
Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

author:Shangshan said entertainment

On August 31, 1962, Yue Hong was born in a family of soldiers and generals. While this background may seem remarkable, it also presents unique challenges. The young Yue Hong experienced the hardships of life early and grew up in the difficult situation of her family.

She has been helping her mother take care of the household since elementary school, and her young shoulders carry burdens that do not belong to her age. However, the difficult environment did not dampen Yue Hong's enthusiasm for learning.

She worked hard and repaid her parents' expectations with excellent results. At the age of 11, Yue Hong was promoted to junior high school with outstanding performance, becoming the pride of her family and teachers.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

This thirst for knowledge laid the foundation for her future acting career. Yue Hong has a strong interest in performing arts and dreams of entering the Central Academy of Drama. However, the path to pursuing this dream has not been smooth.

She tried to be admitted to the Central Academy of Drama many times, but failed each time. In the face of setbacks, Yue Hong did not give up, but chose to enter a technical school to lay the foundation for her future acting career.

Two years later, the opportunity struck again. When the Central Academy of Drama came to Chengdu to recruit students, Yue Hong could not be admitted directly due to policy issues. But she was not discouraged and chose to take the exam as a young person in society.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

With her outstanding performance, she finally got her wish and entered the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama. In the study and life of the college, Yue Hong cherishes the hard-won opportunities and constantly strives to improve her performance level.

After graduation, she was assigned to work in Bayi Film Studio and officially stepped into the entertainment industry. In Bayi Factory, Yue Hong participated in the performance of many film and television dramas, showing her acting talent.

Her acting style is unique, especially in the field of comedy, which has brought countless laughs to the audience. Yue Hong's efforts and talent have been recognized by the industry and won her the love of many fans.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

From a girl from a military family to an up-and-coming actor, Yue Hong has used her persistence and hard work to shine brightly on the stage of performing arts. Her story is a wonderful transformation from a predicament to a stage.

Yue Hong's acting career is at its peak, and she has won the crown of Golden Rooster Actress with her unique acting style and outstanding comedic talent. Just when this career was in full swing, a sudden marriage news caused an uproar in the outside world.

The wedding was staggeringly low-key: there were no lavish venues and no media outlets. The identity of the groom has become a mystery, and the outside world only knows that he is a low-key gentleman outside the circle.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

People have speculated about what kind of man can make this golden rooster actress willing to marry? However, life after marriage is not as beautiful as Yue Hong imagined. Family life gradually took up most of her time, preventing her from dedicating herself to acting as fully as she used to.

What was once a steady stream of scripts began to be lost, and the quality of the performances suffered. Yue Hong began to realize that the balance between family and career was far more difficult than she imagined.

In order to repair her marriage that was on the verge of breakdown, Yue Hong made a big decision - to have a child. She hopes that the arrival of her child will make the family more complete and happier.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

However, reality dealt her a heavy blow. Instead of bringing the desired happiness, the birth of a child brought the marriage to the brink of collapse. In the end, Yue Hong and her husband chose to divorce, and their daughter lived with her.

This short and mysterious marriage brought Yue Hong not only the identity of a single mother, but also the dilemma of a difficult choice between career and family. Watching her daughter grow up day by day, Yue Hong had mixed feelings in her heart.

She knows that she missed a lot of time with her daughter growing up. Every time she came home, she felt extremely heartbroken when she saw her daughter's unfamiliar eyes and alienated attitude.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Her mother saw what was on her mind and reminded her to pay attention to the cultivation of her relationship with her daughter, because the child will eventually grow up and leave him, and then it will be too late to regret it.

The once glamorous queen of the Golden Rooster has now lost its former luster in the haze of marriage. Yue Hong stood at the crossroads of life, facing the dilemma of career and family, full of confusion and struggle.

This experience made her deeply realize that even at the peak of her career, life can give unexpected blows. However, the price of this decision is the estrangement of the mother-daughter relationship.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Every time she came home and saw her daughter's unfamiliar eyes and alienated attitude, Yue Hong's heart ached like a knife. She knows that she has missed out on many precious moments with her daughter's growth, but as a single mother, she has no choice but to struggle to balance her career and family affection.

With the growth of age and changes in the market, Yue Hong's acting career is also facing challenges. Her fame gradually faded, and her salary was greatly reduced. In order to make ends meet, she had to accept some roles and scripts that she once couldn't look at.

This situation made Yue Hong feel pressured, but for the sake of her daughter, she had to persevere. Yue Hong's mother saw what was on her mind and reminded her to pay attention to the cultivation of her relationship with her daughter.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

She told Yue Hong that the child would eventually grow up and leave, and it would be too late to regret it. These words made Yue Hong realize that while pursuing her career, she neglected the most important family affection.

Watching her daughter grow up day by day, Yue Hong had mixed feelings in her heart. She struggles to squeeze time out of her busy schedule to spend with her daughter in an attempt to make up for lost time. However, the long-term separation has built an invisible wall between the mother and daughter, making Yue Hong feel extremely heartache and self-blame.

This tug-of-war between career and family affection made Yue Hong tired. Her heart is full of complex emotions: her dedication to her career, her guilt for her daughter, and her confusion about the future.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Yue Hong knew that she had to find a way to maintain family affection and realize her self-worth. In this difficult choice, Yue Hong showed perseverance.

She struggles to balance work and family, trying to find a balance between her career and her role as a mother. Despite the difficulties, Yue Hong never gave up her efforts, and she believes that one day, she will be able to regain her daughter's closeness and trust while achieving success in her career.

