
Shocked by three views! Can't let it go any longer! Hu Xijin: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is not a big deal!


Dongfang selection anchor "Mountains and Rivers Broken" incident: Hu Pan washed the floor, and Hu Xijin vaguely qualitative


Recently, an incident called "Oriental Selection Anchor 'Mountains and Rivers Broken'" has caused widespread heated discussions on the Internet. It is understood that the cause of this incident was that an anchor who participated in the Oriental selection used the metaphor of "broken mountains and rivers" in the live broadcast, and this metaphor was considered to be a harm to the country, so it also aroused the dissatisfaction and condemnation of many netizens. In this incident, not only did some netizens question the anchor's remarks, but also the statements of some public figures also attracted everyone's attention, including Hu Zhipan and Hu Xijin.

First, the beginning and end of the incident

1. The anchor uses the metaphor of "broken mountains and rivers".

It is understood that the cause of this incident was that an anchor who participated in the Oriental selection used the metaphor of "broken mountains and rivers" in the live broadcast, and this metaphor was considered to be a harm to the country, so it also aroused the dissatisfaction and condemnation of many netizens. No matter what kind of occasion you use or what kind of metaphor you use, you need to be cautious, especially in public, and you need to be more responsible for your own speech, and this anchor's remarks obviously did not do this, so it was also condemned by many netizens.

Shocked by three views! Can't let it go any longer! Hu Xijin: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is not a big deal!

2. Hu made shocking remarks

In this incident, Hu Zhipan's statement also attracted everyone's attention, he said in an interview that he was very shocked by the incident, thinking that there was nothing wrong with the anchor's analogy, but that others had misinterpreted it, so he also washed the anchor. And Hu Lappan's statement also aroused the dissatisfaction of many netizens, and everyone pointed out that Hu Lappan's remarks are conniving at mistakes, which is extremely irresponsible and will also have a certain negative impact on society.

3. Hu Xijin's vague characterization

In addition to Hu Zhipan, Hu Xijin's statement also caused heated discussions, he said in an interview that he did not know the specific circumstances of this incident, nor did he know what kind of motives netizens questioned it, so he did not make a clear characterization of it. As for Hu Xijin's statement, it has also aroused questions from many netizens, and everyone has pointed out that as a public figure, Hu Xijin's remarks have a certain guiding role in public opinion, so he should be more cautious in the face of such an incident, and the vague characterization will only make the public have more speculation and speculation about it.

Shocked by three views! Can't let it go any longer! Hu Xijin: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is not a big deal!

Second, the problem behind the incident

Through the understanding of this incident, it is not difficult for us to find that no matter what kind of occasion, no matter who is facing a similar incident, they need to be responsible for their own remarks, because the influence of remarks is huge, and a careless word is likely to cause a storm and cause some harm to others.

In this incident, whether it is the anchor or Hu Zhipan and Hu Xijin, their remarks have a certain influence, so in the face of such an incident, they need to be more cautious and seriously guess the meaning behind their remarks, and how such remarks will affect society.

Shocked by three views! Can't let it go any longer! Hu Xijin: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is not a big deal!

Through this incident, we can also see how public figures should deal with their own mistakes when they are faced with them, and they should have the courage to admit and correct them, rather than forcibly quibble, because this will only make others question and distrust themselves, and will also bring more pressure on themselves to public opinion.

3. How to view similar incidents

In the current era of information explosion, the influence of public opinion is very huge, a small thing is likely to be infinitely amplified on the Internet, and it will also cause heated discussions and discussions among many netizens, so in the face of similar incidents, we all need to maintain a rational mind, do not blindly believe in some irresponsible remarks, and do not arbitrarily speculate and speculate on others.

We also need to have a certain tolerance and understanding of the remarks of public figures, because everyone has the possibility of making mistakes, and it is important to be able to admit and correct them, rather than dwelling on them repeatedly.

This is not to excuse the erroneous remarks of public figures, but I just hope that in the face of such incidents, we can look at others with a tolerant heart, and we can also take due responsibility for our own remarks, so as to avoid unnecessary harm to society and others.

Shocked by three views! Can't let it go any longer! Hu Xijin: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is not a big deal!


Through this incident of "Oriental Selection Anchor 'Mountains and Rivers Broken'", we can see that no matter what kind of occasion it is, no matter who it is, we need to be cautious when facing our own remarks, because the influence of remarks is huge, and it will also have a certain impact on others.

When we face the mistakes of others, we also need to look at them with a tolerant heart and give others the opportunity to correct their mistakes, because such tolerance and understanding are important guarantees for building a harmonious society.

I also hope that in the future life, whether in words or behaviors, we can take responsibility for our words and behaviors, and we can also have the courage to admit and correct our mistakes, so that the society can be full of positive energy and make our lives better.

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