
In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

author:Xianyou reports
In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held
In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held
In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

Xianyou reported on July 1 (Zheng Wenjie text/photo) Dragon boat racing exhibition style, Mulan Creek bravely competed for the first. On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the 2024 Xianyou Nanqiao Five Emperor Temple "Xingxian Cup" Dragon Boat Festival was held on the bank of Mulan Creek.

In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

In this dragon boat event, there are 12 communities from 5 towns (streets) such as Licheng Street, Linan Town, Bangtou Town, Daji Town, Fengting Town, etc., forming 13 teams, with a total of more than 400 dragon boat athletes participating in the competition.

In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

On the morning of the same day, the red flags on the banks of Mulan Creek were displayed, the gongs and drums were noisy, and the dragon boat festival was full of joy. Surrounded by the public, the dragon boat teams arrived at the Five Emperors Temple and held the dragon boat launching ceremony, opening ceremony, performance race, and cruise. The official competition lasted from the afternoon of July 1 to the afternoon of July 3, and the athletes will carry forward the dragon boat spirit of unity and cooperation, strive for the first, strive for the first-class, and move forward bravely, and show the Xianyou dragon boat culture and the fighting spirit of racing to the general public and tourists who have inherited thousands of years.

In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

It is reported that Xianyou County is located in the upper reaches of Mulan River, the river is wide and the water is smooth, and the unique natural conditions have created a long history of dragon boat sports, which has been inherited for thousands of years since the Song Dynasty and has a wide mass base. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, the boards of directors of the palaces and temples on both sides of Mulan Creek will take turns to be the east and hold events, one is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan and the anti-Japanese hero Qi Jiguang, the second is to enhance the friendship between the villages and residences in the Mulan Creek Basin, and the third is to pray for smooth weather and peace for the country and the people.

In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

This dragon boat race is an important measure to promote Xianyou to strive for the second batch of national sports and fitness model counties in the country, which not only promotes the patriotic spirit of Qu Zi, but also inspires the cadres and masses to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, work hard, innovate and practice, and contribute to "accelerating the integration and development and creating a beautiful Xianyou".

In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held
In 2024, the "Xingxian Cup" dragon boat event of the Five Emperors Temple of Xianyou Nanqiao will be grandly held

Editor-in-charge|Zheng Wenjie Editor|Zheng Zhizhong

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