
Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

author:Mr. Shishu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware


Everyone has a life, and wealth is in the sky!

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

She is the "100 billion daughter-in-law" in the mouth of the outside world, and she has become a "top wealthy family" with her actress status, becoming the wife of Li Jiacheng, a billionaire worth 100 billion, and enjoying a wedding worth hundreds of millions.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

And she is Xu Ziqi, who was only 24 years old when she won the favor of the rich, gave birth to 4 sons, and stabilized her throne as a "wealthy wife".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

However, some people speculate that the reason why Xu Ziqi has such a "splashing wealth" is because of the operation of his parents behind the scenes.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Is there something else hidden in this? Is this relationship true love or is it intentional?

A "match made in heaven"?

One is an actress with both beauty and talent, and the other is the "broad second generation" who dominates Hong Kong's wealthy business district.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

In 2006, Xu Ziqi and Li Jiacheng held a grand wedding, this "sense of ceremony" that cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and its luxury made everyone ashamed, that is, that year, Xu Ziqi became the "chosen daughter" in the mouth of outsiders.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

At the age when others have just graduated, when they are still confused about the future, and when they are still worried about their graduation work, she is already worth the "top rich".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

I have to say that the rich really "leave no room" in spending money, and the "wedding of the century" that year can be said to be a vivid interpretation of luxury.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

At that time, Lee Shau-kee was worth being called "the richest man in Hong Kong", and his connections were so extensive, whether it was in Hong Kong or the mainland, he had friends, of course, this was also his unknown pride in confidence.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

But this made Xu Ziqi a little embarrassed, because she grew up in Australia, and her relatives and friends were naturally far apart, so if she wanted to attend the wedding, she would have to travel a lot.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

In order to avoid such embarrassment, the old man Lee Shau Kee directly waved his hand and set the wedding scene in Sydney, and used planes to pick up and drop off guests, this kind of treatment is probably only seen by ordinary people in movies.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

And these are just hors d'oeuvres, in addition, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the guests are all funded by the Li family, and the hotel alone costs five million.

treats relatives so generously, it will definitely not treat his daughter-in-law badly.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

The bride Xu Ziqi spent 1.15 million yuan on the wedding dress and evening dress alone, and every look at the wedding was created by the top team in the industry.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Even more expensive is the diamond jewelry on the bride's body, which is said to not retain its value, but what girl would refuse a diamond as big as a "pigeon's egg".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

As for the venue, it must also be the largest and most luxurious Sydney National Theatre, and those who can hold weddings here are definitely either rich or expensive, which shows both identity and status.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

In the envious eyes of everyone, the couple stepped into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

But with the spread of the news that Xu Ziqi "married into a wealthy family", people were envious and at the same time, they also revealed his mother's "amazing plan".

For a rainy day

Xu Ziqi was born in Hong Kong in 1982, but followed his parents to Australia during his childhood.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

He didn't return to Hong Kong until middle school, and his parents were considered middle-class in Hong Kong, and although his mother was the female owner of a "cleaning company", she was not at all "rich".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

So Xu's mother came up with the idea of "mothers are more expensive than daughters", and when Xu Ziqi was very young, she began to plan her life for her.

The ultimate goal is to allow her to marry into a "wealthy family" and enjoy the life of a "superior person".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

In order to be able to develop in this direction, Xu Ziqi has been cultivated as a "lady show" since she was a child, from body management to skin management.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Under such a strict training, she was caught by a scout at a glance when she was still a minor and became a "model".

Not only that, in order not to let her daughter just be a "vase", she also spent a lot of money to send her to the University of London in the United Kingdom for further study, and successfully graduated from economics with a master's degree.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Under the cultivation of her mother, Xu Ziqi can be described as "all-round development", in addition to her outstanding academic qualifications, she is also quite accomplished in art, from dance to musical instruments, which makes her temperament unique to a certain extent.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

It is worth mentioning that even if her daughter received the resources of the movie, she repeatedly emphasized that the scale should not be too large.

From the perspective of outsiders, Xu Ziqi is a "perfect woman" with both talent and beauty, but in fact, her feelings cannot be decided by herself.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

When she was 19 years old, Xu Ziqi met Sammo Hung's son Hong Tianming because of the movie "The Wrong Child", and the two who were also young soon fell in love.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

But due to the "scandal storm" in the entertainment industry, even if the two were taken intimate photos by the paparazzi, they failed to confirm their relationship.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

It wasn't until Li Jiacheng's appearance that the mother showed a satisfied smile.

Female Beauty

During his study in the UK, Xu Ziqi met Li Jiacheng, who was also in the UK, and the relationship between the two was rapid and warm.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Even if the relationship between the two aroused suspicion, the two were secretive and had no plans to make an official announcement, until the intimate photos of the two at the beach were exposed, Xu Ziqi came forward to admit it.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

The strange thing is that when the news reached Hong Kong, Lee Shau-kee, who was the father-in-law, was extremely excited, not only agreeing to this family business, but also urging the two to get married as soon as possible.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Why is it strange? That's because being in a wealthy family is as deep as the sea, and it is not as simple as imagined, there are too many stars who want to marry into a wealthy family, and it is difficult to survive if there is no real material.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Some people think that Lee Shau-kee fell in love with his daughter-in-law's "Wangfu Xiang", although there is some superstition, but those rich people are longed for by everyone.

When it comes to superstition, Xu Ziqi's father is even more outrageous.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Someone broke the news that her father had studied the art of feng shui, and in order to make his daughter a "wealthy wife", he even moved his ancestral grave to modify the fate of the family.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Although this statement is a bit "ethereal", it is undeniable that Xu Ziqi did marry into a "top wealthy family".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

And after getting married, within eight years, she gave birth to four children for the Li family, and every time she gave birth, she chose to give birth in the form of caesarean section, undoubtedly gambling with her life.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

And the outside world has mixed opinions about her childbirth, some people envy her for being the mother of four children, and some people feel that such a fertility speed is different from the "machine".

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

But no matter what, her ending is happy, maybe the choice of marrying a wealthy family is a little unrecognized, but it is not her responsibility for herself.


Life is up to you, and you don't need to care about what others think about how you choose.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

In fact, from another point of view, in the process of pursuing a wealthy family, Xu Ziqi is also constantly improving her ability and improving herself in all aspects, I believe that if there is no Li Jiacheng, her future will not be bad.

Xu Ziqi, the daughter of the chosen one: was counted in the mother's womb, and did not hesitate to move the ancestral grave in order to marry the father of a wealthy family?

Therefore, for girls, how to choose their husbands is not the most important, in the final analysis, it is to perfect themselves, and they can also plan a blue sky for themselves.


Baidu Encyclopedia: Xu Ziqi, Lee Shau-kee

Sina Entertainment: "Xu Ziqi's fourth child gave birth to a son, Li Shauji sent 10,000 yuan red envelopes" Release time: 2015.10.06 "Xu Ziqi disclosed the life of "100 billion less milk" for the first time after marriage" Release time: 2008.5.10

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