
Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

author:Brother Zheng looks at life

I believe that for many ordinary people, as long as there are families with children, they all hope that their sons will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes, and they hope that their children can study hard and become useful talents for the country.

As the saying goes: a noble son comes from a poor family. Many parents of small businessmen and hawkers who do small business can provide a college student and become a professor-level figure, which can be said to be the smoke of the ancestral grave.

However, have you ever seen a scene where parents finally provide for their children to be admitted to college and become postdoctoral fellows, only to find that their children can only go abroad to sell pancakes and fruits? Rather than just not going to college, it doesn't prevent him from selling pancakes?

I am "Brother Zheng's view of life", tracking social hotspots with you, feeling the lives of the people, and interpreting the world.

Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

Recently, a Chinese tourist in Cambridgeshire, England, found the couple selling pancake fruits in front of a stall selling pancake fruits, which turned out to be Chinese. Just thinking that the other party was just an ordinary part-time stall worker, I didn't expect the other party to take the initiative to expose his previous identity.

I saw that the female owner of the pancake and fruit shop said to the tourists very proudly: "Uncle is a postdoctoral fellow, and (we) are both (formerly) university teachers." When the tourist asked why the female boss quit her job as a university teacher in China and sold pancakes and fruits in the UK.

The female owner of the pancake and fruit shop responded: "Because the university teacher is mental work, I am too tired!" Selling pancakes has no personal connections, no need to engage in relationships between colleagues, and no need to contribute money. "

Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

I have to say that the reasons and excuses of the female owner of the pancake and fruit shop are really a bit strange. Imagine in which industry does not require human contact, and what kind of work does not require mental and physical work? Aren't migrant workers tired of engaging in construction?

As for what she said about colleague relations and money, think about it, as long as it is in a unit or school, it is also a normal interpersonal communication for everyone to exchange courtesies and exchanges. How could you quit your job because of a small amount of money and go abroad to sell pancakes and fruits?

In fact, everyone knows that not only on university campuses, but also in some rural areas, the annual exchange of gifts and gifts between villagers and the money that comes with gifts is still a lot or even more than that of university campuses.

Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

From this, we can think that the reason why the former university teachers have come to this point is because their interpersonal relationships are too poor at home, or they overestimate their abilities, thinking that they can get a higher career and income abroad.

It's a pity that the ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny, and after running abroad, I found that I was nothing, and I could only be reduced to a street seller selling pancakes and fruits. But when I met my compatriots abroad, in order to hide my inferiority, I took out my former identity as a university teacher to put gold on my face.

Of course, if it is really as they say that they can earn 1.8 million a year, the editor believes that it is not because of their identity as a university teacher, but because of the goal that any person who can make pancakes and fruits after graduating from primary school in China can do and achieve.

Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

Here we will not discuss whether it is reliable to sell pancakes and fruits in the UK and make 1.8 million a year, but only to discuss whether it is reliable for a pair of university professors to go to the UK to sell pancakes and fruits. If you can make a fortune selling pancakes, why waste money and time studying?

Of course, there are also people who say that if you don't know English, you will be hindered from doing business abroad, but the language is not a problem at all, but your skill in making pancakes. Any migrant worker who works abroad can learn daily communication after staying in the UK for a long time.

Faced with this pair of former domestic university teachers, who are now reduced to selling pancakes and fruits on the streets of the UK, they still remember to mention their previous domestic occupation and identity, I believe that they are just making an excuse for the failure of their own business abroad.

Because they were afraid of making money in China, the professor and his wife resigned to sell pancakes in the UK, which is too strange

But it is worth affirming that in order to make a living, the couple can also lower their bodies and start a business from a small vendor, it is really reality that allows them to learn to survive in difficult situations. At the same time, it also sounded the alarm for many university teachers, it is not easy to start a business abroad, and not everyone can become a scientist.

In the end, the female boss herself said such a paragraph to summarize the couple's experience from going to college to becoming a university teacher, and any time to quit their jobs and go abroad to sell pancakes and fruits. "Studying is to make your life better, and going to university is just a process you have to go through in life, and it doesn't matter what you do," she said. ”

A netizen in Heilongjiang left a post message, which concisely summarized the couple's current situation: "Facing a fiasco in the elite class, looking for feelings at the bottom of society. They just escape from a circle that they can't fit into to another unfamiliar environment that they can't fit into.

What do you have to say about the professor couple who quit their jobs and went to the UK to sell pancakes, do you think they chose the current situation because of their sophistication or entrepreneurial failure? Welcome to leave a message.

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