
Concentrate on preventing illegal fund-raising and guarding the people's "money bags"

author:Tech Financial Times

June 2024 is the 12th National Awareness Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising. In order to conscientiously implement the 2024 Publicity Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising, the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration actively organized and mobilized to earnestly do a good job in the publicity and education of the Publicity Month, requiring all sub-bureaus to actively explore ideas and measures for doing a good job in publicity work under the new situation, and guiding industry associations to carry out targeted publicity and education activities for member units and the public, so as to set off an upsurge of financial publicity and education on the prevention and control of illegal fundraising.

With the theme of "Keeping the Money Bag and Protecting the Happy Home", the banking and insurance institutions focused on the areas with a high incidence of illegal fundraising cases such as pension, investment and financing, agriculture-related, market retail, and cultural tourism, strengthened publicity and risk early warning tips, and enhanced the public's awareness and ability to prevent illegal fundraising through all-round and multi-angle publicity and education activities, and guided the masses to consciously stay away from illegal fundraising.

The "financial classroom" around you

In order to further enhance the pertinence and penetration of the propaganda and education work, under the deployment of the Wenzhou Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, various banking and insurance institutions in Wenzhou have entered rural areas, communities, schools, enterprises, and business circles to expand the coverage of financial education in depth. During the period, various institutions took the opportunity of the financial literacy campaign, combined with the characteristics of regional risks, and relied on grassroots resources to promote the establishment and improvement of a normalized and standardized voluntary publicity mechanism.

Since June, Bank of China Wenzhou Branch has attached great importance to this activity, formulated specific activity plans within its jurisdiction, actively carried out multi-form and all-round financial knowledge publicity activities, and made concerted efforts online and offline to ensure full participation of employees and full coverage of outlets. During the event, the bank actively produced easy-to-understand propaganda and education works on "preventing illegal fundraising" and organized employees to forward them online. At the same time, all employees have completed the 2024 special training and examination on preventing illegal fundraising.

On June 13, Bank of China Yueqing Sub-branch participated in the "Keep the Money Bag, Protect the Happy Home" campaign sponsored by the Yueqing Financial Work Service Center and the Chengnan Sub-district Office to prevent illegal fund-raising. At the event site, through the establishment of consultation desks, hanging banners, leaflets, brochures and other publicity materials, the relevant policies and laws and regulations of illegal fundraising, the main criminal methods of illegal fundraising, and the prevention essentials were publicized to the masses. Through real case explanations, the staff of Bank of China let the public have a more intuitive understanding of the harm of illegal fundraising, and further improve their awareness and ability of self-prevention.

Concentrate on preventing illegal fund-raising and guarding the people's "money bags"

Bank of China Yueqing Sub-branch participated in the "Keep the Money Bag, Protect the Happy Home" to prevent illegal fund-raising and concentrated publicity activities.

On June 15, Bank of China Longwan Sub-branch participated in the 2024 Publicity Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising held at Longwan Wanda Plaza. At the event site, the staff of the bank actively explained and publicized to the general public by setting up banners, consultation desks, distributing publicity materials and other ways, and listed typical cases of illegal fund-raising traps, beware of pension fraud, financial risk prevention, etc., in-depth popularization of relevant laws, regulations and policies, encouraging the masses to report and expose illegal fund-raising and other illegal financial activities, guiding the masses to consciously resist illegal fund-raising behavior, and enhancing risk prevention awareness.

