
It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

Foreword: The seller said that the silicone mask can punch in through the face No documents are required for purchase, and it is recommended to check strictly!

"The development of technology should not go beyond the boundaries of the law." - This quote comes from a legal expert and applies equally to one of the technical challenges we face right now. Recently, the sale of silicone face masks on the Internet has attracted great public attention. Not only are these masks highly reproducible to facial features, but they can even bypass facial recognition systems in some cases. This not only poses a threat to personal privacy, but may also pose a hidden danger to public safety.


The video comes from - Xiaoxiang Morning News

Event: A "silicone face mask" made of special silicone material has gradually become a hot topic on the Internet.

These masks have attracted a lot of attention due to their amazing realism and customization. The merchant promises to provide a photo of the target person's exact facial features and a full range of face view pictures, without providing any additional identity information or purchase intent, to create a mask that can almost be fake.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Disturbingly, these masks are relatively inexpensive to customize, often costing tens of thousands of yuan, making this high-tech means of camouflage accessible. This phenomenon has raised deep concerns about the privacy and security of individuals, as such convenient and relatively inexpensive technology can be misused to circumvent facial recognition systems and commit fraud or other wrongful acts. And with the proliferation of masks, so does the complexity of tracking down criminal activity, as this camouflage makes it easier for criminals to evade traditional means of tracking.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

As soon as the video was released, it sparked heated discussions among netizens!

Netizens raised reasonable concerns about the circulation management of silicone masks. Since these masks are highly face-like, they can be used for various illegal activities such as theft, fraud, and even more serious crimes if they fall into the hands of criminals, which undoubtedly increases the risk to social security. Therefore, it has become crucial to strengthen the regulation of related industries.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Some netizens have expressed the view that silicone masks can have potential negative effects, especially given their use cases in criminal activities. They advocate for restricting or banning the sale of such products, mainly because the masks can easily alter a person's appearance, making it easier for perpetrators to evade identification and tracking, thus making it more difficult to enforce the law.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Although some netizens may think that although silicone masks can simulate facial features, they often differ from real people in terms of details and dynamic expressions, in fact, they do have their application value in specific industries and occasions, such as the entertainment and performing arts mentioned earlier. In terms of safety precautions, modern technology does provide a variety of means to assist in the identification of individuals, and gait recognition is one of them. Gait recognition identifies an individual by analyzing how they walk, even when the face is occluded.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!
It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!
It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Opinion Section: The sale and use of this silicone mask has raised concerns on several fronts.

The popularity of this silicone face mask has indeed raised multiple social and legal issues. First of all, due to their highly simulated characteristics, criminals may use these masks to impersonate their identities, steal other people's identity information, and then carry out a series of criminal activities such as financial fraud and telecommunications fraud. This not only directly harms the victim's property security, but can also lead to damage to their credit history, which can have a profound impact on their personal life.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Secondly, with the widespread spread of masks, the security of face recognition technology has been challenged like never before. Facial recognition systems that were originally designed to improve security may be easily bypassed by the presence of these high-profile masks, which not only weakens the reliability of the technology itself, but also may pose a security risk to public services and important facilities that rely on facial recognition technology, such as banks, airports, data centers, etc., and affect public safety and order.

It's terrible! Silicone face mask bypasses the face recognition system, and it is recommended to strictly check the purchase without documents!

Positive ending: In the face of this emerging problem, we call on the relevant authorities to strengthen the supervision of the online market and severely crack down on the illegal sale and use of silicone face masks.

At the same time, we also remind the public to be vigilant about such products and not to buy and use them, so as not to bring unnecessary risks to themselves and others. Technology has evolved to serve humanity, not to become a tool that threatens human security and privacy. We must work together to ensure that technological developments keep pace with legal, ethical and social responsibilities.

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