
Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

author:Institute of Major Events

Something suddenly happened to the Russian Ministry of Defense? Their beauty "money bags" ran away? Having previously done the position of former deputy minister of defense of Russia. However, this can run out, and the Russian security services have an idle meal?

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

Shoigu "money bags" defected

According to the exclusive revelations of the foreign media "Tsar", the former deputy minister of defense of Russia, Tatiana Shevtsova, has quietly arrived in France, which immediately attracted widespread attention from the international community.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

General Tatiana Shevtsova, the "Iron Lady" who has served in the Russian Ministry of Defense for nearly 14 years, has gone through the change of three defense ministers, Serdyukov, Shoigu and Belousov, and can be called the "anchor of the sea" of the Russian Ministry of Defense. As Russia's only female defense minister, she has been in charge of the financial work of the million-dollar Russian army for more than ten years, and with accurate calculations and outstanding talents, she has saved the country a lot of money, and has been given a high honor - the rank of general. At one time, she was hailed as the highest-ranking woman in the world and became the pride of the Russian military.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

However, just in the middle of last month, the "Iron Lady" suddenly lost her position. No one expected that after only half a month, she would make such an amazing decision - to defect to NATO. This news undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the Russian government and shocked the international community. Whether Russia will take the action of "chasing and killing for thousands of miles" has become the focus of people's attention.

Shevtsova was born in 1969 to a soldier father, which laid the foundation for her later career in the military. Shevtsova, who has been sensitive to numbers since childhood, showed extraordinary talent in the army. She completed the largest task at the minimum cost and became a "money-saver" in the Russian military circles.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

Shevtsova has a long career in the Russian government and has been working at the Russian Federal Tax Service since 1991. In 2004, she was promoted to the position of Deputy Head of the Russian Tax Service. At that time, her boss was none other than Serdyukov. When Serdyukov was promoted to Russian defense minister, Shevtsova also smoothly entered the Russian Ministry of Defense and took up the post of deputy defense minister, in charge of military finance and other work. Her career has been smooth sailing.

However, in 2012, after Serdyukov was dismissed for corruption, Shevtsova also intended to resign at one point. But in Shoigu's absence, she continued to hold the post of deputy defense minister. However, not so long ago, Shevtsova and three other deputy defense ministers were dismissed by Putin on the same day on suspicion of corruption. Shevtsova's defection may be related to this corruption case.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

Shevtsova took away important secrets and lived in luxury

According to an in-depth report by Tsarburg, Shevtsova was staggering in her high office, turning huge amounts of ill-gotten gains into unimaginable luxury.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

In Russia, although the salaries of officials have been made public, Shevtsova's wealth is far from being covered by an annual salary of 12 million rubles (about 1 million yuan). According to sources familiar with Russia, she not only owns a number of luxury houses and luxury cars in Russia, such as the luxury villa worth 2 billion rubles (about 170 million yuan) on the banks of the Moscow River, and several top-level apartments with a total price of up to 170 million rubles (about 14.42 million yuan), but also she and her husband's car is two Mercedes-Benz cars worth a lot of money, each of which is a million-level luxury car.

What's even more shocking is that her wealth is much more than that. In France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain, there are also properties and homes in her name, which can be found all over the world like her empire. Although she has always maintained a low-key posture, Forbes magazine has long included her in the list of Russia's richest people, and her wealth and influence have long been self-evident.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

From riverside mansions on the banks of the Moscow River, to luxury apartments in the heart of St. Petersburg, to tranquil villas in Pargolovo, every place is a symbol of her power and greed. And in the hidden corners of Italy and France, she hides secret properties and a large number of hidden deposits, as if her tentacles have spread all over the world, everywhere. No wonder "Tsarburg" joked in the report that she only needs to carry a small bag when she leaves, because her home has long been spread all over the world.

However, although Shevtsova was carrying a small bag, she also carried a hard drive containing a large number of classified Russian documents and digital currency. I believe that these things are also her votes and life charms to Western NATO countries!

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

The problem of corruption among senior military officials has always been a major problem of the Russian army. At the sensitive moment when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is escalating, President Putin has chosen to crack down on corruption with unprecedented determination and intensity, starting with Shoigu and his henchmen. This is not only to remove the cancer within the army, but also to show the world the determination and action of the Russian government to fight corruption. Shevtsova's escape is undoubtedly paying the price for her corruption, and she may only spend the rest of her life in prison. And all this is her own repercussion, and she is to blame.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

Putin ordered the KGB to target the killings

For Shevtsova, defecting to France does not mean that she will be at large. As we all know, Russian President Vladimir Putin hates traitors the most, and once it is confirmed that Shevtsova has defected to the West, the iron fist of the Russian Security Service will mercilessly smash her and vow to wipe her out of the world. Because, the secrets that Shevtsova has are enough to shake the foundation of Russia's national defense.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

During her ten years as Russia's deputy defense minister, Shevtsova can be said to have a thorough understanding of the Russian army's equipment procurement, foreign aid, and expenditure details. What's more, she is also well aware of the core secrets of the Russian army's capital investment, equipment use, and research and development funds for advanced weapons in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Once these secrets are leaked, it will undoubtedly be a catastrophic blow for Russia.

Looking back last year, the Russian pilot Kuzminov, who was bought by Ukraine, fled to Ukraine in a Mi-8 helicopter, but finally ended up being shot several times and collapsed in the garage of a small Spanish town. In that incident, the attackers were so professional in their methods and swift in their actions that one could not help but think of the shadow of Russian intelligence agencies.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

Now, the news of Shevtsova's defection is like a bombshell, causing an uproar on the international stage. This not only exposes Russia's internal security risks, but also severely tests Putin's trust system. At the same time, it also provides an opportunity for Western forces to smear China. In this regard, we must remain vigilant and vigilant to prevent any unexpected incidents from happening.

Shoigu "money bags" defected, took away important secrets, Putin ordered, and the KGB targeted them

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