
Did you read the book in vain? The university teacher and his wife resigned, and the annual income of selling pancakes in the UK was 1.8 million, and netizens questioned this?

author:There are few dragons


The college entrance examination has just passed, but the topic of the college entrance examination has not cooled down, and some of the candidates are ecstatic after checking their scores, even the people around them are also boiling, and the words of congratulations are endless.

Some were silent when they saw the score, and secretly hid in a no-man's corner and wept.

Really, a few joys and a few sorrows!

Indeed, isn't the effort of the ten-year cold window just for this moment?

It's just that a recent video of a Chinese couple who are university teachers selling pancakes in the UK has caused people to discuss and think about the meaning of reading.

Event Recap:


Recently, a netizen posted a video of a Chinese couple quitting their jobs to sell pancakes at the market next to King's College, Cambridge University, UK.

While chatting, the girl was surprised to learn that the couple's previous occupation turned out to be university teachers, and the male stall owner even studied for a postdoctoral degree.

Asked, is there any difference between buying pancakes and your previous occupation?

The female stall owner said: "There is no interpersonal relationship in selling pancakes, there is no need to engage in relationships between colleagues, and there is no need to contribute money, so easy and free!" ”

Did you read the book in vain? The university teacher and his wife resigned, and the annual income of selling pancakes in the UK was 1.8 million, and netizens questioned this?

The male stall owner is introverted, and he can't cope with many occasions.

The girl asked the female stall owner: Isn't it a pity to buy pancakes after studying for a master's degree or doctorate?

The female stall owner said: "Reading is to make your life better, and studying in college is a life experience, and it doesn't necessarily matter what you do in the future!" It's not that you have to pursue a career after studying. ”

Did you read the book in vain? The university teacher and his wife resigned, and the annual income of selling pancakes in the UK was 1.8 million, and netizens questioned this?

As for waste, the female stall owner even said that life has no meaning in the first place, just an experience process.

Did you read the book in vain? The university teacher and his wife resigned, and the annual income of selling pancakes in the UK was 1.8 million, and netizens questioned this?

The male stall owner said, there is no waste, because you have adapted to social life, and you are making valuable things, how can you say that it will be waste?

Regarding the advice for young people who are confused about the future, the female stall owner said: Slowly look for it in life, whether it is lying flat or walking violently, it is an experience.

She emphasized that life has no meaning and that life is an experience.

Looking at the values of the stall owner and his wife, I feel very transparent, and the views they say about reading and life are actually not new, but they can be bravely practiced.

But seeing that the female stall owner can answer questions fluently, it shows that she has also struggled countless times in her heart before she slowly convinced herself.

Looking at the comments of netizens, there are all kinds of doubtful voices.

Some people say that when they saw a college teacher couple, they suddenly felt that they were not fragrant with a score of 700 in the college entrance examination. Ten years of struggle is not as affordable as pancakes, so what's the point of reading so many books and spending so much money?

Of course, this couple is an example after all, why do you say that?

They can go to the UK, they can unconsciously use their English advantages in the pancake business, and those British customers go to communicate or something, which actually shows that reading is not useless.

Again, look at the expressions and eyes of this couple, you can feel that he and her hearts are a little lost.

Some people questioned: Maybe the couple didn't find a suitable job in the UK, so they used China's sophistication as an excuse. They may have found a way to survive selling pancakes after hitting a wall at every turn in the process of looking for a job. In other words, isn't there anyone in Britain who is sophisticated?

This question is not nonsense.

Because in the video, the girl asked: Now people who have studied for a master's degree and a doctorate are worried about reading to the end, afraid that reading is meaningless, so how to find what they love or are good at?

The female stall owner said: You have to keep hitting the wall!

Write to the end:

At this point, there are constant doubts about the couple, but this also gives us a lot of new revelations.

For example, for those students who failed the college entrance examination, studying in college is not necessarily the only way out!

Don't give up in the confusion, keep searching, run into walls everywhere, feel the process of life, whether it's selling pancakes or being a university teacher, you will eventually find your place.

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