
Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

author:Nickelodeon Institute
Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done
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Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

In 2018, a sentence of praise from comedy master Guo Degang was like a lightning bolt, instantly lighting up Jia Bing's comedy stardom. "The era of comedy belonging to Jia Bing has come!" This sentence is like a prophecy, giving Jia Bing's career wings to take off.

In the following years, Jia Bing was like a rising star, frequently appearing on major comedy stages. His talent was on full display and won bursts of applause from the audience.

On the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Jia Bing performed on the same stage with comedy giants such as Cai Ming and Pan Changjiang, as if he was already a new generation of comedy kings.

However, fate always likes to play a joke on people. Just when everyone thought that Jia Bing would go all the way, his career suddenly encountered an unexpected turn.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Negative comments such as "making money" and "making bad movies" are pouring in like a tide, and the once highly sought-after comedy star has become the target of public criticism in the blink of an eye.

What caused Jia Bing to fall from the clouds? Let's take a look back at his career and uncover the answer to this puzzle.

Jia Bing's comedy road originated from an unknown military career. In his childhood, he was naughty and naughty, which broke his parents' hearts. In order to hone their son's character, the parents made a difficult decision - to send Jia Bing to the barracks.

When the train carrying Jia Bing slowly left the platform, the figure of his mother chasing him with tears was deeply imprinted in his heart and became the motivation for his future efforts.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Jia Bing, who had just entered the barracks, was assigned to an artillery company. In this harsh environment and monotonous life, his talent for humor was unexpectedly put to good use.

In addition to boring training, Jia Bing can always amuse his comrades with witty and humorous words, adding a touch of joy to the serious military camp life. His head is an inexhaustible treasure trove of jokes, triggering a burst of laughter every time he speaks.

Jia Bing's acting talent quickly attracted the attention of the troop leaders. During a condolence performance, his comrades-in-arms and leaders encouraged him to perform on stage. With apprehension, Jia Bing took out his carefully prepared sketch and stood on the stage.

His performance is like a series of jewels, with endless burdens and a steady stream of jokes, making the audience laugh and laugh. Since then, Jia Bing's name has begun to spread in and around the barracks.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

The eight-year military career not only exercised Jia Bing's will, but also laid a solid foundation for his comedy career. With his talent and diligence, Jia Bing's military career went smoothly, and he was promoted to deputy regiment commander at the age of 35, and his future is bright.

However, standing at the crossroads of his career, Jia Bing's heart ignited a desire for the stage. Although the people around him advised him to be an officer with peace of mind, Jia Bing made a surprising choice - to resign from the military and chase his stage dream.

This decision took the people around him by surprise. But for Jia Bing, the call of the comedy stage is far more attractive than a stable military career. With the life experience accumulated in the military camp and the tenacious character honed, Jia Bing resolutely embarked on the journey of chasing his dreams.

He believes that the comedy flowers that bloom in the barracks will eventually bloom on a broader stage.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

In 2016, Jia Bing, who took off his military uniform, resolutely stepped on the stage of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" with full enthusiasm and desire for the stage. Despite his lack of experience, his unique style of humor and the life experience accumulated during his military career make his performances exude a unique charm.

The audience and judges were attracted by his talent, and even the respected judge Song Dandan was full of praise for him. Although he ended up in the semifinals, this experience gave Jia Bing a taste of sweetness and strengthened his determination to continue chasing his dreams.

Jia Bing, who was unwilling to stop there, soon participated in another variety show "Legend of Laughter". This time, his hard work finally paid off. With his superb performance and unique sense of humor, Jia Bing passed all the way and finally won the championship.

This award is like a golden key, opening the door to a broader stage for him.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Since then, Jia Bing's name has begun to appear frequently on major comedy stages. His acting style is unique, combining the life experience accumulated from his military career with an innate sense of humor.

Whether it's an improvisation or a well-prepared show, Jia Bing can always elicit resonance and laughter from the audience. His success lies not only in making the audience laugh, but also in making the audience feel the temperature of life in laughter.

With the increase in popularity, various comedy awards have come one after another. Jia Bing's career is like a wild horse that has escaped from the reins, running forward at a rapid pace. When he finally stood on the stage of the coveted CCTV Spring Festival Gala and performed on the same stage with comedy giants such as Cai Ming and Pan Changjiang, Jia Bing felt as if he was standing at the peak of the comedy industry.

On this much-anticipated stage, Jia Bing lived up to expectations and handed over an amazing answer sheet. His performance is not only flawless, but also surpasses the two respected old-timers in momentum.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

This is undoubtedly the most glorious moment in Jia Bing's acting career, and it also makes people full of expectations for his future.

However, just when everyone thought that Jia Bing would go all the way, his career suffered an unexpected setback. Jia Bing, who was standing in the spotlight, didn't know what kind of challenges would await him next.

Although the road to comedy has given him a taste of success, it is also about to bring him unprecedented tests.

Standing at the peak of his comedy career, Jia Bing's eyes set his sights on a broader world - the film and television industry. With a vision for the big screen, he resolutely decided to cross over to the film field.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

However, reality has given him a blow in the face, and this road of exploration is far more difficult than he imagined.

