
The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

author:Jinling Lookout
The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone


On the afternoon of June 29th, the unveiling ceremony of the "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" in Jiangning Development Zone, the signing ceremony of cooperation with "Shaangong University Hall" and the theoretical learning center group (expanded) study meeting of the Party Working Committee of Jiangning Development Zone were held, which is an innovative measure for Jiangning Development Zone to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, give full play to the advantages of ideological and political resources in colleges and universities, and make every effort to build a theoretical brand. Take the lead.

Wang Xiaoyan, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Information Office of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government, Zhang Yuli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangning District Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department, Jin Yeyou, Cui Jisheng, Chen Weiwei, Liu Qun, Chen Zhihai, Ding Changjun, Yi Junfei, Tang Xiaonan, Gao Zhengfeng, members of the leading group of the Party Working Committee of the Jiangning Development Zone, Jiang Zhengzhong, President of the Jiangsu Alumni Association of the Chinese University, Gu Baisong, Vice President and Secretary General of the Jiangsu Alumni Association of the Chinese University, and Zhao Wenhui, Editor-in-Chief of Jinling Lookout Magazine, attended the event.

The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

In recent years, Jiangning Development Zone has carried out a series of learning activities in order to continuously study and comprehend the spiritual essence and rich connotation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and guide party members and cadres to continuously learn and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.

The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

In the next step, the park will combine the characteristics of "two enterprises and three new" with strong convergence, large volume and high influence, integrate the park's culture, talents and practical resources, actively build the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall", and build a systematic theoretical learning and publicity platform such as "Shaanxi Gong University Hall", "Firefly Legal Lecture", "Jingkai and Chuangxianghui", "Enterprise Commencement Lecture Hall" and various special lectures, enter the front line of "two enterprises and three new", and deeply explain Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Boost the party members in the park to transform the theoretical learning results into practical results in tempering party spirit, serving the people, and promoting development.

The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

Give full play to the advantages of ideological and political resources in colleges and universities, and promote the integrated development of schools and localities. The "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone signed a cooperation agreement with the "Shaanxi Gong University Hall" of Chinese People's University, and the Jiangsu Alumni Association of Chinese Renmin University presented "bronze medals" and related books to Jiangning Development Zone. The two sides will go hand in hand, go both ways, move the Jiangsu lecture of the "Shaanxi Gong University Hall" of the Chinese National People's Congress into the development zone, and strive to promote the double enrichment of the content and form of theoretical learning, and the double improvement of quality and effectiveness.

The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone
The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone
The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

In the subsequent theoretical lecture of Shaanxi Gong University Hall and the theoretical learning center group (expanded) study meeting of the Party Working Committee of Jiangning Development Zone, Dr. Lu Zhiwu, professor and doctoral supervisor of Hillhouse School of Artificial Intelligence of Chinese University, gave a special lecture, Professor Lu gave a special lecture on the topic of "Multimodal Large Model + Industry 4.0: New Opportunities and New Challenges", combined with outstanding contributions and profound academic achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, and elaborated on the important role of artificial intelligence in improving production efficiency and promoting industrial upgrading. The development of embodied intelligence (various forms of robots) and the application cases of multi-modal large models show the future development trend of artificial intelligence, and how to achieve more efficient and intelligent applications through multi-modal large models. In the face of the new opportunities and challenges brought by Industry 4.0, he also provided opinions and suggestions on how to deal with the risks and challenges that it may bring.

The state-level development zone and the party journal of the municipal party committee officially released the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Lecture Hall" of Jiangning Development Zone

The participants listened carefully and felt attentively, and said that the study closely followed the frontier, had a broad vision and strong professionalism, and further deepened the understanding of the artificial intelligence model.

It is understood that the theoretical learning brand of "Baijiahu Academy" is jointly created by Jiangning Development Zone and Jinling Outlook Magazine.

Content source: Jinling Lookout reporter Pan Xuejiang Tong Yihan

Image source: Jinling Lookout reporter Chen Xiangyu

Video source: Jinling Lookout reporter Wei Congyuan

Editor-in-charge: Chen Qingyi, Wang Qin

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