
Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

author:The boy said the classics
Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".
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Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

On the stage of comedy, Jia Bing was like a dazzling new star, shining brightly. His talent has been highly recognized by big names in the industry, Cheng Ye called him a "master" comedy artist, and Xu Zheng praised him as a "pure actor with no trace of sketches".

Even Guo Degang, the founder of Deyun Club, once proudly said that the "Jia Bing era" is coming. However, fate seems to have played a huge joke on the comedian.

Once upon a time, Jia Bing conquered the stage of the Spring Festival Gala single-handedly, won the crown in "Happy Comedian", and even won the championship in "Legend of Laughter". But who would have thought that such a leader in the comedy industry would now become the "king of bad movies".

From the darling of the comedy stage to the marginal figure in the film and television industry, Jia Bing's career trajectory has risen and fallen like a roller coaster.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

What exactly caused the fall of this comedic genius? Is it the depletion of talent, or is it a divergence of luck? Or was it all due to some choice of his own? Let's unveil the mystery of Jia Bing's sudden "not popular", and explore the reasons why this once beautiful comedian fell into a trough in just a few years.

Jia Bing's comedic talent seems to have emerged since childhood. He was born in a scholarly family in Shenyang, and his parents were teachers, and his father was a Chinese teacher.

In such a seemingly rigorous family environment, Jia Bing showed a unique naughty nature.

When he was a child, Jia Bing could be described as a "troublemaker" in the family. He always gets into trouble because he is naughty, and often faces punishment from his parents. However, even after a beating, he was able to quickly adjust his emotions and make the family laugh with his unique sense of humor.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

This kind of natural comedy cell made his parents love and annoy him, both helpless and deeply gratified.

In school, Jia Bing still maintains his naughty nature. He often gets into trouble and becomes a problem student for teachers. As you can imagine, his academic performance is naturally not much better.

Faced with such an unruly child, Jia Bing's parents finally made a seemingly harsh but life-changing decision - to send him to the army for training.

Who would have thought that this decision would become a turning point in Jia Bing's comedy career. In the artillery unit, Jia Bing's humorous talent was fully utilized. He used witty and interesting performances to add a lot of joy to the boring military life of his comrades-in-arms.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

And what really made him stand out was a condolence performance by the art troupe.

In this performance, Jia Bing, with his wit and humor, not only completed the performance task perfectly, but also made the audience laugh with his own jokes.

His performance caught the attention of the head of the art troupe, which eventually led to his opportunity to join the art troupe. In this way, a naughty "troublemaker" unexpectedly embarked on the road to the comedy stage.

After retiring, Jia Bing's comedy road was not all smooth sailing. He joined the Zhejiang Quyi Acrobatic Troupe, and with his outstanding performance talent, he was soon promoted to deputy head of the troupe.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

On the surface, this is an enviable position, but deep down, Jia Bing feels a little uneasy and confused.

In a high position, he no longer has to perform on stage in person, nor does he have to rack his brains to create a show. However, this comfortable life made him feel empty. He gradually realized that what he really longed for was not a stable position, but a comedy life that stood on the stage and brought joy and laughter to the audience.

With a love for comedy and a vision for the future, Jia Bing made an unexpected decision - to resign from the position of deputy head of the regiment and pursue his dream from scratch again.

He first participated in the program "Smiling Proud Jianghu", although it stopped at the beginning of the competition, but this defeat did not hit his confidence. Subsequently, he won the first place in "The Legend of Laughter" and his popularity increased greatly.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

Taking advantage of the victory, Jia Bing participated in "Happy Comedian" again. In this highly competitive arena, his talent is on full display. His performance not only won the love of the audience, but also attracted the attention of the Spring Festival Gala program team.

In this way, Jia Bing ushered in an important turning point in his career - appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In the 2017 Spring Festival Gala sketch "Learning to Drive", Jia Bing performed on the same stage with comedy veterans Cai Ming and Pan Changjiang. In the face of these two experienced seniors, Jia Bing had no stage fright.

His natural and smooth performance and unique sense of humor made him stand out on the stage that night and became a new face that the audience talked about.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

The success of this series made Jia Bing quickly become a new star in the comedy industry. His talent has been highly recognized by industry insiders, with Cheng Ye calling him a "master" comedy artist and Xu Zheng praising him as a "pure actor with no trace of sketches".

Even Guo Degang, the founder of Deyun Club, had high hopes for him, predicting that the "Jia Bing Era" was coming.

However, just as Jia Bing was standing at the peak of his career, his creative style quietly changed. Although this change is well-intentioned, it invisibly lays the groundwork for a trough in the future.

Jia Bing's comedy road seems to be facing new challenges.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

In the later stages of "Happy Comedian", Jia Bing's works began to present a new style - the narrative mode of "happy head and sad end". This transformation stems from his deep reflection on social realities, and he hopes to arouse people's attention to the lives of people at the grassroots through his works.

This shift in creative philosophy should have been praised, but it unexpectedly led to the loss of audiences.