Just as Yue Hong was trying to balance her career and family, fate dealt her a heavy blow. The long-term busyness and stress made her body light red, and she was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Faced with the sudden illness, Yue Hong's heart was full of fear and uneasiness, but she quickly cheered up and chose to face it bravely. Yue Hong underwent surgery and painful post-operative treatment.

However, she did not bow to fate. In order not to affect the progress of the crew and not to disappoint the fans who supported her, Yue Hong chose to hide her illness from many relatives and friends, and endured the torture caused by the illness alone.

Even in the face of her illness, she continued to work and showed amazing perseverance and professionalism. Yue Hong's tenacity and perseverance are admirable. She didn't want her illness to affect the progress of the crew, and she didn't want to disappoint her fans.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Therefore, she chose to endure silently, maintaining a professional performance in front of the camera, and facing the torture of illness alone behind the camera. However, fate seems to have not endured enough for Yue Hong.

While battling cancer, she encounters another shocking kidnapping. This experience brought a huge psychological shadow to Yue Hong, making her have to re-examine her life.

After experiencing the test of life and death and a moment of horror, Yue Hong's heart underwent a huge transformation. She began to re-examine the value of her life and realized the preciousness of life. She understands that while pursuing her career, the importance of family cannot be overlooked.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

With a new understanding of life, Yue Hong began to try to establish a more intimate relationship with her daughter Yue Yien. She strives to understand and accept her daughter's shortcomings, and warms her daughter's heart with maternal love.

This woman, who was once tortured by illness and kidnapped and frightened, now has a light of rebirth in her eyes. Yue Hong's experience made her deeply appreciate the fragility and preciousness of life.

She is determined to write a new chapter in the second half of her life. She is no longer just fighting for her career, but also living a wonderful life for herself and her family. Although this experience brought great pain and testing to Yue Hong, it also gave her a chance to be reborn.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

With amazing perseverance, she overcame the disease, overcame the psychological shadow, and rediscovered the direction of her life. Yue Hong's story is a vivid example of strength, courage and rebirth.

The improvement of the relationship between Yue Hong and her daughter Yue Yien did not happen overnight. The long period of separation and neglect has erected an invisible wall between mother and daughter, making each other feel strange and alienated.

However, after experiencing the test of life, Yue Hong deeply realized the value of family affection and was determined to rebuild her relationship with her daughter. Yue Hong began to work hard to understand and accept her daughter's shortcomings, and warmed her daughter's heart with maternal love.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

She learns to listen to her daughter's heart, understand her thoughts, and slowly melt that cold wall with patience and love. The process was not easy, but Yue Hong did not give up. She knows that it takes time and effort to rebuild trust.

Yue Yien also gradually walked out of the haze of the past with the understanding and support of his mother. She began to understand her mother's difficulties and understand her hardships. As time passed, the relationship between the mother and daughter became more and more harmonious, and the former estrangement gradually dissolved.

Under Yue Hong's careful teaching, Yue Yien lived up to expectations, was successfully admitted to many prestigious schools, and achieved excellent results in his studies. Whenever she saw her daughter's progress, Yue Hong's eyes would shine with pride.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

She knows that these achievements are not only for her daughters, but also the result of their joint efforts. When Yue Hong faced the attack of the disease again, Yue Yien stepped forward and took care of her mother with all her might.

The little girl who once held a grudge against her mother has now grown into a sensible and strong woman. She used her actions to interpret the deep love between mother and daughter, and also made Yue Hong feel the warmth of family affection that blood is thicker than water.

Looking at her daughter's busy figure, Yue Hong's eyes were full of relief and emotion. She knew that even though life had given her many hardships, it had inadvertently given her the most precious gift - the sincere love of her daughter.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

This experience made Yue Hong deeply realize that family affection needs to be managed with heart. Through continuous efforts and communication, they finally broke through the spiritual barrier and re-established a close mother-daughter relationship.

The story of Yue Hong and Yue Yien is a warm chapter of understanding, tolerance and love. Yue Hong's life experience is like a drama of ups and downs, from being disliked to becoming a winner in life, she uses her own experience to interpret what is truly strong.

In the face of multiple challenges to family, career, and health, Yue Hong has shown amazing perseverance and perseverance. From a girl born in a family of soldiers and generals, to overcoming many difficulties to become a golden rooster queen; From experiencing a failed marriage and becoming a single mother, to facing the double whammy of cancer and kidnapping alone; to finally repair the relationship with her daughter, Yue Hong's every step was difficult and firm.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

In her career, Yue Hong went from obscurity to becoming the queen of the Golden Rooster Movie, showing her talent in the field of acting. Even at a low point, she did not give up, but accepted various roles to make ends meet, showing her dedication to her acting career.

In terms of family, despite experiencing the failure of her marriage and the estrangement of her relationship with her daughter, Yue Hong still did not give up. She struggled to balance her career and family, and eventually managed to repair her relationship with her daughter and rediscover the warmth of her family.

In the face of the health crisis, Yue Hong showed amazing willpower. She bravely fought against cancer, even in the midst of her illness, and continued to work without letting her illness affect her career.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

Today's Yue Hong chose to move abroad and opened a new chapter in her life. Her story is not only the history of an actor's struggle, but also the epitome of an ordinary person's life of constantly surpassing himself in the face of adversity.

She uses her own experience to tell us that the ups and downs and turns in life often contain unexpected strength and inspiration. Yue Hong's life experience will undoubtedly inspire more people facing difficulties to bravely face the challenges of life and bloom the most beautiful flowers of life in the face of adversity.

Her story is the best illustration of climbing from the bottom to a winner in life.

Yue Hong: I was disgusted by my husband and daughter, I was kidnapped with cancer, and now I am a winner in my life as an adult

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