
In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

author:Foreign French

04. In the 1950s, the national army in Kinmen

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

05. 1966/1967, Peking University Campus.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

06. During the Anti-Japanese War, the armored vehicles, military vehicles and beautiful drivers of the national army.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

07, Jiaodong town in 1935. 1, Yantai. 2 and 3, Muping City. 4, Yantai City. 5, Laizhou City. 6 and 7, Dengju City. 8, Penglai Pavilion. 9, Weihaiwei. 10, Yangma Island. 11, Stone Island. 12, Fukuyama. 13, fishing village. 14, Jiaodong cabbage. 15, Lighthouse.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

08. I always thought that the Red Guards during the Wen Ge period had adopted "yin and yang" measures against the so-called anti-party, anti-leaders, and counter-revolutionaries based on class hatred, so as to distinguish them from the revolutionary ranks. After looking at these photos, I realized that this is "learning and introduction". The "yin and yang heads" of Russian slave labor exiles. The photo was taken on Sakhalin Island in the 1870s.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

09. From the 1950s to the 1960s, cartoons and propaganda posters of the Soviet Union against NATO

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

10. In January 1955, Jiang's army evacuated Dachen Island, Zhejiang. At the same time, the residents of Dachen Island were coerced to go to Taiwan.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

11. Under the iron hooves of the Japanese army invading China, the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians and ordinary people who were humiliated.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

13. During the Anti-Japanese Period, the Propaganda Poster of the Political Training Department of the Military Committee of the National Army.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

14. Gannan in 1942/1943.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

15. In June 1939, the Nationalist Army held the "Propaganda Conference on Treating Prisoners and Opposing Aggression". Prisoners of the invading Japanese army receive propaganda materials.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

16. Cute Chinese children photographed by Scottish missionaries. Filmed between 1918 and 1938

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

17. At the end of 1948, during the Liaoshen Campaign, the brothers of the national army were fighting. It seems to be a clash between a car soldier and a repairer.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

20. In 1943, three Chinese soldiers who went to the Middle East battlefield handed over to Montgomery a personal autographed photo presented by Chiang Kai-shek.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

21. Taiwan, 1961. Doctors of the national army are examining women and children.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

22, 1893 or 1914, Beijing, Wuta Temple. Italian Bellingbruno photography. Figure 3 is a screenshot of Figure 2, which shows that there are two ancient pagodas in the northwest corner of the Five Pagoda Temple. The one a little farther away is still in good condition. The nearest one was left only to sit on the tower.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

25. In 1899, Russia, Chinese in Vladivostok (Vladivostok). Figure 1: A Chinese chef holding a giant king crab~~ Taishang Emperor Crab.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

26. In 1900, Shanhaiguan. Photographed by the Eight-Nation Alliance. Clear, big picture. You can zoom in to see the details.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

27. Teaching life in a church school near Beijing in the 1930s. Tongzhou?

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

28. In 1905, after the Russo-Japanese War, a Chinese sat on the abandoned cannon of the Russian battery in Lushun. It depicts the earth falling silent and desolate after a brutal war.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

29. Shenyang Station and Shenyang people in 1923. I like the last one of the cross-waisted aunts.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

30. In 1897, Chinese coolies, soldiers, farmers, merchants, monks, officials, women and children.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

31. During the Pacific War, Japan painted a propaganda poster of the United India Anti-British Resistance. The painting depicts the Indians receiving the British. The aim was to inspire hatred among the Indians against the British colonists and to unite with the anti-British Japanese against the British. The style of painting is very British.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

33、老照片:二十世纪初的福州妇女,资料来源:University of Birmingham Library

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

34, there is yellow must be swept! The current Zhangye, Gansu.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

35. Xi'an in December 1947. Old Xi'an, old Xi'an people. Figure 5, Kebab? I have always thought that the long oven of street kebabs is a new object of reform and opening up~~ It has been there since ancient times.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

36. Women in Turpan, Xinjiang. Photographed between 1902 and 1914.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

37. In 1951, the National Day military parade.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

38. In 1974, Shanghai Industrial Technology Exhibition

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

39. Old photo: Beijing, 1984, taken by Thomas Hepkel

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

41. 1983/1984, Xi'an. Look at the early days of reform and opening up in old Xi'an.

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

42. In 1953, the wall chart of the achievements of the construction of New China

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

43. List of losses in the combat effectiveness of the Japanese Army

In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

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In 1948, two American tourists came to China and quietly took 15 photos of dragon boat racing

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