The sub-branches under the jurisdiction of Bank of China Wenzhou Branch also took the initiative to go into the community to carry out publicity activities on the theme of preventing illegal fundraising. For example, the Li'ao sub-branch carried out special publicity in the anti-money laundering education base, introduced the main characteristics, common methods and how to prevent illegal fund-raising to overseas Chinese customers, and introduced the typical cases that have occurred in recent years, so as to enhance their awareness of risk prevention, and at the same time cooperate with Li'ao Street to set up stalls in the Li'ao community. Employees of the Business Department of Bank of China Wenzhou Branch used the Dongou community to carry out illegal fundraising publicity, and with the help of brochures, posters, banners and other materials, employees preached the knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising with the elderly in the community face-to-face; Bank of China Tangchuan Sub-branch walked into Tangxia Jincheng Square to carry out the theme publicity activity of "Guarding the Money Bag and Protecting the Happy Home" to prevent illegal fundraising...... Through financial education and explanation, the masses understand that "self-enjoyment" at the same time, but also "bear their own risks", put an end to blind and impulsive investment, help the masses identify and stay away from illegal financial activities, cover their "money bags", and jointly maintain financial security and stability.

Playing a "serial move" to prevent non-propaganda

With the rapid development of the Internet, while the majority of financial consumers enjoy convenience, many people have fallen into the trap of financial fraud or illegal fundraising. The Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision attaches great importance to the protection of consumer rights and interests, takes the opportunity of financial literacy education to strengthen the empowerment of science and technology, and improves consumers' financial risk prevention capabilities through "online + offline" joint communication, so as to effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Bank of Wenzhou Cangnan Sub-branch and Cangnan County Financial Center set up a publicity point in the luggage market square of Qianku Town to explain to the public financial knowledge such as illegal fundraising, telecommunication network fraud, credit investigation, etc., improve the public's risk prevention and identification capabilities, and help build a safe and harmonious financial environment; The publicity team of Shaoxing Branch walked into the rural area of Shangyu Dingzhai and introduced typical cases of illegal fundraising to the villagers in simple terms, helping the elderly to improve their awareness of prevention and find suitable pension financial products; The publicity team of Quzhou Branch of Bank of Wenzhou went to Quzhou Electric Power Park to carry out financial education, explained the occurrence, manifestations and common methods of illegal fund-raising and other economic crimes involving the public to the enterprises in the park, and analyzed how to identify risks and prevent illegal fund-raising in combination with the surrounding cases, so as to improve the awareness of self-protection and risk prevention of enterprises...... In the 12th National Publicity Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising, the branches of Bank of Wenzhou launched the "Ten Thousand Miles of Popularization of Financial Knowledge" publicity campaign, creating a strong publicity atmosphere for preventing illegal fundraising by entering communities, schools, villages, enterprises, business circles and other forms, weaving a dense "propaganda network", building a "firewall", and protecting the people's money bags.

Concentrate on preventing illegal fund-raising and guarding the people's "money bags"

The propaganda team of Quzhou Kecheng Branch of Bank of Wenzhou went into the enterprise to publicize the knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising.

In recent years, Bank of Wenzhou has actively responded to the call and continued to sink financial services, and various institutions under its jurisdiction have continuously extended the tentacles of financial education, sent financial knowledge to thousands of households, and benefited more people to keep their "money bags". For example, the Ningbo Yuyao Branch, Yinzhou Branch, Zhoushan Branch and other publicity teams of the Bank of Wenzhou went to Yaojia Village, Gaotangdao Township, Xiangshan County, Huangsha Village and other villages to carry out financial education, explain to the villagers the common methods of telecommunication fraud, RMB anti-counterfeiting features and other financial knowledge, and broadcast well-made "Guarding Pension Money" anti-fraud propaganda videos and other measures to help "silver-haired" customers be vigilant and avoid being deceived.

In addition to "sending out" financial knowledge, all branches of Bank of Wenzhou also combine the advantages of outlets and halls to "welcome customers in" in the form of LED publicity, hanging banners, distributing promotional leaflets, and inviting customers to carry out salon lectures. Under the guidance of the local regulatory authorities, Bank of Wenzhou actively explored the propaganda and education model, opened an online class of "Xiao Hi Talks about Consumer Protection", carried out financial live broadcast publicity in combination with the current social hot topics, and popularized financial knowledge to the public through high-quality and easy-to-spread WeChat long pictures, short videos and other carriers. The bank also actively responded to the 4th National Anti-Illegal Fundraising Knowledge Quiz Contest organized by China Banking and Insurance Media, which not only encouraged internal employees to participate in the quiz through online participation on mobile phones, but also actively promoted it to customers and the surrounding people, and participated in the activities together, so as to enhance the public's awareness and ability to prevent illegal fundraising in an all-round way, and everyone strives to be a "non-expert in preventing illegal fundraising".

