
Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

author:Mr. Shishu
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware


How terrible it is to offend Zhao Benshan at his peak!

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

"When you enter Shanhaiguan, you will find Zhao Benshan if you have something", this kind uncle who was born in the land of black soil once helped Jackie Chan settle things and saved Andy Lau, known as "the first brother in the Northeast".

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Benshan can be described as "calling for wind and rain" in the Northeast, and there will be people to treat him to dinner wherever he goes.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

However, there is such a person, at the peak of Zhao Benshan, because he said the wrong sentence and provoked Zhao Benshan and CCTV to argue.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

He was also forced to resign from CCTV, and suddenly retired at the peak of his career, and jumped from a "phoenix" to a "pheasant", he is the "CCTV celebrity" - Zou Dejiang.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

So, what did Zou Dejiang say? What is happening to him now at the age of 58?

Shook the "Siberian Tiger"

Speaking of the characters of the Spring Festival Gala sketches, I think most people will vote for Zhao Benshan, as a resident guest of the Spring Festival Gala, he can be said to have brought us a lot of joy and laughter.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And Zhao Benshan has also become the most trustworthy character in everyone's hearts with his own sketches, and there is such a well-known saying in the Northeast "When you enter Shanhaiguan, you will find Zhao Benshan if you have something".

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Even, at the peak of Zhao Benshan, he went out with four bodyguards for personal protection, and in addition, he didn't have to pay to eat in the three northeastern provinces, I'm afraid Zhao Benshan was the only one.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

At that time, Zhao Benshan could be said to be a powerful figure in the entertainment industry, and even the famous director, Feng Xiaogang, was "fanned" by him in person.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

At the Hundred Flowers Award in 2010, Feng Xiaogang presented the award to Zhao Benshan, but the award speech blurted out had another deep meaning, and Zhao Benshan was not used to him at that time.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

After Zhao Benshan came to power, he directly gave Feng Xiaogang a slap, although this slap was very light, but it could be regarded as disgrace to Feng Xiaogang.

is such a popular figure, but because of a sentence and the CCTV host, what is this sentence? What kind of contradiction did the CCTV host have with Zhao Benshan?

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Let's turn the time to 2004, because sketches and the like were more popular, CCTV also held the first CCTV comedy sketch contest at that time, and many talented performers also came at that time.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And the host of the show is Zou Dejiang, Zou Dejiang can be said to be the first brother of CCTV at that time, his hosting style is humorous and funny, and he is deeply loved by everyone.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Zhao Benshan, the king of sketches, was also a judge teacher at that time, and when he saw that Zhao Benshan was a judge at that time, Zhao Benshan's apprentices naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

But when it was Zhao Benshan's apprentice Zhang Xiaofei and his wife to perform, an accident occurred, and the two of them were obviously performing a two-person turn.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

But on the way to the performance, the two of them made many indecent and vulgar actions on the stage, not only the makeup on their faces was very strange, but also the clothes they wore were also very indecent, and even exposed their chests and backs.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

This is nothing if it is placed in ordinary times, but you must know that this is the stage of CCTV, CCTV, as a hall of elegance, also represents the face of the country, and these vulgar scenes must not appear.

So Zou Dejiang, who is the host of CCTV, immediately stepped forward to stop it, and euphemistically said to Zhang Xiaofei and his wife on the stage, "Today's weather is relatively cold, and the director cares about the health of the two, so he asked me to remind the two of them to wear good clothes."

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

However, the two of them didn't seem to be able to hear the host's hints, and their frivolous performances were still continuing on stage, and the director who was backstage at this time couldn't see it, so he notified Zou Dejiang to drive the two people on the stage directly.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

At this time, Zou Dejiang was also in a dilemma, if he followed the director's instructions, he would inevitably offend Zhao Benshan.

But if he doesn't follow the director's instructions, it will be difficult for him to keep his job, so in order not to offend both sides, he thought of a way at this time.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

He first went on stage to interrupt the performance of the two people, and then invited Zhao Ben from the audience to come up and say a few words, and Zhao Benshan was already angry at that time, and he didn't appreciate Zou Dejiang's love at all.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Before that, he was very dissatisfied with Zou Dejiang because he had been interrupting Zhang Xiaofei and his wife's performance, and now he directly drove the two out of the stage.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

After Zhao Benshan came to the stage, he vented his dissatisfaction, he said that his apprentices did not commit any principled problems, and should wait for them to finish the performance before giving their opinions anyway, instead of disrespecting the performers like this.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Since then, the beam of the two people has also been completely concluded.