Jia Bing's works began to focus on the plight of food delivery boys, couriers and other groups. However, with the development of the times, the living conditions of these groups have improved significantly.

Jia Bing's work, however, seems to be stuck in the past, failing to reflect these changes in time. For example, his food delivery boy is still in trouble, which is in stark contrast to the improvement of the treatment of couriers in reality.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

This kind of depiction that is detached from reality can hardly resonate with the audience.

At the same time, Jia Bing's performance style has also been questioned. Some netizens pointed out that his performance was too noisy, and his facial expressions were exaggerated, which made people feel tired. This kind of stage performance is even more out of place when it turns to film and television works.

The exaggerated expressions and body movements that can trigger laughter in the sketch are a bit abrupt on the movie screen.

On the other hand, the preferences of young audiences are also quietly changing. They crave pure joy rather than the emotional experience of "joy first and then sadness" in Jia Bing's works.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

This deviation of the creative concept gradually distanced Jia Bing from the audience.

Faced with this predicament, Jia Bing began to seek a breakthrough. He set his sights on the film and television industry, hoping to find new development space on the big screen. However, this cross-border road is full of unexpected thorns.

Jia Bing's film and television debut is "Embarrassing Mother" directed by comedy star Xu Zheng. This highly anticipated work was supposed to be a milestone in Jia Bing's transformation, but unfortunately it became the beginning of his fall into the trough.

After the film was released, Jia Bing's performance was criticized by many audiences and film critics. His exaggerated style, which originated from stage performances, seemed out of place on the big screen.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

The exaggerated expressions and body movements that are effective in the sketch are a little too exaggerated in the movie. This discomfort exposed Jia Bing's lack of preparation when transforming into a film and television actor.

However, this defeat does not seem to have stopped Jia Bing. In the following year, he starred in 8 works in succession, as if he wanted to make up for the lack of quality through quantity.

Unfortunately, this strategy didn't work. On the contrary, because of his frequent appearances in low-quality works, Jia Bing unfortunately won the title of "King of Bad Movies".

Compared with other comedians who have successfully transformed such as Jia Ling and Shen Teng, Jia Bing's transformation road seems hasty and hasty. When Jia Ling and Shen Teng entered the film industry, they both spent a lot of time carefully preparing and personally participating in the creation of scripts, striving to create high-quality works.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

And Jia Bing doesn't seem to have given himself enough time to prepare, nor has he worked his acting skills. This rush mentality eventually led to his successive failures in the film and television industry.

Jia Bing's experience tells us that there is an insurmountable gap between different fields. Even in the broad category of acting, there is an essential difference between stage performance and film and television performance.

On stage, actors need exaggerated expressions and movements to attract the audience; And in front of the camera, subtle changes in expression are often more impressive to the audience. Jia Bing did not fully realize this when he was transforming, and did not make corresponding adjustments to it, which is undoubtedly one of the important reasons why he fell into a trough.

Just when people thought that Jia Bing's acting career might be silent, an unexpected opportunity gave him the opportunity to prove himself again. This opportunity is the role of "Xu Jiang" in the hit drama "Hurricane".

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

When Jia Bing's acting career fell into a trough, the appearance of "Hurricane" was like a dawn, bringing him a turning point. It is rumored that when the director of "Hurricane" invited Jia Bing to star, he was actually a little hesitant.

After all, he has been presenting as a comedian for years, and it is undoubtedly a huge challenge to suddenly play a gangster boss.

However, Jia Bing finally accepted this challenge and created a very personal image of "Xu Jiang" in the play. This character has the ruthlessness that a gang boss should have, but also does not lose Jia Bing's usual sense of humor.

Especially in the scene where Bai Jiangbo buried his enemy alive, Jia Bing's performance made people shudder. He was able to change from a smile to a cold and heartless expression in an instant, showing an astonishing improvement in his acting skills.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

Jia Bing's performance in "Hurricane" not only won the love of young audiences, but also showed his breakthrough in theatrical performance. He contributed many impressive lines to the role of "Xu Jiang", such as "What grade are you, you dare to use the same TV with me?" And "It's useless to mourn, let others mourn too!" These lines have become the new buzzword by circulating online.

Although compared with senior actors such as Zhang Songwen and Zhang Yi, Jia Bing's acting skills may still have room for improvement, but his performance in "Hurricane" is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

This success has brought hope for Jia Bing to return to the top of the film and television industry.

Looking forward to the future, if Jia Bing can continue to hone his acting skills and reasonably choose the roles that suit him, I believe it is entirely possible for him to find a balance between comedy and drama like Shen Teng and Yue Yunpeng, and win the love of the audience again.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? In fact, all this is to blame for his own "doing".

The successful performance in "Hurricane" may be just the beginning of a new chapter in Jia Bing's acting career.

From the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the "King of Bad Movies", and then to the amazing performance in "Hurricane", Jia Bing's acting career is full of ups and downs. This experience tells us that in the acting career, maintaining the original intention, continuous learning and the courage to challenge are the keys to long-term prosperity.

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