Focus on key groups of people to promote and push

The Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration has guided all institutions under its jurisdiction to strengthen risk early warning reminders for new types of illegal fundraising activities, focusing on areas such as pension and agriculture, and further enhance the awareness and ability of financial consumers to prevent them.

On June 13, China Merchants Bank Wenzhou Tangxia Branch walked into the Nanhe Cultural Auditorium to promote the knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising to the local elderly. During the publicity activities, the staff of China Merchants Bank explained to the elderly face-to-face in dialect what is the main characteristics and typical cases of illegal fundraising and telecommunication network fraud through the distribution of leaflets and on-site explanations, so as to guide the elderly to consciously stay away from illegal fundraising. On the second day, China Merchants Bank Longgang Sub-branch and Longgang Economic Development Bureau went to the Xiayang Zheng Cultural Auditorium to carry out a publicity campaign to prevent illegal fundraising, helping villagers, especially the elderly, to improve their awareness of risk prevention, learn to identify telecommunication network fraud and illegal fund-raising routines, and guard their own "money bags".

With the theme of "Keeping the Money Bag and Protecting the Happy Home", China Merchants Bank Wenzhou Branch has carried out wide-coverage, multi-level and down-to-earth publicity activities to enhance the public's awareness and ability to prevent illegal fundraising, and cultivate a good social atmosphere for the whole people to prevent illegal fundraising and actively reject illegal fundraising.

Concentrate on preventing illegal fund-raising and guarding the people's "money bags"

Focusing on the theme of "Guarding the Money Bag and Protecting the Happy Home", China Merchants Bank Wenzhou Branch carried out a variety of publicity activities to prevent illegal fundraising.

During the Publicity Month for the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising, China Merchants Bank Wenzhou Branch took its outlets as the main propaganda front and gave full play to the role of business outlets as "outpost fortresses". The dynamic LED screen is used to scroll the warning slogans, and the publicity materials are placed in the one-square-meter public education and publicity area of the branch to create a publicity atmosphere. The lobby staff distributed leaflets to customers who came to the hall to handle business, gave one-on-one publicity and explanation to customers on the characteristics and cases of illegal fundraising, and answered the questions raised on the spot, so that anti-non-African education can be seen everywhere and create an immersive publicity atmosphere.

The staff of China Merchants Bank Wenzhou Branch also walked out of the hall, combined with the characteristics of the outlets, combined the prevention of illegal fundraising publicity with business promotion, customer service, and financial knowledge activities, and went deep into enterprises, schools, business districts, communities and other scenes to carry out anti-illegal lectures and publicity activities, focusing on key target groups, strengthening education and warnings in a targeted manner, and enhancing publicity penetration. Enter the enterprise, take advantage of the opportunity of door-to-door outreach service, preach the knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising to the employees of the enterprise, and closely follow the hot issues of social concern to remind the risks; Entering the campus, Guoding Sub-branch walked into Wenzhou University, distributed publicity materials, on-site explanations, consultation and interaction for teachers and students, popularized the relevant cases and harms of illegal fundraising, and expanded the publicity and influence of illegal fundraising; In the community, with the help of the Dragon Boat Festival and other time nodes, the Longgang sub-branch carried out the promotion of recent high-incidence fraud cases through the zongzi competition, and guided key groups to consciously stay away from illegal financial activities; Entering the business district, Yueqing sub-branch walked into Nanhong Square to carry out publicity to pedestrians and shopping mall staff, guiding everyone to recognize the trap of illegal fundraising, stay away from "guaranteed capital and high returns", and protect their "money bags".

Reporter Xu Huimin, correspondent Xu Mengqian, Ou Xuefang, Huang Yandan, Chen Yiyi

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