
To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the "CIIC Pioneer Cup" dragon boat race was held

author:Labor Daily
To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the "CIIC Pioneer Cup" dragon boat race was held

This afternoon, the "CIIC Cup" and the 19th world-famous enterprise fitness competition in China "CIIC Pioneer Cup" dragon boat race of the 4th Shanghai Civic Games were passionately paddled at the Shanghai Water Sports Center. Nearly 700 white-collar young people from 32 dragon boat teams and nearly 700 white-collar young people from 32 dragon boat teams from Honeywell, AstraZeneca, ExxonMobil, Covestro, Cisco, General Motors and other well-known foreign enterprises gathered to stage a "fast and furious" contest to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, strive for a new era, and work together for the future.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the "CIIC Pioneer Cup" dragon boat race was held

In the name of the competition, the awakening of the "cultural bloodline" of white-collar youth is drawn

Although the contestants in this dragon boat race are all amateur employees, after the pre-race professional training, everyone is high-spirited and competing for the first time. Driven by the drumbeat, the contestants wore uniform uniforms, shouted uniform slogans, and waved the sculls in unison, which stimulated the spirit of dragon boats and the power of collective progress, and also aroused the awakening of the "cultural bloodline" of white-collar youth.

After several rounds of fierce group competitions, sixteen teams entered the finals. After a brief but solemn eye-dotting ceremony, the dragon boats struggled to drop their oars, like dragons out of the water, and marched bravely along the 500-meter track. For a time, hundreds of boats on the lake competed for the current, chopping waves, waves, dragon flags, drums, and shouts, all of which blended into one, and also pushed the game to a climax.

In the end, after fierce competition, the dragon boat team of Shanghai International Theme Park and Resort United Union won the championship, the CIIC pilot team won the second place, and the Shanghai Jiaotong University dragon team won the third place.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the "CIIC Pioneer Cup" dragon boat race was held

With the competition as the medium, the movement of the integrated development of "cultural and sports party building" was played

As one of the large-scale activities to celebrate the birthday of the Communist Party of China, the "CIIC Pioneer Cup" Dragon Boat Race has been held for 5 sessions so far. The dragon boat race brought together 32 teams composed of CIIC and its affiliated foreign enterprise party organizations, Shanghai central state-owned enterprises under the Shanghai Municipal Economic and Information Commission, Shanghai Federation of Famous Foreign Enterprise Trade Unions, Shanghai Foreign Enterprises Young Talents Association and university representatives to compete in the same field.

This competition not only has profound cultural connotation and epochal significance, but also an important carrier for CIIC to adhere to the guidance of party building, promote sports exchanges, and promote traditional culture.

At the same time, this competition belongs to the 19th world-famous enterprise fitness competition in China of the "CIIC Cup" of the 4th Shanghai Civic Games. The "CIIC Cup" fitness competition has been held for 19 sessions so far, and the number of participating companies has expanded from the initial 60 to the maximum of 800. This year, CIIC will also organize enterprises to participate in projects that are popular with white-collar youth, such as "Enterprise Half Marathon", "Live CS", "Basketball, Football and Table Tennis Match", hoping to drive more well-known enterprises to participate in the competition with successful experience, and gradually build a national exchange platform for corporate sports and fitness events.

Li Shuang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and Deputy General Manager of CIIC, said that CIIC, as the "national team" and "main force" in the field of human resource service industry, has always paid attention to all aspects of talent service. Based on its own human resource service advantages, the company takes party building as the starting point, combines party building work with corporate cultural and sports activities, and actively serves the healthy development of enterprise talents.

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