
Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

author:Gu Sheng explained

Foreword: Now when it comes to Li Chen, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is his performance in Running Man or his all kinds of peachy news? Once upon a time, he was still an excellent actor, but now why is he reduced to being able to only mix in variety shows? Today, let's explore the story behind Li Chen.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Speaking of which, it is really a coincidence that Li Chen entered the showbiz. When he was 11 years old, he was playing in the park, when a crew member suddenly saw this handsome boy, and it happened that there was a lack of a child in their crew, so they asked Li Chen to go as a substitute.

At that time, he was relatively young, and Li Chen didn't even know what filming was. He only remembers that he will do whatever the director tells him to do, and in the process he only finds it very funny, saying things that do not match his identity. After the filming, the director praised him for his special aura and a good seedling for acting. These words made Li Chen fall into his heart, and since then he has thought that he must become an actor in the future.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Li Chen is definitely luckier than most actors, because he ushered in his first male lead drama when he was 17 years old. The 17-year-old Li Chen is still childish, and his image is like the kind of youthful and sunny boy described by the author of the novel. So he was selected to participate in "17-year-old Don't Cry" at that time.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

In Li Chen's own words: "At that time, I was still young, so I just brought myself into the role." Because he also plays a 17-year-old boy in the play, and the male protagonist's personality happens to be relatively young and lively like Li Chen, so Li Chen doesn't need to perform much at all.

Although this drama did not make Li Chen popular, it made many people in the industry recognize the acting skills of this young actor.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

After graduation, Li Chen has participated in many film and television dramas one after another, and gradually emerged in the entertainment industry.

As time passed, Li Chen gradually grew up, and his figure also changed dramatically. If Li Chen before the age of 20 belonged to the type of tall and thin young boy, then after the age of 20, he gradually became a "macho man". This has a lot to do with Li Chen's love of fitness, he will run to the gym whenever he has time, and sometimes he can even lift weights for two hours without rest.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Li Chen's burly figure quickly attracted the attention of many military drama directors, and he was naturally invited to join the crew. During that time, Li Chen participated in a series of military-themed works, such as "Soldier Assault", "Life and Death Line" and so on.

Li Chen's acting skills also reached their peak at this time, and he vividly interpreted the bravery and resourcefulness of officers and soldiers. For a time, he became one of the most acting students and won the favor of many directors. However, although these works are broadcast very well, there are not many bonuses for Li Chen himself. really responded to the sentence "Little Red relies on support, Big Red relies on life".

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

The turning point of things happened in 2014, when Li Chen's tough guy image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so he was selected by the running man crew and became a member of the brother group. At that time, the development of domestic variety shows was not fully mature, so there was no form of outdoor variety shows.

In 2014, "Run, Brother" was born, which instantly attracted the attention of the public. During that time, the theme song about Running Man was sung in the streets and alleys, and the finger pressure board game in Running Man also attracted imitation.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

The hit of Running Man made the members of the Brotherhood popular overnight and gained unprecedented attention.

Li Chen's competitive ability in the variety show shocked the audience, and he was also known as the "big black bull". Wherever there is a link to tear off a famous brand, the pair with Li Chen will have a better chance of winning. At that time, the running men were not as timid as they are now, they dared to play to an incredible extent, and they used up all their physical strength to tear a famous brand.

I still remember Li Chen's highlight moment, he actually tore off the name tags of the other party's five team members by himself. Everyone sighed, "I also want a friend like Li Chen"

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

In addition to Li Chen's tough guy image in the running man, the most unforgettable thing is his title of "Brother Stone". Li Chen's love experience can be described as quite rich, and two of these very rich love experiences are still talked about today. One is his love experience with Zhang Xinyu.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

The two met in 2012, and in the cooperation, they sparked a spark of love, so they fell in love quickly. Because Li Chen's parents divorced when he was a child, he was very eager to have an unforgettable relationship, and the two did not plan to hide it after falling in love, and soon officially announced their relationship on Weibo. Everyone expressed their blessings to the news of their love, because the two are a talented and beautiful couple. After the official announcement of their relationship, they frequently attended in public, as long as there is a camera, they will definitely be able to shoot them clasping their fingers, and the degree of affection can be described as very.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Once Zhang Xinyu received a gift from him, it was a heart-shaped stone, Zhang Xinyu was very happy and posted on Weibo. Unexpectedly, this Weibo involved a ridiculous farce, and Li Chen's ex-girlfriend also posted the stone that Li Chen gave her on the Internet, with the text: Big brother, are your stones wholesale? Li Chen also gained a new nickname "Brother Stone".

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Later, Li Chen broke up with Zhang Xinyu after becoming popular through running men, and at the same time, he quickly started a relationship with Fan Bingbing in the same crew. The two released an official announcement on Weibo in a very high-profile manner, and for a while, "we" became popular on the Internet, and became a sentence imitated by many netizens when they officially announced their relationship.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

How high-profile is Li Chen and Fan Bingbing's love? Li Chen has always been known as "marrying into a wealthy family", and two of Li Chen's three sentences in variety shows will not leave his girlfriend. The two frequently show affection in public, and Fan Bingbing once said that Li Chen was her last boyfriend. Li Chen did not hesitate to publicly bombard Zhang Xinyu for Fan Bingbing, he said that he hoped that Zhang Xinyu would stop targeting his girlfriend with a gun and a stick. At that time, there was a lot of praise on the Internet, and everyone thought that Li Chen was really a good man.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

"In the past, love was as deep as a sea oath, and now it is as good as it can be done", in 2018, Fan Bingbing suffered a tax crisis and was invisibly banned by the entertainment industry. Although Li Chen later posted a post to support her, there was a rift in the relationship between the two since then, and the two of them broke up the next year. Everyone accused Li Chen of being really cowardly, and he could kick his girlfriend away for the sake of profit when he needed him the most. Since then, Li Chen's reputation has been completely stinky, as an actor, he does not want to make progress, and in terms of character, he worships high and low.

Li Chen's counterattack: The victim of the traffic era or the rise of the acting school?

Looking back at Li Chen's experience, we can see that he became a variety show from a very talented new-generation actor, and finally disappeared in the entertainment industry.