Therefore, we need to determine the maximum value of ⌊log n⌋ in order to know how many bits are needed to store x.rank.

First, we need to calculate the maximum value of ⌊log n⌋. Since n is the total number of nodes in the forest, we can assume that n in the worst case is equal to the maximum possible number of nodes in the forest, i.e., n = 2^k - 1, where k is the height (or number of layers) of the largest tree in the forest. In this case, ⌊log n⌋ = k - 1.

Because k is the height of the tree, its maximum value is the logarithm of the number of nodes of the tree, i.e., k = log(n + 1). Therefore, the maximum value of ⌊log n⌋ is log(n + 1) - 1.

In order to store this value, we need to know how many bits it needs. The minimum number of digits required for an integer is rounded up to its logarithmic value, i.e. ceil(log(n + 1) - 1). However, since we only care about the value of the rank, not the actual number of nodes, we can assume that n is large enough that log(n + 1) - 1 is close to log(n + 1).

Therefore, we need the ceil(log(n + 1)) bit to store x.rank. In most cases, this will be the log(n + 1) bit, but if necessary, we will round up to the nearest integer digit.

As for code written in Go, here's a simple example of how to implement this logic. Note that this example is a conceptual example and does not contain an implementation of the full Union-Find data structure.

package main


    parent *Node
    rank   int

func maxRankBits(n int)int{
// 计算需要多少位来存储 x.rank
returnint(math.Ceil(math.Log2(float64(n +1))))

func main(){
    n :=100// 假设这是森林中的结点总数
    fmt.Println("需要", maxRankBits(n),"位来存储 x.rank")

In this example, the maxRankBits function calculates the minimum number of digits required to store x.rank. In the main function, we assume a total number of nodes n and print out the required number of bits.


According to the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, each node has a rank of up to ⌊lgn⌋. Therefore, in order to store x.rank, we need enough bits to represent ⌊lgn⌋, i.e. log₂(⌊lgn⌋) + 1 bit. In Go, you can use the Log2 function in the math package to calculate a base logarithm of 2.

Here's an example code to calculate the number of bits needed to store x.rank:

package main


func bitsNeededForRank(n int)int{
    rank :=int(math.Log2(float64(n)))+1
return rank

func main(){
    n :=16// 假设n为节点的秩
    bitsNeeded := bitsNeededForRank(n)
    fmt.Printf("存储x.rank所需的位数为:%d\n", bitsNeeded)

In this code, we calculate the number of bits required to store x.rank by passing in the rank n of the node, and print out the result. You can modify the value of n based on your business requirements. Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.


According to the conclusion of Exercise 21.4-2, how many bits are needed to store the rank of each node x? We know that the rank of each node is up to ⌊lgn⌋, which is the logarithm of 2 after rounding down.

Here's an example code for calculating the required number of bits using Go:

package main


func calculateBitSize(rank int)int{
    bitSize :=int(math.Log2(float64(rank)))+1
return bitSize

func main(){
    rank :=7// 假设秩为7
    bitSize := calculateBitSize(rank)
    fmt.Printf("需要 %d 位(bit)来存储秩为 %d 的结点\n", bitSize, rank)

The above code will output: 3 bits are needed to store the rank 7 node. Please note that this is just a sample code and the implementation may be adjusted based on actual conditions.

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (294)—— 算法导论21.4 3题

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Mixed elements:

In order to determine how many bits are needed to store the rank of each node x, we can conclude that the rank of each node is up to ⌊lgn⌋ according to the conclusion given in the title. Therefore, we need to calculate the lower round value of the logarithm with a base of 2 and then convert it to the number of digits.

In Go, this can be done using the Log2 and Floor functions in the math package. Here's a simple function to calculate the number of digits required for the rank of a storage node:

package main


// bitsNeededForRank 计算存储结点 rank 所需的位数
func bitsNeededForRank()int{
    maxRank := math.Floor(math.Log2(float64(len(arr))))// 假设 arr 是给定的数组
returnint(math.Ceil(math.Log2(maxRank +1)))// 使用对数换底公式计算位数

func main(){
// 假设我们有一个长度为 n 的数组
    n :=1000// 例如,这里使用 1000 作为示例长度
    arr :=make([]int, n)// 创建一个长度为 n 的数组,但实际上这个数组并不需要用于计算

    bits := bitsNeededForRank()
    fmt.Printf("存储结点 rank 所需的位数: %d\n", bits)

In this example, the bitsNeededForRank function first calculates the largest possible rank in the array (i.e., ⌊lgn⌋ and then calculates the minimum number of digits needed to represent that rank. Note that the arr array here is just for example, and we don't really need to use it in a function, because we only care about the length n of the array.

Note that this function assumes that you already have an array of length n. In practice, you may need to adjust the input parameters of a function according to your actual situation.

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