Jia Bing, who lacks experience in film and television performance, seems a little powerless on the big screen. Although he has won many important roles due to his popularity, his performance has not fully won the recognition of the audience.

One movie after another, which was labeled as a "bad movie", caused Jia Bing's screen dream to suffer a serious setback.

In order to salvage his reputation, Jia Bing tried to work with a number of comedians. Among them, he co-starred with comedy master Zeng Zhiwei in "The Legend of Zhu Bajie", which had high expectations, but still failed to escape the criticism of the audience.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Although some movies have achieved some results at the box office, the audience still has a lot of complaints about Jia Bing's screen performance. Many people felt that his performance was "like a fish in the throat" and difficult to accept.

2021 has become a turning point in Jia Bing's career. This year, he starred in eight film and television works in one go, hoping to win by quantity. However, it backfired, and almost all of these works were criticized by netizens after they were released.

Jia Bing seems to have fallen into some kind of "curse", the quality of the scripts he received was uneven, coupled with his still jerky screen performance, the final effect was far lower than expected.

In the movie "Fake God of Wealth", the role played by Jia Bing aroused strong doubts from the audience. In the play, his character does not immediately call the police when he is kidnapped, but waits for the male protagonist to come to the rescue.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Such a plot design made many viewers shout "I can't understand", and it also cast a shadow on Jia Bing's acting skills.

Faced with a series of failures, Jia Bing began to reflect on his choices. He realized that being successful on screen was far more complicated than on stage. Although stage performances and film and television performances have similarities, there are also essential differences.

How to adjust his performance style and how to choose a role that suits him has become a difficult problem in front of Jia Bing.

However, he has already embarked on this path, but he is not willing to give up easily. In confusion and persistence, Jia Bing continued his film and television exploration. He believes that as long as he continues to learn and adjust, he will one day be able to shine on the big screen.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

But in the process, he still needs to face more challenges and doubts.

While encountering setbacks in the field of film and television, Jia Bing is also facing new challenges on the sketch stage. His proud performance style began to be questioned by the audience.

Since becoming famous, Jia Bing's sketches have been known for being "sensational". This style was already evident when he competed in The Happy Comedian, and many of his works ended with a strong emotional catharsis.

With the appearance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, this performance method has become more and more prominent. At first, the audience was moved by Jia Bing's sincere emotions, and many even cried for it. However, over time, this overly sensational performance began to leave the audience feeling aesthetic fatigue.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

What is even more unacceptable is that some of Jia Bing's works seem to be sensationalistic for the sake of sensationalism, the plot twists seem stiff, and even a lot of didactic content is forcibly inserted in the sketches.

Maybe Jia Bing thinks that this can enhance the depth of the work, but the audience doesn't buy it. Most people watch skits for fun, not for education.

Another controversy was Jia Bing's overly boisterous performance. During performances, he would often suddenly let out high-pitched shouts. While this approach sometimes grabs the audience's attention, more often than not, the boisterous presentation is out of step with the storyline and leaves many viewers feeling obtrusive.

As time went on, there were more and more voices of skepticism. Jia Bing, who was once very popular, is now facing changes in the audience's tastes and aesthetic improvements. The style of performance that he is proud of is becoming a stumbling block in his career.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Faced with this predicament, Jia Bing began to realize that he needed to change. However, changing an already established performance style is not an easy task. How to maintain his own characteristics while meeting the audience's rising expectations has become a difficult problem in front of Jia Bing.

In this process, Jia Bing needs to re-examine his creative concept. He needs to think about how to find a balance between sensationalism and humor, how to express a deep theme without losing the lightness and joy of comedy.

At the same time, he also needs to learn to control the rhythm of his performances and avoid overly noisy performances that affect the audience's perception.

It was undoubtedly a difficult process, but it was also an opportunity for Jia Bing to redefine his artistic style. Only by overcoming these challenges will he be able to regain the affection of his audience and continue to shine on the comedy stage.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Faced with the trough of his career, Jia Bing did not choose to give up. Instead, he began to actively seek breakthroughs, trying to adjust his acting style. This effort paid off on the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala on February 8, 2024.

At this high-profile party, Jia Bing, together with Yu Yang and Li Zongheng, brought the sketch "Traveling with Dad". As soon as this work was unveiled, it won warm applause from the audience.

The exquisite script and Jia Bing's wonderful performance brought the atmosphere to a climax. Many netizens have said that this is Jia Bing's most outstanding performance in recent years, and he can be called the best among all the sketches of the Liaoning Spring Festival Gala.

This successful attempt undoubtedly gave Jia Bing great encouragement. It proves that as long as he is willing to change and progress, Jia Bing still has the ability to create excellent works and win the love of the audience again.

Why is Jia Bing suddenly not "popular"? It's not surprising to look at what he's done

Although Jia Bing's acting career has experienced peaks and valleys, his love for the stage has never changed. This persistence and love is the driving force for him to continue to break through himself.

We have reason to believe that after deep reflection and adjustment, Jia Bing will bring more wonderful works to the audience in the future and re-establish his position in the comedy industry.

Jia Bing's story tells us that in the acting industry, it is equally important to maintain the original intention and keep innovating. Only in this way can we always maintain our charm and competitiveness in the ever-changing entertainment industry.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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