
This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

author:Longnan Danchang released

Recently, on weekends, my teammates and I went to the supermarket to walk our baby

(It's too hot outside.)

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

Every time I pass by the drink area, the baby asks for yogurt.

Like this kind of nutritious, easy-to-absorb food, I usually carefully look at the ingredient list and pick out the best to buy for him.

But...... There are always exceptions

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

。 For example, yesterday, my teammates and the baby went to the supermarket and brought back a box of "suspicious" yogurt, and I took it to take a look.

Boy! The ingredient list is so long!

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

To tell the truth, this kind of may be good-looking, but it's so good that you can't stop drinking.

But after eating too much, let alone children, even adults who resist creation, their bodies may not be able to withstand it! It can even lead to premature death, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and more!

In order to prevent everyone from stepping on the pit, and for everyone's health, I decided to take a good look at the yogurt~

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!


Immediately stop eating this yogurt

Increased risk of cancer

To figure out what "ultra-processed yogurt" is, we first have to figure out what "ultra-processed food" is.

This concept is one of the classifications of food (NOVA system) at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Specifically, foods are divided into 4 categories according to the degree of processing and purpose in the production process.

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

Sources of information are available at [1]

Moreover, there are more and more studies that prove that ultra-processed foods can cause problems at worst and at worst.

- 2024.5.22 Harvard Medical School Publishes Results A 10% increase in ultra-processed food intake is associated with a 16% increased risk of cognitive impairment and an 8% increase in the risk of stroke.

- 2024 Research published in BMJ shows that ultra-processed foods can increase 32 health risks, such as:

· 18% increased risk of all-cause mortality;

· 50% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease-related deaths;

· The risk of anxiety and common mental disorders increased by 48% to 53%;

· 20% increased risk of depression;

- A 2023 study published in The Lancet showed that for every 260 grams per day increase in ultra-processed food intake, the risk of cancer and several cardiometabolic diseases increased by 9%.

So if we want to identify whether yogurt is "ultra-processed yogurt", do we have any easy ways to use it?

There really is, just look at the ingredient list.

If in addition to the necessary raw cow (sheep) milk/milk powder and probiotics, there are also a large number of sugars, thickeners, emulsifiers, such as cream, gelatin, agar, etc., and there are many types added, basically "ultra-processed yogurt" has not run away.

A simpler way is to buy less and eat less if the ingredient list is very long (usually there are more than 5 ingredients in the ingredient list) and there are many ingredients that you don't recognize. (This applies to many foods)

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

Left: Suspected of over-processing Right: Cleaner ingredient list

Source: Internet


How to choose good yogurt

To judge whether a yogurt is relatively healthy, you need to look at 4 key points:


Sharp-eyed to identify real and fake yogurt

There are too many common so-called "yogurts" on the market, but which one is real and which one is fake?

Let's take a look at the definition and requirements for yogurt in the national food standards.

【Tips】Considering that some flavored yogurt/fermented milk may have added sugar or other additives that are not conducive to children's health, it is not recommended to give it to children under 5 years old.

Fake yogurt, which looks like yogurt and has a name like yogurt.

In fact, it is no different from sugar water, not to mention no nutrition, it is easy to make adults and children obese, and it is easier for babies to have tooth decay, picky eating and other problems.

Identifying them is super easy:

Generally, on the outer packaging of yogurt, we will see the words directly, but there are also merchants who have a deeper routine, and they will use very small words to mark in a small corner of the bottle.

Anything that has such a marking,.

▽ These are not recommended for babies

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!


Look at the ingredient list

The simpler the better, and this is the basic dignity of yogurt.

Nothing else.

Tips: Some yogurts will add whey protein powder, don't think this is a bad additive, it is the "boutique" of protein, which is easier to absorb.

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!


Look at the nutrition facts list

✅ The minimum protein content should be ≥2.3g/100g; (In the case of similar carbohydrate content and other contents, the higher the protein content, the higher the nutritional value.)

✅ 脂肪含量最低要≥2.5g/100g

▽ Attached to the national food standard GB 19302-2010 yogurt content requirements

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!


Look at the sugar content

Everyone knows to eat less sugar.

To determine whether there is additional sugar added to yogurt, mainly look at the ingredient list.

But beware: the so-called sugar is not only sucrose and white sugar.

Some merchants will use the slogan of "0 sucrose" to secretly hide the sugar by changing the name, so you have to look carefully.

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

Seeing this, some sisters may say: "Yogurt is so difficult to choose, so I make it myself, it's always the best choice, right?" ”


Is homemade yogurt reliable?

Homemade yogurt is not necessarily better, and the main reason is that homemade yogurt is likely to be contaminated with bacteria.

Although the low pH value environment is not conducive to the growth of many harmful bacteria, a little mixed with miscellaneous bacteria will also be suppressed by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus thermophilus used in yogurt fermentation.

However, our kitchen is not as clean as other people's laboratories and aseptic workshops.

Even if the milk is boiled and all the utensils involved in the preparation of yogurt are sterilized in boiling water, it is easy to be contaminated by other bacteria during the operation.

Once you eat yogurt contaminated with bacteria, it is easy to vomit and diarrhea.

This kind of yogurt makes people more and more "stupid" the more they eat it, and many parents have bought it for their children!

Of course, if you want to make it at home, please do a good job of sterilization in advance, use regular strains to ferment, and use a temperature-controlled yogurt maker.

Having said all this, do you remember them all? Remember to [like] and [watching], and share it with more people who need it~


[1] Ultra-Processed Foods: How to Define and Identify? Clinical Nutrition and Health, China Health Management Association, 2024-03-04

[2] "The more this stuff in yogurt, the easier it is for cancer, stroke, and dementia to "find the door", I sincerely advise you to eat less! I am a big doctor, 2024-06-11

[3] Bhave VM, Oladele CR, Ament Z, et al. Associations Between Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Adverse Brain Health Outcomes. Neurology. 2024; 102(11):e209432. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000209432IF: 9.9 Q1

[4] Fang Z, Rossato SL, Hang D, et al. Association of ultra-processed food consumption with all cause and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study. BMJ. 2024; 385:e078476. Published 2024 May 8. doi:10.1136/bmj-2023-078476

[5] Samuthpongtorn C, Nguyen LH, Okereke OI, et al. Consumption of Ultraprocessed Food and Risk of Depression [published correction appears in JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Oct 2; 6(10):e2341346]. JAMA Netw Open. 2023; 6(9):e2334770. Published 2023 Sep 5

Disclaimer: This article was updated in 2024. The article only provides general medical information, health, medication, parenting and other aspects of popular science information, and cannot replace any personal medical diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions about medical treatment or medication.

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Source: Yugakuen

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