Becoming a "soup chicken"

It stands to reason that the performances on CCTV programs have been reviewed at various levels, and the performances of Zhang Xiaofei and his wife were also recognized by CCTV before they came on stage.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

From this point of view, what Zhao Benshan said is not unreasonable, after all, everyone knows that this is CCTV, but since the CCTV staff have reviewed it, it naturally means that there is no problem with Zhang Xiaofei and his wife's performance.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Since there is no problem, why did the host interrupt again and again?

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

In Zhao Benshan's view, this is a naked slap in the face, and Zou Dejiang himself is also speechless, and his kind reminder did not expect to become a knife that ruined his career.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

At that time, the solution he thought of was already the best solution, not to mention that it was the leader's arrangement, and he couldn't help but listen to the tie's arrangement.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

It is reported that the director at that time also talked about this matter to Zhao Benshan, but he had a very tough attitude, and even when he talked about it later, he bluntly said that he did not regret it.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

He said that the group of students he led at that time were very talented, and he hoped that through the CCTV program, they could display their ambitions and win awards.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And CCTV's approach made him very angry, and just after this incident, Zou Dejiang also resigned from CCTV, and Zou Dejiang, who had a bright future, has plummeted since then.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

At that time, he had hosted many ace programs such as "Quyi Miscellaneous", and he could be the pillar of CCTV at that time, but soon after, he was replaced by a newcomer, which is difficult not to suspect that he lost his job because he offended Zhao Benshan.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

After Zou Dejiang resigned from CCTV, he did not participate in the work of any other TV station or platform, and in order to make a living, he often played small roles in some TV dramas.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

He once filmed a TV series called "Shengshui Lakeside", but because the crew cooperated with Zhao Benshan in the later stage, his role was also deleted a lot.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

The once beautiful characters became "soup chickens" overnight, and a good hand of cards was played badly because of a sentence.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

This incident also made countless people feel sorry and puzzled, he was obviously a good host, but he was suppressed by Zhao Benshan because of a sentence, after all, he was just a middleman, and he had no capital to resist.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And CCTV seems to be looking at Zhao Benshan's fame, and also chose to "abandon the army and become the commander" and abandon Zou Dejiang, if he is still on CCTV, according to the development at that time, it is estimated that it will not lose the existence of Zhu Jun now.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

However, "fate plays tricks", Zou Dejiang's fate allows us to see a sad and absurd reality, from a generation of celebrities in the spotlight to a quiet little person, I don't know if Zou Dejiang will regret his original words?

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofei, under the leadership of his master Zhao Benshan, can be regarded as a mixed wind and water, not only participated in many TV series such as "Liu Laogen" and "Country Love", but now also serves as the deputy head of Liaoning folk art, and the future can be said to be very good.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And now 58-year-old Zou Dejiang can only play some small roles to make a living, and now he will also share his life on the online platform, and he seems to be in a very good state.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?


"Realize the past without admonishment, and know that the future can be traced".

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

Looking back at Zou Dejiang's experience, although he has some talent, he is jealous of talent, and he has also ruined a good future because of his words, which is embarrassing.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And now he is also over the age of six, although the scenery is not limited, but from the videos he usually shares, we can also see that his face is full of joy and smiles.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

And gradually played a lot of small roles, and we also look forward to him bringing us more excellent works.

Just because he "offended" Zhao Benshan and lost the position of the first brother of CCTV, what happened to the 58-year-old Zou Dehui?

So, what do you think of Zou Dejiang in front of the screen? Write your answer in the comments section!


1. Former CCTV host Zou Dejiang Han appeared, his shirt was wrinkled into a rag and he looked down, and he had a disagreement with Zhao Benshan. Maoyan Entertainment【Quote date: 2020-07-24】

2. "Sanquan Creek Warm" Zhang Maiquan is vivid actor Zou Dejiang: This is a colorful character. The Paper【Quote date:2022-06-05】

3. "Liu Laogen 3" is on! "Medicine box" Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan will cooperate again ten years later. Beijing News.2019-05-07 [Cited 2019-10-23]

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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